- The Little Pirate Of The Nore. A Serio Comic Burlesque Sketch ... Harmonized & Arranged By Vincent Davies -- natastro, Thu, Mar 20 2014, 12:39:35
>>> The Little Pirate Of The Nore. A Serio Comic Burlesque Sketch ... Harmonized & Arranged By Vincent Davies <<<
The Little Pirate Of The Nore. A Serio Comic Burlesque Sketch ... Harmonized & Arranged By Vincent Davies
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How To Make And Tune Wind Chimes, Tuning Formula Revealed, Details For Assembling Windchimes.
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*And they talked...* -- Morten, Mon, Nov 05 2001, 22:15:15
*It was already dark outside, and Morten and Alicia decided it's time to leave*
Morten: Well, we'll be going... we'll make sure to come back again sometime!
Marax: All right, goodbye!
Miara: take care of yourself!
Emily: ...
*once outside Guldtosia, Morten speaks*
Morten: Ready?
Alicia: Yes!
*They hold each other's hand*
Morten: Teleport!
*They disappear, and reappear to the entry of Calador*
Morten: There! And I owe it all to the Tanyoran guildmaster...
Alicia: Ooh... I'm still not used to it, but I will eventually with time!
Morten: Those with no magical powers are prone to spellsickness...
Alicia: Enough... let's go home!
*Alicia drag Morten by the arm a little bit but Morten follows her after*
Narrator: And now they all enjoy a peaceful life... maybe except for some who still are troubled...
Gregor: What? Me? Not at all! In my present or my past, Calador is my home!
Samuel: ~desperate tone~ IS THERE ANY WAY FOR ME TO GET BACK HOME?????
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- *growls lowly* -- TempestXtreme, Mon, Nov 05 2001, 13:41:57
*and starts to riot, holding up a sign that says: "Start the next story already!!!"*
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- Huh??! -- Marax, Miara and Emily, Fri, Oct 26 2001, 14:46:20
OOC: It's TRIVADIA! Guldtosia is the capitol city!!!
Marax: Well, I've retired from the Trivadian Knights and Emily's joined them.
Morten: How is Emily?
Voice: I'm fine!
*Emily walks into the room and smiles. She's wearing a beautiful red dress that shows off her figure perfectly... She frowns and looks at Alicia*
Emily: I'm not a slut.
Alicia: ....?!!?
Morten: Emily's a mind reader. What were you thinking?
Emily: She was thinking that I looked like a slut in this dress. AND YOU STOP THINKING THAT MORTEN!!
*Alicia notices the look on his face and slaps him*
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- Let's make the fun last longer... epilogue, part 1! -- ??????, Wed, Oct 24 2001, 11:18:41
*About a couple months have passed since the heroes parted to enjoy their newfound peace... meanwhile, two people, a man and a woman have just entered the kingdom of Guldtosia, into the city*
Man: Let's see... all right! That's the house where he lives!
Woman: Are you sure?
Man: Of course. Leave it all to me!
*He knocks, and after a few seconds, another man opens the door*
Man 2: Yes, what is it?
Man: Hey Marax! Been a while!
Marax: What? Is it you Morten?
Morten: Right! I have come to see you!
Marax: You've changed... And who's the beautiful woman with you?
Morten: This is Alicia, my fiancee.
Alicia: Nice to meet you.
Marax: Anyway, come in, you're welcome!
*They come in, and after a few moments, they all are reunited in the dining room, and served a cup of tea*
Marax: Oh yeah, let me introduce you to Miara, my beloved wife!
Morten: The pleasure is mine.
Miara: So you are Morten, Marax told me about you...
*Miara sits next to Marax and the conversation begins*
Marax: So, what has happened since we last met?
Morten: Well, as you can see, Alicia and me fell in love with each other...
*Morten and Alicia look into each other's eyes, and smile sweetly. Then Morten resumes*
Morten: And aobut Gregor, well I found out he is my descendant! To be exact, the 27th descendant...
Marax: My God! He must come really far from the future!
Morten: Yes, and he hasn't found a way to get back to his time yet. But we'll find one someday for sure! Leon has left Calador, he decided to travel and see the world... a convenient way to use his 50,000 Gold reward from King Krintar!
Marax: For this kind of things, that much money will really be helpful!
Morten: Yep... also, the restoration of the city and the castle have begun, and even the citizens are offering their help! They sure are thankful for the liberation of Calador! It will be back to its former glory in no time!
Marax: That's good news! I'm relieved to hear that!
Morten: How about you? And the others? I'd like to hear about it!
OOC: Tempest, your turn!
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- Hey all! -- Draco312, Tue, Oct 23 2001, 8:58:14
No stories lately? BTW, is it possible that the info stays in the topic, it looks a bit messy, but of course, that's MY opinion.. *sigh* I still think ITW is good... why DID they close?
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- a Morten-ish ending! -- Morten, Fri, Oct 12 2001, 18:00:51
*The ceremony came fast, and only Morten, Gregor and Leon were there. Krintar was a little disappointed, but he knew what they have been through and understood perfectly... then the ceremony started, with Krintar telling the entire story of Sarmento dimension, and how it came to be what it was before DarkSin's actions*
Gregor: ~whispers to Morten~ I know the entire story already... I have read history books in my time...
*Then the crown was brought, and finally, Krintar was to wear it for the first time. A great moment of emotion! Prince Krintar has now become King Krintar!*
Krintar: And since Sarmento dimension is gone, a new era has started upon this Kingdom... and a new name shall be given to it! From now on it shall be named... The Kingdom of Calador!
Everyone: HURRAH!
Krintar: Finally, I want to thank all of you for this marvelous ceremony! And reward the heroes that saved the day!
*Morten, Gregor and Leon each receive 50,000 gold pieces*
Krintar: We have given up the old currency and converted it into the main one of this world, gold pieces!
Morten: Thank you, your majesty!
Gregor: That's a generous reward!
Leon: This will help me for my travels!
Morten & Gregor: huh?
Leon: I have sworn to myself that the day DarkSin would be dead, I would leave and travel around Earth, to get to know the world Morten has known too...
Krintar: If that's so, then farewell!
Leon: I will come back someday! And I hope by then that the kingdom will be a beautiful one!
Krintar: Of course! We must rebuild our kingdom and restore the kingdom to his former glory!
Leon: I will get ready now... if you'll excuse me... ~leaves~
*Morten lowers his head looking depressed*
Gregor: What's wrong, Holy one? Err, I mean-
Morten: "Holy one" will do... I was just thinking about my friends... I already miss them!
Gregor: I know... friendship is a wonderful thing... I, too, have many friends back in my time, and they are precious to me! You should never forget about them...
Morten: thanks Gregor! I hope you find a way to return to your time soon!
Gregor: I hope so too...
(Morten has finally become a hero, and his name, along with the names of his friends are immortalized forever in history!)
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OOC: But... I was expecting another chapter... I have many ideas... --
Moonshade Warrior, Fri, Oct 12 2001, 15:21:52
Chapter 5... David and Palethorn... we can't forget him! The story can't end so soon! There's still a long way, don't you think? Reconsider about it!
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- This is the end, the end of a story! -- Marax, Emily, Miara and Samuel, Fri, Oct 12 2001, 13:11:01
*Marax is in Tanyoran, and guess who's here? Miara of course!*
Miara: Marax!! You're back!
Marax: Miara! What are you doing in Tanyoran?
Miara: Looking for you!
Marax: Why?
Miara: Umm...I'm pregnant...
Marax: That's wonderful! Is it a boy or a girl?
Miara: I'm not sure, it's too early to tell.
Marax: Oh, all right.
Emily: Timberwolf!!
Timberwolf: Emily!!!
*They hug and kiss and look at each other lovingly*
Timberwolf: Emily, will you marry me?
Emily: *is stunned* O-of course!!
Samuel: How the heck do I get back to Nosgoth? THIS WORLD IS DRIVING ME MAD!!!
OOC: There ya go, my characters' endings! Marax marries Miara, they have two sons (Samuel Neocene/Tempest and Eden [remember him? He's the dragon slayer that Eric killed]). Emily marries Timberwolf, but then Emily disappears, only to reapear years later on Braxus, where she runs into Zero again.
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- Oh man... More furute nonsense... -- David and Joe, Fri, Oct 12 2001, 12:48:51
Joe: I need to get back to the future. Things are obviously going nuts there. See ya, David. It's been real.
David: G-bye!
(Joe opens up a portal and leaves the past for good. On the way through it...)
Voice: Pardon me.
Joe: What the...! Oh, it's just you.
Darkside: I should be more concerned then that if I were you. After all, I do not usually grant actual trips to the past under ANY circumstance.
Joe: Yeah, yeah. I know, I know.
Darkside: If I let people do that all the time, someone might get the temptation to change the past and alter the future.
Joe: But anyone you've ever spoken to wouldn't even THINK of doing that. It would be crazy.
Darkside: Then we understand each other...
(Darkside's presence fades away as Joe returns to his own time.)
(David returns to Sarmento...and senses a familiar presence.)
David: But it couldn't be...could it?
Voice: It could.
(From the shadows of an alley, Raziel appears!)
Raziel: I think you've been away long enough. The others are waiting...
David: Yeah, I guess...
Raziel: Understand, David, that you do not belong in this world. Its influences would eventually get you killed.
David: What? How?
Raziel: The same way as the vampires of this world. The magic made them totally insane. And for that, the dragons killed them. Would you share in that fate?
David: No...you're right.
Raziel: Then come... Nosgoth needs you and and others like you in order to survive. Kain's legacy must be diminished!
David: Right!
(A portal from the netherworld opens and admits them both. What ever became of David, who disappeared as quickly as he came? That...is written in the future.)
OOC: I decided that these guys should go now because I think this particular story with the character we've been using is over. I suggest you all write an ending and prepare some ideas for a new campaign. This was a great story for starters.
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- Oh for the love of!! -- Christine and Tempest, Fri, Oct 12 2001, 8:00:19
*David and Joe's attention is brought to another fight in the area...one between Tempest and his sister! Christine is busy running from her obviously pissed-off brother, and Tempest can be heard yelling profanities*
*Joe and David stop him just as he passes by*
Joe: Tempest! What are you doing here?
Joe: Who?
Tempest: ...My future daughter. Christine tried to kill her when we got back!
Joe: ...Interesting family you have.
Tempest: ...That woman is not my sister.
David: Huh? What do you mean?
Tempest: I never HAD a sister! That...thing was messing with my head!! I'M GONNA KILL HER!!!
Joe: Whoa! Calm down!
*But Tempest isn't even listening, he and Christine have started to fight again! Tempest has gone to full power, but Christine is still giving him a run for his money! Finally, they break off and Tempest charges up his Ameratsu Kah-meha-meha beam! The white beam hits Christine in the chest, and goes straight through her!! The sheer force of the attack sends her flying back at least twenty feet, and Tempest just stares at her body...and leaves*
Joe: Whoa...I don't think I've ever seen him THAT angry before!
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- Guess who's back? -- David and Joe, Thu, Oct 11 2001, 16:05:17
(David is outside, admiring the Trivadian area...and hunting. He's always on the prowl, letting his intincts take over. He's in a forest [Not the Evil Dead one.] It is there that he hears a sound... A sound like no other. A dimension or two gets ripped apart to allow Joe Hockner to appear!)
Joe: David, is that you?
David: Errrr....
(He changes back into a human form.)
David: Yeah, it's me. What's up? What've you been doing.
Joe: I made sure that Moebius is done for, permenently.
David: Alright! No more screw-ups in time! I'd had enough of him and Kain. So what are you doing back here?
Joe: I just thought I'd look around and see if I can find anyon- anything interesting.
David: What are you REALLY up to?
(But Joe is not listening. He's suddenly focused on a point not too far away, where a battle has just broken out.)
Joe: No way...
David: What?
Joe: Look! It's happening all over again!
(The two fighters are Massacre and...Remy!. Massacre has the upperhand with ease. Almost by instinct, Joe tries to launch himself into battle, but David stops him.)
David: You can't fight him now, Joe! If you do, you'll mess up time!
Joe: But...
David: You told me once about Massacre. If you try to destroy him, you might trigger one of his Changes. Then he'll be way too powerful for anyone in this era! Evil would win the war! Massacre would be the supreme ruler of everything!
Joe: DAMMIT!!!
(With all that David had said, Joe realized that he was totally helpless against Massacre's evil AGAIN. Every time I try to take him down, something always stops me! Joe collapses to the ground as the far-out battle escalates into space.)
David: You knew her?
Joe: ...Yeah.... In my time, she's alive, but has had to endure the worst torment ever conceived. I would do anything to relieve her of that pain, even change the course of time...
David: Any worse than your own experiences?
Joe: Maybe... C'mon, let's go...
(They walk towards the nearest town, which happens to be Sarmento.)
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- The Holy One -- Gregor, Wed, Oct 10 2001, 19:56:48
Gregor sat down, he looked at Morten and sighed a deep sigh....
Gregor: That attack...The one we performed on Darksin?? How did I come to know it, I have never seen it anywhere before...
The warrior looks up at Morten then down at his crest (OOC: ppl should remeber the first post I wrote about the rose and the blood...read that to refresh if you dont)
Gregor: Heh, I should not get ahead of myself, I will answer your question first Holy o..err...Morten. This is the reason why you are the holy one.
Gregor points to his crest, the rose with a single drop of blood coming from the pettle.
Morten: I'm not following you...
Gregor: You see, I don't know if I should be telling you this...You see, 3 or 4 years from now you will face an enemy like no other. The books from my time are sketchy at best, but they say that the creature lurks in nothingness and brings eternal night wherever it roams. Thats all I know. But from the night there will rise a small pocket of hope...You will create an order...
Gregor again looks at the crest...
Gregor: The Order of the Undying Rose...You gather a handful of elite warriors and wizards to aid you in your fight...you have a son...which in turn gives birth to another son who again gives birth to a son...These "decendents" of yours lead the order when they came of age...The sword was passed down to each leader. I think I'm the....27th...I do have a son left back in my time and when....
Gregor remembered the sword....
Gregor: How am I surpposed to give my son the sword now that im here??
Morten: So my family tree will consist of mainly sons...strange....Oh the sword...don't worry Gregor, we will do our best to return you to your time.
Gregor: I thank thee...
Morten: So what about this monster??
Gregor: As I said, I only know it is pure evil....
Morten: You are holding back on me...tell me EVERYTHING...
Gregor pauses for a second then begins to speak again knowing that Morten could read him like a book...
Gregor: You die along with the creature, a final attack that sends you and the creature into the abyss...
Morten slumped down into the chair...
Morten: That can't be true....I won't allow it to be true...
Gregor: I'll leave you for abit Morten...I'm sorry I had to be the bearer of bad news...But I have vowed to stay with you until that time comes and fight with you until the bitter end...For you are the holy one...and also...Family..
Gregor leaves the room and Morten is all alone to recollect his thoughts.....
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- Time to get to the point with Gregor... -- Morten, Tue, Oct 09 2001, 12:31:09
Morten: I must know... how he cmae here, and who he is really...
*Morten leaves his room and reaches Gregor's. He knocks on the door*
Gregor: Who is it?
Morten: It's me, Morten!
Gregor: Come in!
*Morten enters*
Gregor: I knew you'd remember about our conversation
Morten: I have already begun to make a connection... but I still need enlightenment... and I intend to discover it...
*Morten takes out his sword*
Morten: Take out yours too...
*Gregor takes out his sword too. when they get close, they glow and react to each other*
Morten: No doubt, they are identical! In fact, this is the same sword!
Gregor: ...
Morten: When I first saw you, I immediately felt like I have already saw you... you have those eyes... you just seem like me... but you're not!
Gregor: ...
Morten: How did you get that sword?
Gregor: a family treasure... passed down from generations...
Morten: That's it! I know this sword is a unique weapon, and the fact of you wielding the same one... you have come from the future... and you are... my... descendant?
Gregor: You sure about it?
Morten: There is no other explanation! The sword you have is the first proof! You said it was passed down from generations, this is another! And your eyes... a fimily trait, as they look like mine! That makes three! You are definitely my descendant!
Gregor: You figured it out... I know you were worthy to be called "The Holy one"...
Morten: "The Holy one"?
(OOC: Well, that's all I can think of... I'll let Gregor tell Morten what it means... cause I'm not sure to know myself!)
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- OOC: Wait! We're not in Trivadia! --
Moonshade Warrior, Mon, Oct 08 2001, 14:45:08
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- ^-^ -- The Trivadians, Mon, Oct 08 2001, 13:37:27
Emily: We're home!
Marax: It's good to be back! I'm goin' dragon hunting!
Everybody else: O.O
Marax: What?
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- Sarmento crumbling -- Morten, Sun, Oct 07 2001, 17:49:39
Leader: I guess DarkSin didn't only cast a curse of Eternal Night! He also cast one that will destroy Sarmento upon his death!
Morten: This is the end!!!
*All the characters lose consciousness. After a while, they wake up in the rebels base infirmary*
Nurse: Good! You're awake!
Morten: Ohh... what happened?
Nurse: Well, there has been an Earthquake, and then some rebel guards found you outside, unconscious...
Morten: Where are the others?
Nurse: They're already better, in the meeting room, waiting for you!
Morten: Then I better get going!
*Morten gets up and hurries to the meeting room, with the nurse following. Everyone is there, and Prince Krintar too. He sits down*
Krintar: They told me everything. DarkSin is now dead, and the curse has been broken... but something else happened, the dimension crumbled!
Morten: Yes... what has become of the city?
Krintar: It's safe... we seem to have ended up somewhere we don't know... Miss Emily flew up to see if there was anything in the horizon, and she saw a town. Then, we have sent a reconnaissance team to find out where we are... they might come back any minute now!
Leader: Everyone has already left the base to wait for the team to come back... we are the only ones still inside... we should join them outside!
Krintar: Agreed, let's go!
*They all leave the base and join the others to the edge of town*
Krintar: Miss Emily, could you fly up and look if the team is coming back?
Emily: Sure, but just call me Emily...
*Emily flies up high and looks in the distance. Then seh gets back down and lands*
Krintar: Then?
Emily: They are almost there!
Krintar: We just have to wait a few minutes...
*After a few minutes , the reconnaissance team reaches the city*
Krintar: So, where are we?
Team leader: They said the town was called Tanyoran...
Morten: Tanyoran! I know this town! So we are on... Earth...
Leader: Earth? You sure?
Morten: Yes! Absolutely!
Krintar: So, this is Earth? It is such a nice place! Now that we know where we are, we can prepare the ceremony of my ascension to the throne!
Rebels: Yes, majesty!
Krintar: ~Turns to the heroes~ It might be ready in a couple days... In the meantime, you can have a room in the castle!
*The heroes & company all head for the castle, to prepare the ceremony*
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- What the.....? -- Emily and Marax, Sat, Oct 06 2001, 7:48:21
Emily: Why is Sarmento Crumbling?
Marax: I don't know!
*They look at Morten, Leon and 'the leader'*
Emily: Well?! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!
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*Morten's face is all red* -- Morten, Fri, Oct 05 2001, 10:14:59
Morten: I-I wouldn't l-let anyone d-do you harm...
Marax: Hey! That's me who should say this! ~frowns~
Morten: Well, you were stunned, so it was up to me!
*David wakes up*
David: uunh...
Morten: Eh? you back with us now?
David: What? Is it aready finished?
Morten: Yeah...
David: OUTTA MY WAY! Must find the MLT!!!!
*David gets up and pushes Morten put of his way*
Morten: (If I still had my Dark Powers...)
Leon: Good job, Morten! Now Prince Krintar will become the new King, and justice will be brought back to Sarmento... but what we should do about HIM? ~points to the counselor~
Counselor: What? me? ~removes his cloak~ How can you talk to me with ths tone!
Leon: ~Jaw drops~ It's... the leader!
Leader: DarkSin used his powers to make me his counselor, after he failed to get the location of the base... but now I am free, and I owe it all to you!
*Suddenly, they feel the ground shaking violently!*
Morten: Yeow!
Samuel: What the...?
Emily: Eek!
Leader: Let's get outta here!
*As they proceed and get out of the castle, they look at the sky, and see something unusual*
Leader: The Sarmento dimension.. is crumbling!
Morten: No! Impossible!
Leon: We're done for!
*Sarmento is shaking, and everything fades to black...*
(Is it really the end of our heroes? is Sarmento really destroyed, and its unhabitants dead?)
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- Gratitude -- Emily, Fri, Oct 05 2001, 7:03:49
*Emily walks up to Morten...and kisses him on the cheek! Morten blushes*
Emily: Thank you, Morten. You might have saved me from a fate worse than death.
Morten: I, uh, well....
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Fight against DarkSin (final act?) -- Morten, Thu, Oct 04 2001, 16:10:08
*DarkSin was grinning evilly*
DarkSin: You are always trying, thinking you can stand against me... your perseverance is foolish!
Morten: Well, for the time being, I stopped your Oblivion twice!
DarkSin: As they say, "the third try is always the good one"! So I don't worry about that... The powers of this Angel Girl are enough to kill you two then cast another Oblivion to wipe out the rest...
Morten: But she has Holy powers! How can you-
DarkSin: I can use any energy and power, it gets converted into Dark Power as long as I have them!
Morten: Except mine, The Good Dark Power!
DarkSin: I guess so... I have never heard of this one before...
Morten: So you have no chance against us! Give up!
DarkSin: Don't try to get mne this easily! Your power is opposite to mine, so mine is opposite to yours also!
Gregor: Enough talk! Let's settle this once for all!
*The fight begins! They run to DarkSin, but DarkSin launches Dark Spells to each of them using a hand for each... the blast is so strong that even if they can block his spells using their sword, even if they advance, they get pushed back while blocking*
DarkSin: What? Giving up so soon?
Morten: His powers...
Gregor: ...are immense...
DarkSin: Better face your destiny and die honorably!
Morten: Never! DARK FORCE!
*Morten extends his hand to DarkSin to hit him with the spell, but nothing happens!*
Morten: What? Impossible! I should have recovered enough power to cast this!
Gregor: Creating the sword meant giving up on your Dark Powers also...
Morten: Damn! So there is nothing we can do!
Gregor: maybe except continuing what we were doing until he runs up on Dark Power!
DarkSin: No luck, what I was using that could push you back was my weakest spell, the Energy the spell drains from me recovers almost immediately!
Morten: Weakest spell?
DarkSin: Shows how pathetic you are...
Gregor: Pathetic? Now I lost my temper!
Morten: You're not the only one!
*Morten and Gregor feel anger rising inside of themselves*
Morten & Gregor: ~raising their sword in the air~ POWER TRIP!
*Morten and Gregor cross their sword, then they go each to a side. Then they lunges, right to DarkSin. DarkSin tries to stop them, but he doesn't suceeds. As they reac him they slash him at the same time as they pass by him. (Like X Strike form Chrono Trigger, performed by Crono and Frog)*
DarkSin: EEEAAAARRRRGGGHHHH! ~falls down to his knees~ How could you do this?
Morten: This is called a "Power Trip"! It happens in cases of extreme anger! While happening, nothing can even harm us!
DarkSin: Too weak... to do anything... must heal... myself! ~tries to raise his arm to heal, but can't even move it~
Gregor: Don't try to, the Good Dark Energy contained in our swords paralyzed you! It's the end, DarkSin!
Morten: And this will be a great honor to die by my hand!
*Morten moves in fornt of DarkSin and point his sword to DarkSin's throat*
Morten: With this hit, I will avenge King Bristen, and dissolve the curse upon Sarmento!
*Morten then slashes to DarkSin, cutting his head off*
Gregor: Could this really be... the end of Sarmento's tyranny?
*While Morten and Gregor are pondering, the others get released from their stunned state*
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The realisation.... -- Crazed AKA Gregor, Thu, Oct 04 2001, 15:25:07
As events unfolded Gregor could only hope to watch as he stood helpless in stun. He watched Darksin cast oblivion, he watched Morten fight with all of his force. But he knew that the chances were slim for them all.
Gregor gasped as he saw the two weapons in Mortens hands form one complete weapon. A SWORD! The warrior's mind raced as he saw Morten defiently block the second Oblivion thrown at them all. The sword in Gregor's right hand started to glow a bright purple, so much so that Darksin and Morten turned round to see what was happening. Mortens sword glowed a bright purple too.
Darksin: Wha-What kind of trickery is this?!
Morten looked down at his own sword and could see the resemblance in Gregor's.
Morten: But how? I am the only one with Dark power...Ain't I??
Gregor could feel the stun spell weaken around him...Suddenly he lept forward to Mortens aid both swords now throbbed with power as the stood side by side.
Gregor: Now Darksin...Prepare to die....
Morten: Yeah!
The group could feel a little glimmer of hope between them all...Were they really going to defeat Darksin once and for all?? Nothing could convince them otherwise....
Even though Morten was curious about what had just happened...He knew that he had to fight before questions could be asked....
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*DarkSin gets back up suddenly* -- Morten, Tue, Oct 02 2001, 19:30:37
*Emily gasps as she sees that DarkSin is still alive*
DarkSin: Did you think you could kill me this easily? I'm not one of those Shadow Guards! Shame, since you tried to kill me, I shall kill you first!
*DarkSin stuns Emily back with a motion of his hand and takes her powers back*
DarkSin: I guess you won't need them anymore...
*DarkSin charges for Oblivion*
*Morten is lying motionless on the ground, but inside him, something is happening*
Morten: Everything is Dark here... where am I? Am I... dead?
*In the distance a voice could be heard*
Voice: Morten...
Morten: What? Is is the voice of my conscience again?
Voice: Morten, my son...
Morten: Son? Then, you must be... is it you, father?
Morten's father: Yes, I am Doran... Listen, you must not give up! The key to defeat DarkSin is within your reach!
Morten: within my reach?
Voice: Yes, what you'll need to do is to take your Living Boomerang, your nunchaku and merge them with some of your Good Dark Power to create a new weapon with the power to ward off his Evil Dark Power.
Morten: All right!
*Morten takes his nunchaku in one hand, his Living Boomerang in the other, and while infusing them with Good Dark Power he joins them together, to create the weapon. It becomes a sword, with the Good Dark Power element. Morten takes it in his hand*
Morten: The power, the energy... it is overwhelming! This sword will really help destroy DarkSin?
Morten's father: Yes. All you need is a weapon with an opposite power to DarkSin's to destroy him... now, my son, awaken, and make DarkSin pay!
*The voice of Morten's father fades as Morten awakes and gets up*
DarkSin: ~finished charging~ OBLIVION!
*Morten performs a flip over Emily and lands just in front of her in time to counter his spell (again) this time with the power of the sword!*
Will this time Morten triumph over DarkSin? Find out in the next part!
OOC: Tempest, I didn't mean that plot twist! Never kill DarkSin without my authorization! And didn't I tell you his Dark Powers were immense?
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- ....... -- Emily, Tue, Oct 02 2001, 13:41:49
Emily: Fine...I'll...marry you... But don't expect me to play nice, Darksin! The first chance I get, I'll kill you!
*Darksin grins and releases Emily and also gives her her powers back. Marax knows what she's thinking, though*
Darksin: I knew you'd...Gah!!!!
*Emily had him by the throat and was choking the life out of him*
Emily: I will kill you, and these people will be free!
*Her eyes flash sapphire, and Darksin's body starts to disappear*
Emily: Go to hell, you bastard.
*She drops him on the ground and watches without feeling as he continues to die*
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Morten vs DarkSin -- Morten, Tue, Oct 02 2001, 11:48:11
*Morten gets shocked at DarkSin's words, and the fact he is using his father's Ninja Staff to fight*
Morten: No! You must not use it for your own purposes! It was my father's! It should be mine!
DarkSin: It will... if you can kill me... but now, you have 0,1% chance to win...
Morten: Crap...
*The fight begins! It begins with the two lunging at each other, but they both parry the other's attack. But they keep at fighting, Morten swings his weapon, DarkSin blocks with ease! DarkSin attacks, and Morten blocks as easily! The fight is so intense, even the DBZ warriors would be amazed at it!*
Morten: You foul demon! Killing the king, who was a righteous person, to become King yourself, and impose your tyranny!
DarkSin: The end justifies means, you know! In love, just like war, everything is permitted!
*They still continue to fight, Morten fights with hatred, and DarkSin with confidence. But then it happens, Morten gets hit to the stomach HARD by DarkSin. Morten coughs blood and the impact of the hit sends him back a couple meters away and faints*
DarkSin: ~holding the Staff away to his right~ I may be foul, but you're foolish!
*DarkSin takes Morten and carries him in front of the other heroes, which are stills stunned, of course!*
DarkSin: ~looks at Emily~ I give you one more chance... you become my wife, and in exchange, I spare the rest. But I can kill Morten!
Emily: ...
DarkSin: Give me an answer, or I will consider it as a "no", and I will kill you all with Oblivion!
*Will Emily answer, or not? If she does, will she say "yes" or "no"? Find out in the next part!*
OOC: Tempest, the next part is yours! I suggest a little plot twist... because I have plans for Morten...
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- OOC: If there's something you want to say before I write the next part, say it now! --
Moonshade Warrior, Fri, Sep 28 2001, 18:05:06
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DarkSin's gets angered to Emily's denial... -- Morten, Thu, Sep 27 2001, 11:03:20
DarkSin:If that's so, you will die like the rest!
*DarkSin uses his other hand to stun Emily too, while the other is still charging for the instant-kill spell*
DarkSin: Shame that i must do this... according to the fact I possibly COULDN'T hold you captive... You would have made me happy, and I would have done the same in return, and...
*DarkSin continues with his babbling*
Morten: I can't let him kill us like that... everyone wants Sarmento to be free from DarkSin's tyranny and want to see the light of day back! I am the only one able to break myself free... and now's my chance, while's he's babbling enlessly!
*On those thoughts, Morten concentrates hard and tries his hardest to move and break the power of the stun spell... as he tries, Dark Energy emanates from him, and the struggle finally come to and end when he is freed, with a sound of an explosion! But this sound made DarkSin snap out of his fantasy world...*
DarkSin: How could you-
Morten: ...do that? A trick I learned while my stay on Earth!
DarkSin: It would have benn in vain! My instant-kill spell is ready! OBLIVION!!!!!
*Morten moves on ahead of the rest of the group and uses all his Dark Powers to counter the Oblivion spell... then a Dark Power emitting fight for the fate of Sarmento begins... After a moment, it stops, with Morten and DarkSin kneeling down on the ground, exhausted*
DarkSin: My magic is exhausted...
Morten: and mine too...
DarkSin: ~raises his head to look at Morten~ but how did you counter my spell?
Morten: With Dark Power too...
DarkSin: ~gets up~ Impossible! You can't counter it using the same power!
Morten: ~getting up~ This isn't either! there are two types of Dark Power! Yours is the Evil Dark Power, and mine is the Good one! This is why I could do it!
DarkSin: Where, when and how you learned that doesn't matters, because you will die here! I guess it's hand-to-hand and fight to death single combat, Morten!
Morten: ~nunchaku in hand~ no problem for me!
DarkSin: don't be too confident... ~takes out a gemstone studded Ninja Staff~
Morten: ~gasps~ I... I know this staff! It was...
DarkSin: It was the Ninja Staff your father used when he was a guard of late King Bristen... It would be pertinent to use it to send you join him in the Dark World! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!
OOC: This is Morten's fight, and Morten's alone... is his Dark Powers weren't drained, he would have freed the others too... But this is not the case, so there is nothing you can do, but watch (and maybe encourage him?)
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- OOC -- Tempest, Thu, Sep 27 2001, 8:37:08
Sorry about that post, but Emily's powers cannot be nullified so easily, ESPECIALLY when she's angry.
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- Anger, EXTREME ANGER!! -- Emily, Thu, Sep 27 2001, 8:30:25
*Emily glares at Darksin*
Emily: I will not be used by men for their lust again! I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!!!
*Emily powers up past her maximum power and breaks free*
Emily: I WILL NEVER ALLOW ITTTTT~~~~!!!!!!!!
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- *As they enter the throne room* -- Morten, Thu, Sep 27 2001, 1:37:41
Morten: DarkSin, your end is near!
*They realize that DarkSin in sleeping*
Morten: ~anime sweatdrop~ I guess even villains need to rest sometimes...
Leon: Let's take advantage of this!
Marax: Have you no honor? that would be too easy!
Leon: To hell with honor! ~Takes a stone, charges it and then readies it in his slingshot~ Wild Focus!
*Leon fires, but at that instant, the mysterious man appears in front of DarkSin and catches the stone*
Mysterious man: it's not nice to attack someone in his sleep...
Leon: What? Who are you?
Mysterious man: I am DarkSin's counselor, his most trusted servant! I am here to proveide DarkSin with the latest infromations, and I watch over his safety, in cases like this!
*DarkSin wakes up*
DarkSin: Counselor, what's up?
Counselor: King DarkSin, we seem to have some unexpected visitors...
*DarkSin gets up and takes a few steps forward whiel the counselor moves out of his way*
DarkSin: Ahh, Morten! I didn't expect you to survive to my fenrirs... seems your stay on Earth made you stronger!
*David rushes and pushes Morten out of his way*
David: I was the one who saved the day back then! Now that you have your answer, tell me where I can find yout MLT! I'm hungry!
*DarkSin gets very annoyed and shoots a weak blast of Dark Power(the EVIL Dark Power) to david, knocking him out*
Emily: David! *flies to david to watch over him*
DarkSin: Not so fast! ~uses his power to stop Emily, and draws her to him~ Know what? You will become my Queen! I'm sure we'll be happy together!
Emily: Eek! Let me go, you sick freak! ~prepares to cast Destructos, but failed~
DarkSin: Tsk tsk! Your powers won't help you in any way! Nullified!
Marax: Emily! Let her go, you self-important slime!
*Marax fires a beam of Ameratsu to DarkSin, but disappears before it could reach DarkSin!*
Marax: ~eyes open wide~ What the...?
DarkSin: Is that the best you can do?
Emily: Help!
*Samuel jumps, but when landing, he gets stopped in mid-air*
DarkSin: Scram! ~Waves his hand, and he gets thrown against a wall~
Gregor: M'lord, if he could nullify the power of Lady Emily, that must mean he is indeed powerful!
Morten: Let's strike altogether!
*They rush to DarkSin ready to attack, but DarkSin. with a motion of his hand, stuns the entire party*
DarkSin: No matter how hard you try, I will always win in the end! Now you shall perish! ~charges for an instant-kill spell~
Will the heroes really perish? and will Emily really become the wife of DarkSin? Find out in the next part!
OOC:Leave it all to me! Read the plot board for more information!
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- Yeah, sure -- Emily, Wed, Sep 26 2001, 16:05:39
*Emily comes back, a little...different. Samuel is being his usual self...*
Samuel: You look great!
*Emily shoots him a look, and he suddenly finds himself held up against the roof!*
Emily: Don't mess with me now, Samuel!
Samuel: *anime sweatdrop*
Marax: What's wrong, Emily....?
Emily: Nothing. Are we going to attack or not?
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- Alright, it's smashin' time! -- Massacre, Wed, Sep 26 2001, 14:58:40
OOC: I'm back!
(David got tired of waiting. The MLT was too tantelizing!)
Stand back! I'm gonna break down the door!
David: Ouch. Tough door...
(He turns around, thinking. As he does, the door collapses.)
David: Hmmm? Waaah! Did I just...with my bare hands...nevermind... Let's kill!
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- Sigh... -- Emily, Tue, Sep 25 2001, 18:04:58
*Emily is thinking just outside of the castle. She's thinking about a man named Troch, and how he had used her for his pleasure... She clenches her fists in anger*
*Emily loses control of her powers and accidentily blows a section of the courtyard to smithereens. But she doesn't care, not anymore...*
Emily: Only the strong survive on any world... Then how did I, being so weak, survive?
*She feels the feathers of her sapphire wings and sighs. She doesn't deserve to be the Sapphire Angel, and yet she is. Fate really does work in odd ways.*
Emily: I can't live in the past, Troch is dead! I killed him myself... Now, it is time to fight for this world...
*She returns to the main group with a new hope in her heart*
OOC: I just thought that I should give you a little background on Emily.
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*Morten is glaring at Gregor with a puzzled look* -- Morten, Mon, Sep 24 2001, 3:49:43
Morten: ~anime sweatdrop~ At my service? I'm quite flattered, but no thanks... I can take care of myself.
*Morten then turns to the rest of the group*
Morten: We should all get ready now... anyway, I'm a little worried about Joe... where could he be right now?
*Morten starts to ponder, absent-minded*
*DarkSin is on his throne*
DarkSin: zzzzzzzz...~mumbling in his sleep~ why aren't they here already? zzzzzzzz...
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- Hmmm... -- Marax, Sun, Sep 23 2001, 9:37:48
*Marax looks at Emily. She has a look on her face, and he knows that it means that she is hiding something*
Marax: Who is he really?
*Emily stares at her brother with an angry look on her face*
Emily: I told you NOT to do that! I promised him that I would not tell!
Marax: Why not?
Emily: I...
*Emily suddenly turns and walks away from the group to think*
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- Meeting the group -- Gregor Fireblade, Sat, Sep 22 2001, 20:27:32
As Gregor observed the group he could not help but notice there were some characters that stood out to him, he curious eyes scanned each and every person.
"Gregor...And I think he's here to help.." He managed to catch the last bit of Emily's sentance and thought that it may be a good time to do something.
Gregor: I..err..yes, I am a knight from a distant kingdom, many people have heard of your exploits and many have come seeking you, you have made many enemies along your path..but also you have made many unknown allies aswell, I myself am such an ally.
Gregor bowed before Morten
Gregor: I am forever at your service M'lord...
As he rose he saw that the whole group had gone silent and was now observing his strange behaviour towards Morten...
Gregor: I am here to fight alongside you all...
Gregor could sense the uneasyness he was bringing towards the group, they all knew he was hiding something but now was not the time to reveal it...Emily also knew this...
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- I'm bored -- Samuel, Wed, Sep 19 2001, 16:53:15
*Samuel's getting bored...so he jumps high...and into the roof! He lands of top of Emily, who shrieks and tosses him into the statue that Marax kissed! The statue comes to life and tosses him into Marax, who panics and runs into the wall!*
Marax&Samuel: Oww....
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- .... -- Emily, Wed, Sep 19 2001, 13:25:59
Emily: It would seriously mess time up if I say anything... I found him outside. His name is Gregor and I think he's here to help.
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- li'l funny... -- Morten, Tue, Sep 18 2001, 17:41:26
(OOC: We're just ousite of DarkSin's throne room, so he should have heard us... but he didn't! How come?)
DarkSin: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...
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*As Emily comes back with the new guest* -- Morten, Tue, Sep 18 2001, 17:33:19
(OOC: Well, Morten and Marax already asked Emily who it was, but let's say now that they didn't tell Emily anything, as Emily wasn't back yet... But now, let's get it on!)
*Morten helps up Marax*
Morten: Odd statue, yes indeed! Some of DarkSin's Dark Power side-effects, maybe?
*After finishing helping Marax up, Emily is back, with a new guest*
Emily: Hello again!
Morten: Oh, hi! Umm... By the way, who's with you?
*as he looks to the man, Morten senses something weird... he looked familiar, like if he had already seen him before, even thought it was the first time*
Morten: ~in his head~ This sensation... what could that mean?
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- Thoughts -- Gregor Fireblade, Tue, Sep 18 2001, 4:21:35
As he walked with Emily, he could not help but think that the whole story was not known to him, he got the feeling that this place was plagued with secrets that were not going to become known until they either was shown to his face or he forced the matter...
*not of this planet...that was no-where in our books?? There is so much I dont know* he thought to himself as he followed the silence getting a bit uncomfortable for him to take. Armour chafe set in....he knew he needed to rest soon.
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- OOC: Ok sorry m8....morten...ok...remember the E!!! -- Gregor Fireblade, Tue, Sep 18 2001, 4:16:38
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- Huh? -- Emily, Mon, Sep 17 2001, 16:06:13
*Emily stops in her tracks*
Emily: Marax is not known in the future? Odd, since he is a greater fighter than me. Could Marax die here today? I hope not.
*She turns back to Gregor with a concerned look on her face*
Emily: You want to know the date? I am sorry, but I cannot tell you, as I am not sure myself. I come from a different planet to this one. My brother and I are only here to help Morten because he helped us on Trivadia. I will take you to them now. There is a vampire with us, but do not be alarmed, he is on our side...Should I tell him about Deathwing? No, Joe wouldn't want me to...
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- OOC: Gregor, the name is Morten, not Morton! --
Moonshade Warrior, Sun, Sep 16 2001, 23:00:54
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- Marax? -- Gregor Fireblade, Sun, Sep 16 2001, 22:11:38
Gregor pauses for a moment as if recollecting old memories...
Gregor: I have not heard of him, in the stories told to me...I have only heard of you, Emily the wise, Morton the holy one and David the unjust, the details are sketchy at best...say...*Gregor pauses for a moment*...what is the exact date that i am in?? Our books and tomes are riddled with different dates and times...and have different accounts of this event...I cannot tell you the future because i am not sure what happened before my time, this...*he chuckles abit* this is all ancient history to me...I can only be sure of one thing...I am here for a purpose as I was told by the person who sent me here from my time..."
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- Oddity -- Emily, Sun, Sep 16 2001, 14:37:48
*Emily looks at Gregor*
Emily: He knows about me? I'm a famous historical figure? I wonder... Gregor, do you know of somebody named Marax?
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- In the courtyard -- Gregor Fireblade, Sun, Sep 16 2001, 0:57:52
Gregor looked at the girl strangly, he had been taken back quite a bit and had only heard of the famous group in fairy tales and legends.
Gregor: You...You must be emily...the..the angel that is spoke of in times of old...I find it surprising...you look like just a mere girl.
Emily: You of all people Gregor should not be just satisfied by mere looks alone...
Gregor: I'm sorry m'lady
*Gregor kneels down and bows his head*
(anime sweatdrop) Emily: theres no need for that kind of behavior.
Gregor: ofcourse M'lady...where might i find the holy one?
Emily: holy one?
Gregor: Morton...you do know of him...dont you??
Emily: O...Morton...come ill take you to him we need all the help we can muster in our final battle...
As emily skips away Gregor again looks up to the castle...
Gregor: The battle of Darksin...It is real...and the mystery warrior that is never to be heard of again after this....it...it must be me....
Emily: What??
Gregor: nothing...
They both make their way towards the castle, gregor slightly hesitant at the current situation.....
(Really sorry guyz...thought my last post didnt show up on the board so i left it....ill be more active now i know...)
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- Right... -- The heroes, Thu, Sep 06 2001, 1:55:22
*Marax wakes up*
Marax: Oww..odd statue. Hey Emily, who's that with you?
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- *Sniff, sniff* -- David, Wed, Sep 05 2001, 12:31:15
(David's mouth starts watering.)
David: ...Genuine MLT (Mutton, Lettuce, and Tomato)...in there! Darksin's got an MLT in there!
Marax: So?
David: I'm hungry! Changing into a werewolf burns up alot of energy!
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*Morten looks at fainted Marax* -- Morten, Tue, Sep 04 2001, 19:08:45
Morten: ~anime sweatdrop~ Guess he misses Miara a lot... We'd better destroy DarkSin soon so he can go back to Trivadia...
Leon: Trivadia?
Morten: Yes, this is the Kingdom where Marax and Emily come from... such a nice Kingdom and it has such a big castle! Even bigger than this one! And the Queen is-- ~he gets cut in by Leon~
Leon: Okay okay, I don't need to know everything!
Morten: Yeah, sorry...
*At that moment, Emily comes back, with a new guest*
Emily: Hello again!
*The others, except Marax, answer "hi"*
Morten: You should take care of Marax, he's been put unconscious by a statue after he kissed it... Eh? BTW, who's with you?
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- A moment of supreme boredom... -- Marax and the gang, Mon, Sep 03 2001, 16:40:44
*Outside Darksin's room...*
Marax: When are we going to attack?
David: I don't know, as soon as everybody decides to get back.
Marax: Well, in the meantime, I'm gonna go kiss that statue...
*Kisses a nearby statue*
Statue: AHHHHH!!!!
Marax: EH??!
Statue: DOLT!
*Hits Marax on the head, Marax faints*
OOC: I was really bored when I wrote this.
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- ???? -- Emily, Sun, Sep 02 2001, 8:52:01
*Emily feels a strange presense in Sarmento*
Marax: Hey, what's wrong Emily?
Emily: A strange presense out in the courtyard of this castle...I'm going to take a look.
Marax: Hey, wait!
*But Emily has already left, smashed through a few walls and out into the courtyard*
Gregor: ????? Who are you?
Emily: I might ask the same of you.
Gregor: She doesn't look like a bad person... My name is...
Emily: ...Gregor, and you're a...descendant of Morten's?! How can that be?
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Outside (Back in the courtyard) -- Gregor Fireblade, Fri, Aug 31 2001, 20:25:40
Frost and snow started to touch the courtyard which covered the whole plain in a white blanket. A tired, warhardened warrior looked up at the towering castle, it loomed over him like a nightmare. The warriors red cloak danced about in the wind like it had a life of it's own.
Thw old warrior stroked his chin as he examined the dark castle.
Gregor: Could this be the place where it was said to happen?
The warrior to a few steps forward before he was charged from behind and knocked in to the snow. A stray shadow guard had managed to evade the groups advance. Gregor turned around, fresh blood had erupted from his cheek and streamed into his beard. The shadow guard smiled at his attack and how he had damaged the old vetran.
Gregor unshiethed his sword and his sheild from upon his back. The insignia on his sheild was strange, a rose with a single drop of blood coming from the pettles, the same sign was on his tarnished metal shoulder pad which was part of his full plate mail armour.
Gregor: Heh, you will not get such a chance again fiend.
With that the brave warrior jumped forward to engage the guard, his sword arm was almost a blur as his attacks were swift and without mercy...but the guard was more than up to the challenge, he managed to dodge and parry every blow.
Gregor: Hmm...you seemed to be fast but how long can you keep it up eh?
The valiant knight continued with the intensity of his technique, he never showed signs of tiredness, which was surprising for a man of his age.
*Dodge, dodge, parry, thrust, slash, slash, "damn the guard is fast", thrust, parry...soon the knight saw an opening, the guard managed to lose his footing in one of the attacks and the knight immediatly jumped to this, he knocked the guard back and with a might horizontal slash hit the black guard clean through the torso. the shadow guard's two halves went flying into the air and landed onto the ground...for a second all was silent...Gregor was just about to walk away when the peices disolved into the snow creating one shadow again. The guard rose out of the snow as gregor was walking away, smiling gleefully at himself for regenerating. Gregor could hear the glee from the guard and stopped.
Gregor: You do not understand do you demon?
*the guard continued smiling*
*Gregor just kept walking*
*the guard suddenly stopped smiling as a wierd feeling welled up in its stomach*
Gregor: I am a decendant of the holy one...the one people call....Morten...
The guard suddely exploded into peices and melted into the snow, as Gregor's sword glowed a glimmering purple.
(OOC: Firstly "hi" i thought i might join your motley crew coz it sounds like a pretty neat story. If you are wondering how I am a decendent of Morten it is becoz i am from the future...far into the future...you seem to be meesing with time right now so that has brought me back from there. The sword is just a peice of the holy morten's "dark power". If you object ot this, then just say and you can scrap this post...but i see it as a neat twist and a great intro to my char......Hope you like)
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- Good to see you back. -- Massacre, Mon, Aug 13 2001, 13:30:25
Get on with the plot! BTW: Where's Tempest been. He disappeared. It's weird... It's just like Skydragon...
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- back! --
Moonshade Warrior, Tue, Jul 31 2001, 14:12:24
I'm back!
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- Hoo boy... -- David, Fri, Jul 27 2001, 15:33:45
David: He tried to use me against Raziel on Nosgoth once. The memory of it is vague. That my problem, you see. Alot of people try to manipulate me and simply hate it!
OOC: I'll be out for a while too. Too (2) weeks, that is.
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Moonshade Warrior, Thu, Jul 26 2001, 18:54:07
Starting tomorrow, I will leave on vacation... it might last 12 days, but I might not be away the whole time... I might be back in a week or so so since it's Morten's part, and Morten is my character, I think we'll have to put the story on standby... at least until I come back...
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- *Morten ponders* -- Morten, Thu, Jul 26 2001, 14:05:42
Morten: That was him whom put you under his control...
David: Next time I see him, I'll kill him!
Morten: But he wasn't with Dogman and Mander... where could they be? And... hey, how did you know it was him? You said you didn't know him!
David: I'm sorry Morten, but I lied to you...
Morten: But why did you liw to me?
David: Actually, ...
*Morten listens to David*
(OOC: Massacre, I guess it's up to you!)
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- Outside Darksin's throne room... -- David and Lord Palethorn, Thu, Jul 26 2001, 13:22:24
(They are running down the hall to find Darksin. Outside his chamber door is...)
David: Palethorn! What are YOU doing here?!
Palethorn: I was going to wish Darksin good luck, but I don't think that's possible, is it?
Morten: Not a chance. Eh...Who's that with you?
(There's an ugly man standng beside Palethorn.)
Palethorn: That's Zarok, the sorcerer of Gallowmere.
Zarok: Hello.
David: Not another crusty old mage with a staff! I'll kill you both!
Palethorn: I don't think so.
(Palethorn vanishes!)
David: Dammit!
(In the axis of time, Palethorn appears before the Time Demons.)
Palethorn: Greetings, demon brethren. Did you want me for something?
Darkside: Ah, Palethorn... I was wondering something.
Palethorn: Yes?
Darkside: Is this yours?
(Darkside holds up the sadly abused form of Moebius, former time-streamer.)
Palethorn: Nope. I've got my own sorcerer.
Darkside: You came with one?
Palethorn: And I am leaving with one. Good day, errr... Goodnigh- No...ummm...uhhhh... Goodbye?
Darkside: Goodbye.
(Palethorn vanishes with his new partner in crime.)
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*They proceed into the castle* -- The heroes (Morten), Thu, Jul 26 2001, 12:36:49
*as they proceed a little further, Morten takes the lead*
Morten: ~nods his head~ If there are more of those Shadow Guards, this will be easier this way!
*They continue until they get face to face with one of the fenrirs*
Morten: Another fenrir? Didn't you kill them all David?
David: I never said I killed the fenrirs!
Leon: !!! That scar! I know this fenrir! It's the one that ate the strongest of my men! Shame, he only could make it this scar...
Morten: but now's not the time to--
*Before Morten could finish, Leon pushes the others out of his way, and draws his weapon out, a simple slingshot*
The heroes: ~anime sweatdrop~
Marax: What do you think he can do with just THIS?
Emily: I can see it... "Here lies Leon, a poor fool!"
Samuel: That sounds right to me!
Leon: Umph! Just watch! ~anger rises from within him~
*Leon takes out a stone from his pocket, clenches his fist around the stone hard agew seconds then readies it in the slingshot*
Leon: FIRE!
*Leon fires the stone to the fenrir, and as soon as the fenrir is hit, the stone recoils again and again on the fenrir, each time hitting it hard. After many hits it falls unconscious*
Leon: Time to finish him! ~takes out a dagger from his belt and stabs the fenrir in the heart~ There!
The heroes: ~open eyes wide in amazement~
Marax: Impressive!
Emily: Oh well...
Samuel: I'm sure he just lucked out!
David: ...~smiles broadly~ MEALTIME! ~reaches to the fenrir and begins sucking its blood~
*Morten waits a few seconds before saying anything*
Morten: Where on earth... er, on Sarmento did you learn that?
Leon: I created and perfected that skill, named "Wild Focus"! It allows to focus one's own energy in the stone before firing it to have it recoil on the enemy and hit it wildly many times... however, you can't focus energy on it for more than 3 seconds or you fall unconscious... but the more you train, the more energy you will be able to focus in it withing 3 seconds!
Morten: Well, you are more useful than I thought!
Leon: Anyway, let's hurry on! Go on first, I have things to take care of...
*They proceed, then Leon picks up his stone then follows the others, while dragging David by the collar*
David: HEY! I didn't finish yet! ~frowns~
Leon: You already have eaten before opening the gate... And Anyway, You'll have as much as you want when we get to DarkSin!
*David smiles VERY broadly, his teeth showing, all stained with blood*
David: YAY!
(OOC: Hey Massacre, I like your David character!)
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- I have my own destiny... -- Deathwing, Tue, Jul 24 2001, 15:00:10
Deathwing: Nosgoth? I'm not from Nosgoth. Silly fellow.
(Deathwing goes astral and tracks down Moebius. He's in a room similar to a cathedral.)
Moebius: The son of Massacre comes to seek his revenge? What can you do against me? I am eternal and in control of time itself. How can you stop me?
Deathwing: I've been giving that alot of thought. There's really only one punishment for what you've done.
Moebius: What?
Deathwing: The Time Demons.
Moebius: The WHAT?! This can't be possible! Only I can master the powers of time!
Deathwing: They were inserted by the Profound Darkness to prevent the changing of Time and History. For centuries, you have eluded them, but I will bring you in as per our agreement.
Moebius: Agreement?
Deathwing: I told them that I would find you and turn you in. They've been wanting to have a word with you... HA HA HA HA HAAA!
Moebius: NOOOOO!!!
(Deathwing opened a portal and dragged Moebius into it. Before he follows, he takes the the old man's staff and burns it with the Dark Power of Massacre. Then, he follows. Darkside is waiting for him.)
Darkside: You did well. The old fool will pay for his crimes...forever. Will you be rejoining your time now?
Deathwing: Not just yet. There are a couple things I need to do. Sentimental stuff.
Darkside: Be quick about it. Time is not as everlasting as it seems. Already, a few hours have passed. The battle at the castle is finished.
(Deathwing returns to being Joe and exits the way he came in.)
OOC: Joe will 'appear' after the battle is over. What is he up to?
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- OOC: I mean it when I say to use the plot board! You could at least take a look everytime you come here... please? --
Moonshade Warrior, Mon, Jul 23 2001, 23:32:27
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*Morten wakes up*(OOC: he was just unconscious... not dead!) -- Morten, Mon, Jul 23 2001, 23:24:05
*As soon as Morten regains conciousness and is able to see clearly, what he sees first is Joe, as DeathWing*
Morten: EEEEEAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!! I'm dead, and I'm in hell!!!! *Faints again*
DeathWing: *anime sweatdrop* This way, we won't get anywhere...
Emily: Leave it to me... *casts a spell to wake Morten*
Morten: mmm... Emily? Phew, I dreamed I woke up in hell, there was a hideous creature looking at me!
Emily: That was Joe you saw! Well, in his another form...
Morten: *sits up* Really, people form Nosgoth are really weird!
Joe & David:.............
Morten: *getting up* All right! Now let's get in and destroy DarkSin once and for all!
*They advance, and reach the castle gate...*
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- The Truth. -- Joe, Mon, Jul 23 2001, 13:17:16
(Joe's strength is at its limits. As a human, he does not share in the same durability as his father. Furthermore, he couldn't possibly help Morten in this form. So...)
Joe: I have...no choice.
(The form of Joe warps and distorts to become a dark-gray half-gargoylian creature with no horns or tail, but pointed ears and an evil face. His claws can cut the wind and his power could rip the world apart. This is the true son of Massacre known as Deathwing!)
Marax: What the...! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!
David: Whoa! Hey, guys! Chill for a minute! I'll explain it.
Marax: Says the vampire.
David: Don't get personal. Joe here is a hybrid decendant of the deadly Massacre. He was born as a human and changed in the prime of his life, utterly ruining it. When I met Joe, he was still mentally withdrawing from it all, even after 500 years!
Marax: ...Helluva depression...
David: Joe was designed to be the evil successor to Massacre's growning empire, but he wouldn't accept it no matter what. Jow is more human than anyone I ever met on Nosgoth. Even as his alter-ego...
Emily: Alter-ego?
Deathwing: The evil side of me, the one you see now, Deathwing. I am vicious, but not for Massacre's way!
Emily: Is this why you were so secretive?
Deathwing: ...Yes. could not afford to say anything because it would produce the same effect as Massacre appearing before them. Even though some aspects of my life have changed, I am still ashamed of what I am.
(Emily was able to pick up on a few things that Joe meant by 'aspects'. He's been able to create a life...a family...)
Emily: You're a lucky man, Joe. You've been able to do things that nobody else could ever accomplish, despite everything put up against you.
David: You've really changed since I last saw you. What happened?
Deathwing: I found something to fight for, something more important than my own revenge.
David: What?
Deathwing: No. Not now. We have work to do.
(Deathwing gets to work reviving Morten.)
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- Allright! -- Morten, Wed, Jul 18 2001, 18:52:44
Morten: Thanks David! We can go in now! (I must say it, I like werewolves!)
*They head towards the front gate, but the guards that David has supposedly "killed" get back up!*
David: But I... I killed them!
Morten: They are shadows, they can't be killed just like that!
Leon: What must we do?
*Suddenly, DarkSin appears over the castle, levitating*
Morten: DarkSin!
DarkSin: Ah, Morten! You came back... but now you will die here! You can do nothing against them... you need "light" to kill them! So now, Shadow guards, regroup and crush them!
*The Shadow guards form a group and advance towards the party*
DarkSin: I guess I'll sit back on my throne... I don't need to see this, too much blood... heheheheh!
*DarkSin disappears*
Morten: Emily! DarkSin said light! Cast a light spell, quick!
Emily: Holy!
*A big blast of light hits the Shadow guards, but it has no effect*
Emily: ??? I can't believe it!
Morten: Everyone! We must fight them!
*They rush and attack hte Shadow guards*
Marax: Even the blade that this man gave us has no effect!
Morten: Impossible!
*After a short while they can't fight anymore... they only could stop the guards from advancing, but they are advancing back again*
Joe: Huff huff... it's useless!
Morten: Puff... wheeze... we can't lose like this!
*Morten takes some seconds to think*
Morten: DarkSin seemed to put some intonation on "light"... I think I got it!
*Morten gets up, still feeling weak, and goes to the front*
Morten: Shadow guards, begone! DARK LIGHT!
*A blast of light purple light hits the Shadow guards. When it ends, the guards are all gone, dissovled in the blast*
Morten: I was... right... ugh!
*Morten collapses to the ground, his energy drained by his spell*
(think of something for the next part... just don't leave Morten like this, ok?)
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- Errm -- The gang, Tue, Jul 17 2001, 13:36:01
*Emily looks at David and laughs*
David: What?
Emily: You've got some lamb chop hanging from your teeth.
David: Oh.
*Sucks in the lamb chop and swallows it*
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- The inside man... -- David, Tue, Jul 17 2001, 13:21:53
(Mist wells up from the pipes and takes on a human form. David is in, but he has no idea where to go from here. Maybe if I go by instinct... He become a wolf and seeks out the kitchen. AFTER a snack, a bunch of the guards at the front gates are killed and the entrance is opened by a 'werewolf'.)
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- Ah...why not? -- Tempest, Sun, Jul 15 2001, 12:40:05
*Tempest appears next to the heroes*
Morten: You again? Just who the hell are you?
Tempest: Darksin's new guards can't be hurt by regular weapons. I'm assuming that the Devilheart and the Sapphire Blade will do damage, as they have magical properties.
*Turns to Joe*
Tempest: And 'he' will be useful too.
*Joe just nods in understanding*
Tempest: Well good luck! I won't stay here any longer, I've got an over-sized sandworm on my tail.
*Tempest opens a time-portal and disappears again*
Joe: ...? An oversized sandworm?
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- Uh oh -- The gang, Sat, Jul 14 2001, 4:05:00
*Emily sensed...something about Joe, but doesn't say anything. Instead, she just readies her sword and turns to Marax*
Emily: Ready to go?
Marax: As I'll...AH!
*Marax drops his sword like a hot potato. The second the sword hits the ground, it separates into the Devilheart and the Angelheart again*
Joe: What happened?
Marax: I don't know. I suddenly had this flash of pain in my arm and then something forced me to drop the sword.
Emily: ...You were using it too often.
Marax: What?
Emily: The Shadowheart can only be used for so long. You used it too much, and it decided that enough is enough. Now you'll have to carry one and use the other.
Marax: Sure, why not.
*Marax puts the Angelheart in his belt and carries the Devilheart.*
Marax: Are we ready to go yet?
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- Woosh. -- Joe Hockner, Wed, Jul 11 2001, 14:49:12
(This strange sound hit their ears in a very subtle way. The guards didn't hear it, though. Something is amiss.)
Emily: Where's Joe?
Marax: He was right here a second ago.
Morten: Where'd he-
Voice: Ugh!
(The voice belonged to a sniper. He seemed to have suffered a fatal heart attack. Something he saw he literally scared him to death. Other snipers with a greater will about them saw a what it was and shuddered only briefly.)
Sniper: Did the boss say anything about gargoyles joining his army?
Other Sniper: NO! Get him!
(But it was too late. Quickly and silently, the snipers were ripped apart. How was it silent? The noise just seemed to be swallowed up as a spell was cast.)
Deathwing: Another dark day in my existence...
(The phantasmic creature disappeared. Joe soon returned to the rebel ranks, noticing some odd stares.)
Marax: You wanna explain what you where doing up there?
(They didn't actually see what happened.)
Joe: Let's just say there's alot about me you don't know.
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- *They are about to leave* -- Morten and the gang, Tue, Jul 10 2001, 22:43:19
*Before they can go out, Leon comes to them*
Leon: Well, if you are so determined to kill DarkSin, let me come with you!
Morten: Well, it seems the "loser" is gaining some self-confidence! Did you read a book called "How to hide you're a big loser?"
*The others burst out in laughter, while Leon gets real mad*
Morten: You're not the one who travelled to Earth, and brought them back!
Leon: Gosh...
Morten: Come with us if you want, but don't get in the way!
Leon: All right! ::stares at David:: As for you, I'll keep an eye on you! And you know why!
David: ~Anime sweatdrop~ Uh... okay...
*They then exit the base and are beginnning to head for the castle*
*In DarkSin's castle, things are getting more and more serious*
mysterious man: Are you sure this is enough?
DarkSin: Huh? What are you talking about?
mysterious man: The Shadow Guards... do you think there are enough of them?
DarkSin: Of course... Since this guy broke in and killed the rest of my guards, I had no choice... If he tries again, he'll get killed!
*They are hiding, close to the castle, but they see it is tightly guarded*
Morten:(whispering) How are we gonna get in now? He has new guards... and there are those snipers up there, ready to shoot anytime!
Leon: If the rebels weren't hurt, we would have bocked those arrows and you could sneak in!
David: I'll change in mist and get in immediately since we can't be closer than that! I just hope I'll have enough energy to remain in mist form long enough until I sneak in the castle unnoticedly... You told me to sneak in from the top, right?
Leon: Right...
David: Alright... Here I go!
*David transforms in mist and head to the top of the castle*
Morten: We have to think of something, quick! How to get rid of those snipers as soon as David will be inside!
(Up to you to write the next part...)
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- Ready! -- The Gang, Sun, Jul 01 2001, 10:04:53
*It is quite clear that these three have no recollection of Tempest OR Christine. But Morten is confused*
Morten: Who was that winged man and why did that girl hit me?
Joe: I wouldn't believe me if I told you.
*They leave, ready to kill Darksin*
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- *DarkSin is really in a bad position* -- Morten, Sun, Jul 01 2001, 9:33:58
DarkSin: It seems the denfenses of the castle are not enough... I have no choice then!
*DarkSin summons the Shadow Guards, made from the shadows... they are quite special, because they can hit anyone, but no one can even hurt them! At least, not with weapons*
DarkSin: Now, my fellow Shadow Guards, I want you to guard my castle and destroy any intruded trying to infiltrate the castle! You have nothing to fear since there is Eternal Night, there is no light to kill you!
*They each get to their assigned positions*
DarkSin: I don't care about the town, It's my security what's more important!
*inside the base, everyone is getting the last preparations for the battle... then, they all gather at the front of the exit*
Morten: Everyone ready?
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Anger management (comedy time) -- Tempest, Sun, Jul 01 2001, 5:54:03
*Tempest has found his way to Darksins castle, and is currently blasting his way through the place. The foolish guards try and stop him, but they soon find themselves reduced to ashes. Then, Tempest finds Moebius*
Tempest: Hey, aren't you that Time Streamer?
Moebius: Who are you?
Tempest (grinning evilly): Your worst nightmare.
*Before Moebius can react, Tempest has him gagged and bound to a chair. To add to that (just because Tempest is feeling a little sadistic) a Big Screen TV with surround sound and a DVD system appears out of nowhere (although what powers it, nobody knows), and Tempest produces a DVD of...BARNEY AND FRIENDS!! Moebius tries to scream: "NO NOT THAT!" but the gag stops him. Tempest grins and puts the DVD into the player, pushes play, and leaves it on a continious loop. Then, he goes back to the rebels base to wipe away the memory of his ever being here from Morten, Emily and Marax's minds. Then, he makes another grand entrance, by blasting a hole in the wall and walking through*
Morten: Who are you?
Tempest: Hey, Joe. By the way, if you're looking for Moebius, he's in Darksin's castle. I...took care of the guards. Hey, Christine! We're going home!
*Christine sighs, goes past Morten (giving him a good WHACK on the back of the head) and up to Tempest. They both disappear*
OOC: I thought that I would clear up that little mess I made with that outburst, so I decided to have some fun while I was at it. Hehehe...
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- Humph -- Tempest, Thu, Jun 28 2001, 16:21:38
*Tempest glares at Joe, and yells*
*With that, Tempest blasts a hole in the room and jumps through*
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- Ummmm... -- Joe, Thu, Jun 28 2001, 15:30:05
(Joe walks up to Tempest. He speaks low enough so nobody else hears.)
Joe: Do you realize that something like that may be the reason your family has these problems? Punching out your relative in the past in NOT a good idea.
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- Sour relationship -- Tempest, Thu, Jun 28 2001, 14:00:08
*Tempest is quite literally walking through the walls of the base when he finds Marax's room. He stops when he sees his father. With an angry look on his face, he walks up to Marax, who looks up at him*
Marax: Can I help you with some...
*Tempest suddenly punches Marax through the next 3 walls and he lands in the dining area. Marax gets up, and stares at him in shock*
Marax: What's your problem?!
*Tempest is silent as everybody else just stares at him in shock*
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- OOC -- David, Wed, Jun 27 2001, 14:30:41
I wasn't thinking that! It was separate from any actual part of this character. (Darkside never takes thing like this lightly.) So, Tempest knows of no 'surprise'.
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- Hmmm...? -- Emily and Tempest, Wed, Jun 27 2001, 14:19:54
*Emily sees what David is thinking, and whispers to Tempest. Tempest just shrugs*
Tempest: Wouldn't be the first time that's happened to me. But I feel sorry for the 'surprise' as it has yet to meet him.
*Leaves to beat the crap out of some of Darksins men*
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- Yikes! -- David, Wed, Jun 27 2001, 12:50:49
(Darkside swears he'll get Tempest for this. He'll find a nice little 'present' waiting for him at home. I'm sure Massacre won't mind... Meanwhile, back in Sarmento...)
David: *Yawn* What's going on here? Who's this new guy?
Joe: That's Tempest. He's also from the future.
David: This is gonna screw up history, y'know. Raziel warned me about stuff like that.
(David is told everything that's beeen going on.)
David: I need to go do something.
(David stroll over to Leon's quarters. Leon's reaction is immediate.)
David: You're hopeless.
(David leaves him alone and rejoins the others.)
David: Let's go bust some skulls.
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- ...... -- Tempest, Tue, Jun 26 2001, 17:41:13
*Tempest looks around him. Thanks to Christine, the only people well enough to battle this Darksin were Morten, Marax, Emily, David (Tempest has yet to meet this guy), Joe and Samuel. Tempest sighs*
Tempest: Damn, thanks to my rather annoying younger sister, I'm going to have to stay and help you guys take out this Darksin guy.
*Joe just has to know..*
Joe: Tempest, how did you get past the Time Demons?
Tempest: Trust me, you don't want to know.
*The Time Demons are having a hard time getting a hold of Tempest's little distraction.*
Time Demon 1: Damn! These Ghask Sisters are more annoying than Moebius!
Corana (in a mocking tone): What's the matter? Can't catch a little lady like me?
Cordana: Hehehe...looks like they've run out of energy!
Time Demon 2: WHY YOU!!!
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*Morten gains back consciousness* -- Morten, Tue, Jun 26 2001, 17:28:30
*When he opens his eyes, he sees the beautiful face of Emily*
Morten: Huh? If I'm dead, you must be the one who welcomes the departed ones to heaven!
Emily:........ Baka, I healed your bruises! You're not dead!
Morten: oh, S***!
*Morten gets up and wipes off the dust from his clothes*
Tempest: Well, as soon as I saw her, I realized you were the ones she was talking about in the future...
Morten: Future? You're from the future? Say do you know Zero?
Tempest: Of course!
Morten: I guess he's okay, if you know him... that's good to know he's not held by those Lizards...
Tempest: You know too about Hydris?
Morten: Well, not exactly, but we've seen Chardannok and the fight between him and Zero...
Tempest: Yes, he told me about it... and that you all saved him!
Morten: Yeah... he's quite a funny and nice guy to have around! Not to mention his cyber enhancements and weapons! He's damn powerful!
*Joe cuts in*
Joe: Hey, keep that for later, we should concentrate on the current situation! There's still DarkSin and Moebius...
Morten: Oh yeah, I'll go see Leon about the attack!
*Morten hurries to Leon's room and knocks*
Leon: enter...
Morten: That's me... we have to prepare the attack!
Leon: After the way you treated me, I know you don't need my signal...
Morten: Say what?
Leon: And after all, most of the rebels were found unconscious, they said a woman savagely beated them...
Morten: ::raising his head in the air and raising his fist::
Damn that Christine! Now our plan is foiled!
Leon: We will have to wait some more...
Morten: We can't there is too a Time-Streamer named Moebius who will cause a massive disaster if we wait too much!
Leon: Then leave me alone... I want to enjoy the time left before "noon", knowing that Sarmento will remain under DarkSin's tyranny... or be destroyed...
Morten: You lost all hope... fine then, just do nothing! You'll thank us when we will have done all the dirty work and liberated Sarmento by ourselves!
*Morten exits Leon's room, slamming the door. Whe he gets back to them, he makes a big decision*
Morten: Since Leon has no willpower left, I am the new commander! We will begin the attack in an hour! But by ourselves, since the rebels are invalid! This is risky, but we can't wait, with Moebius being a bigger threat!
(isn't that serious now?)
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- Great -- Tempest and Christine, Tue, Jun 26 2001, 13:37:55
*Tempest sees Christine KO Morten*
Tempest: CHRISTINE!!
Christine (with a shocked expression on her face): Sammy!!! When did you get here?
Tempest (turning to Joe): Let me guess, she's been beating up the rebels?
*Joe just nods, and Tempest sighs*
Tempest: Christine, I'm here to take you home.
Christine: No can do! I'm having too much fun!
*Before Tempest can say anything, Christine warps outside. Tempest turns to Joe*
Tempest: Is there anything special going on here? Christine only stays in one place if theres a fight going on.
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- Christine, eh? -- Morten, Mon, Jun 25 2001, 18:59:03
Morten: I'm sorry, but I don't think there is a Christine here... or if there is, well I haven't met her yet...
*Morten gets in thought a few seconds*
Morten: If she's a ninja, she must be quite a beauty! Not as much as Emily, but still... what does she look like?
??????: Like this!
*Morten gets hits with a powerful ninjutsu*
Morten: duh...lovely... ::passes out::
Christine: Great, another rebel down!
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- Whoa... -- Tempest, Mon, Jun 25 2001, 13:09:21
*Tempest looks at Morten*
Tempest: That entrance was nothing! You should see me when I really want somebody to notice me!
*Tempest turns back to Joe. He can't let Morten know anything else, so he sends thoughts into Joes mind*
Tempest: I got here with Rebecca's help. It took me awhile to get past the Time Demons, though. They just wouldn't stop following me! Anyway, the second I get Christine, I'll be outta here.
*Turns back to Morten*
Tempest: You seen a ninja named Christine?
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- Now, we're in trouble. -- Joe, Mon, Jun 25 2001, 12:57:52
Joe: With Tempest in town, the whole temporal matrix could be warped out of wack. How did he get past the Time Demons? Darkside was lenient with me because of my mission.
(Well, Joe doesn't like being held in suspense, so...)
Joe: Tempest, how the hell did you get here? Technolord told me that reality can only be stretched so far.
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- *Morten get woken up by the noise* -- Morten, Mon, Jun 25 2001, 5:00:51
*He looks around the room, with a funny-looking face, still sleepy*
Morten: What is making this ruckus?
*Morten gets up and arranges his hair. When he gets out, he sees another visitor is here*
Morten: What? Another mysterious guest? Now how did he get here?
*Morten walks to Tempest and shakes his hand*
Morten: Anyway, welcome to Sarmento's rebel force base!
*As he stops shaking hands, Morten realizes that Tempest looks a lot like Marax*
Morten:This face, and those eyes... he lloks just like him... ::some small debris fall on his head:: Well, geez, you like an entrance, don't you?
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- Cameo! -- Tempest, Fri, Jun 22 2001, 7:54:01
*Joe turns around to see Tempest standing right behind him!*
Joe: Tempest? What are you doing here?
Tempest: I'm looking for a particularily obnoxious ninja called Christine. You seen her?
Joe: Yeah, she's in the base. How did you get in here anyway?
Tempest: I kinda blasted a hole in the roof.
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- Practice... -- Joe, Thu, Jun 21 2001, 16:05:20
(Joe is in a practice room. He awaits the call for battle. Dammit! We need to go before Moebius tries something! Joe is surrounded by practice targets for his sword. He suddenly swings rapidly, so fast that his moves are blurred. The targets are cut to pieces.)
Joe: I wonder what exactly Moebius is planning to do... Aaagh!
(Joe feels a sharp pain in his stomach and chest. You risk alot of things when you distort reality. The field used on Joe is unstable, threatening to tear him away from this era and back to the future. Joe summons a great amount of power to stabilize himself, ultimately using the Dark Power to attain this. Gargoyle wings shoot from his back while he continues to concentrate. Finally, he feels better. The wings retract. I hope nobody saw that...)
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- Family ties -- Christine, Mon, Jun 18 2001, 15:59:01
*Christine recieved the message, and smiles as she literally warps in front of Joe*
Joe: What the?!
Christine: Before you ask, it's warping magic. My sister-in-law taught me. You know my brother? Interesting friends he has. I shall see you on the battlefield.
*Christine uses the warp spell to warp outside to train herself*
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- Oy... -- Joe, Mon, Jun 18 2001, 14:21:48
(Joe easily pulls himself away from the wall. He's not even wounded. Great... Somebody here knows... Christine's comments hurt more than any attack she could have ever launched against him. Joe walks off to practice, but before he does, he sends this message to the ninja:
I am not like my so-called father and his kind are NOT my family. I fight against him because he is the darkest, sickest, most-twisted evil in the universe. Even your own brother, who hates anything evil, has trust in me. So much trust that he would risk help save the life of my son.
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- Oh EXCUSE me! -- Christine, Mon, Jun 18 2001, 13:57:09
*Joe soon learns the hard way not to talk to Christine in that tone. She has him pinned to a wall with several throwing-stars*
Christine: Hmph, you're not much of a challenge, even if you are the Darkgod Massacre's son.
*Christine smiles at Joes shocked expression*
Christine: Oh yes, I know about your wonderful family, as they have tried to kill my brother many times before. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for the battle ahead.
*Christine leaves Joe hanging, literally, and walks out*
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- Hey! -- Joe Hockner, Mon, Jun 18 2001, 12:50:58
(Joe sees Christine beating on some of the rebels. So, he decides to make a grand appearance. With a thunderclap and a giant flash of light, he appears in the room. Christine and the other rebels are all gawking at him like he were a deadly spirit of evil. Christine is especially shocked, since he next addresses her!)
Joe: What do you think you're doing? These people are freedom fighters against the evil of the land! You have no right to challenge them to any fight. They are needed in the coming battle and don't need your help to the infirmary. Now, cut that out!
(Joe's booming voice and special effects cease as he gives Christine a certain glare of distrust.)
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- Boredem -- Christine, Sun, Jun 17 2001, 6:07:09
*Christine wakes up and finds herself with nothing to do, so she decides to cause a little bit of trouble by beating the crap out of every single rebel she can find*
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- *Morten is talking with Joe* -- Morten, Thu, Jun 14 2001, 22:05:22
Morten: I'm sorry, but we can't right now, the time is set to "Noon"... meanwhile, why don't you get some rest? Everyone should also...
Joe: I'm not sleepy...
Morten: Well, I am, so good nap!
*Morten gets into his room*
Joe: How rude...
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- Lost and alone... -- Christine, Thu, Jun 14 2001, 16:13:42
*Christine is, quite frankly, lost in the rebel base. She eventually finds the eating room, and sits down to rest and to think*
Christine: I wish Sammy were here, he would know what to do in a situation like this.
*Christine closes her eyes and kinda falls asleep at the table*
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- The door opens again... -- Joe, Thu, Jun 14 2001, 14:56:07
(This time, Joe strides through it. He looks serious about something.)
Joe: Morten, we need to attack the castle A.S.A.P. If we don't, Sarmento may be doomed.
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- Problems? -- Emily and Morten, Wed, Jun 13 2001, 18:04:24
*Morten finds Emily walking around the base*
Morten: Hey! I want you to release Leon from that stun spell!
Emily: I can't.
Morten: WHAT?!
Emily: It'll wear off right about...now.
*In his room, Leon suddenly falls over*
Leon: Great, it was one of those 'it-wears-off-in-time' spells.
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- Search for the Time-Streamer. -- Joe Hockner, Wed, Jun 13 2001, 13:25:59
(Joe happens to find a demon that he'd become aware of in the future, Lord Palethorn. Palethorn was busy recalibrating his hovership.)
Joe: Palethorn! I thought that was you! Where's Moebius?
Palethorn: What the...? How'd you get here?
Joe: I had help from Technolord. Now where's that damn Time-Streamer.
Palethorn: I'll tell you, though it won't do you any good. He's inside Darksin's castle, ready to cause a massive TimeQuake.
Joe: No way! Then what were you back here for?
Palethorn: I'm not saying a thing.
Palethorn: I don't need to answer to the likes some Dark Power freak.
(Palethorn pulls out a small ring-like device that aids in Time-Streaming. With it, he and all that belongs to him disappears into time.)
Joe: What is he up to? Oh well... I need to get back to the rebels. It's the only way into DarkSin's fortress.
(Joe strolls back to the base. But will I be able to save the one I love from her fate?)
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- *Morten finishes off the guard* -- Morten, Tue, Jun 12 2001, 17:56:37
Morten: all right! But... why did I get out anyway? Oh right! To find the others!
*Morten is searching and comes across Samuel*
Samuel: Hey Morten!
Morten: Hi Samuel! Return to the base, "daytime" is coming! And soon we'll begin the attack!
Samuel: Okay!
*Samuel returns to the base*
Morten: It's safer now that we defeated almost all the guards...
*Morten then counts the remaining ones*
Morten: That leaves... Emily, Marax and Joe...
*Morten begins to search for them, but after a long time, he didn't find them*
Morten: I give up... I'm returning to base... they'll come back sooner or later...
*As he is returning to the base, he sees Leon, standing there*
Morten: What're you doing here?
Leon: That Angel... Emily... she used a stun spell on me!
Morten: No problem... I'll take you back in!
*Morten carries Leon, who is as stiff as a statue, to his room*
Morten: There. I'll go get Emily!
Leon: Noooooo! Not Emily!
Morten: She is the only one who can undo the spell!
Leon: Argh!
*Morten exits, to get Emily*
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- Strange event... -- Christine, Tue, Jun 12 2001, 16:32:11
*Christine is wondering around the base, when she bumps into Marax. She looks up at him to apologise, but freezes when she see's his face*
Christine: Have we met? He looks exactly like... But, this is the past!! He CAN'T have been here!
Marax: Huh? No, I don't think so. If you'll excuse me, I have to prepare for the upcoming battle.
*Christine watches Marax leave, confused*
Christine: Am I THAT far back in the past?
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- Departure... -- Joe, Tue, Jun 12 2001, 14:36:44
(Joe is on his way out. He has a look of grim determination on him, like he's totally commited to whatever it is he's off to do. He doesn't even share a word with anyone as he exits the secret base and basks in the sunlight. Some things in time sould never have happened.)
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- A new rebel? -- Emily and Christine, Tue, Jun 12 2001, 14:21:08
*Emily finds Leon outside of the door, and he doesn't look very happy*
Leon: I thought I told you to...
Emily: Oh, be quiet!! Sapphire Stun!
*Leon is basically stunned and can't move. Emily just leaves him there and goes inside. Christine follows her*
Christine: How did you do that?
Emily: That? That was nothing.
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- *Morten's outside, searching for the others* -- Morten, Mon, Jun 11 2001, 20:48:32
Morten: Where are they all?
?????: Hey you! Stop right there!
*Morten turns and sees another guard*
Morten: One more or less, we almost wiped them all out...
*Morten fights the guard, forgetting about the others*
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- I must go now. -- ......, Mon, Jun 11 2001, 14:30:23
Remy: The sun is rising and that will make things even harder. Massacre can sense very well. We were lucky that his judgement was clouded. If any other creature of evil sees me, he will know.
(Remy disappears again, this time leaving via astral plain.)
(Joe materialized in his room. He yanked the covers from his bed to reveal...HIMSELF!)
Joe: At least I don't sleepwalk. Trips in the astral plain separated from my body would be hazardous that way. At least no one'll think that I skipped out too. So, today we take down that DarkSin... Well, maybe I'll see Moebius on the way. That guy's been a real no-show.
(Suddenly, Joe stops dead in his tracks. He senses something. Before returning to his body, he goes outside again and focuses himself very carefully. No...that's not possible...is it? He couldn't be here too! It must be his past-self. Wait a minute! Oh no... Joe returned to his body, making himself whole again. And yet, he didn't feel that way.)
Joe: Remy...
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- Worries -- Christine, Emily and Remy, Mon, Jun 11 2001, 13:19:50
Christine: So THAT's my brother's enemy! It's no wonder that he had to come home to recuperate after their last battle.
Emily: What an...evil creature that was. I wouldn't want to have to fight him, ever.
Remy: I hope you never do have to fight him, his power is immense.
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- Evil? -- David, Mon, Jun 11 2001, 12:48:20
(David says nothing further to Morten. He's too tired. [He ain't wakin' up 'till it's time to battle DarkSin.] He goes to sleep and dreams of the past. Nosgoth...the dark world of vampires... My life could've been more natural had it not been for Kain. Kain had believed in the rebirth of the Osirans. He thought of them as ancient beings from which vampires came. THat is why he sent his fledglngs to kill the Marked Man. Unfortunately, he would never see the results of his exploit as his empire was comprimised by none other than Raziel. Later, when all seemed normal and Raziel stood triumphant, Sutekh came to claim the world through the vampiric David. Raziel fought him along with an outsider.)
(Raziel faced off with Sutekh The Destroyer. He was buying time for some priests to perform an exorcism, but this Sutekh creature was dynamite!)
Sutekh: No matter what you do, my people will rise again!
Raziel: Not if I steal your soul!
(Suddenly, out of nowhere, Deathwing appeared and attacked the Osiran! His claws dug deep into flesh as he pounded on the creature. Raziel signaled the priests and the exorcism began. Sutekh separated from David, with his own body!)
Deathwing: Oh great...
Sutekh: I live still. Farewell, worthy opponent...
(The Osiran vanished, leaving the weakened David behind to stare at Deathwing, who was becoming the human Joe Hockner.)
David: How did you...?
Joe: It's a long story, but I'll tell it as long as nobody tries to suck my blood OR my soul.
David: Deal.
Raziel: Done.
Remy: Do I LOOK like one of DarkSin's guards?
(They just stare at her.)
Remy: Don't answer that. No, I'm not a guard here. I don't even come from here.
(Remy explains who and what she is as well as where she came from.)
Remy: I DID say there was an evil here and I wasn't kidding. The one who hunts me is a creature of evil that is far more deadly than anything you've ever faced.
Emily: What is it?
Remy: Another spirit, an evil one called...Massacre.
(The exact weight of that statement sits uneasily in Emily's mind. A force greater than both the Hydrans and even Exodez?)
Emily: Why does he hunt you?
Remy: I don't know. He's- Hmmm? Uh oh! He's coming! Take cover if you value your lives!
(Emily and Christine duck under that rocky overhang. Remy just outright disappears. A moment later, they saw it. The deadly Massacre. He took upon the likenesses of a gargoyle, dark brown in color and missing his tail. Emily could tell without sensing that he was strong and did her best to block any sensing abilities he might use. He left a couple minutes later, sounding disgusted.)
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- Whoa.... -- Christine, Sat, Jun 09 2001, 6:03:25
*Christine stares at Remy, not sure of what to make of her*
Christine: Earth?
Remy: It is a planet much like this one and Trivadia, except without the dragon's running loose and waging a war with humans.
Christine: And what about you? You said something about that great evil not being you?
Remy: ...
Christine: I take it that that's a sensitive subject.
Voice: Hey, is anybody there?
Christine: ..?! Somebody's coming!
*Emily flies down and lands next to Christine and Remy. She takes on look at Remy, and reaches for her sword*
Emily: Who are you? Are you one of Darksin's soldiers?
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- Are you okay, David? -- Morten, Sat, Jun 09 2001, 0:36:28
Morten: You were controlled by someone I never saw before... he had also two servant named... Dogman and Mander, I think... do you know them?
David: Uh? Err.. no, no I don't!
Morten: You should rest... you need some sleep... I will geo back out, find the others and and bring them back! ~Yawn~
David: You're tired too, you know...
Morten: I can handle myself...
(If David wants to say something else, that's his chance!)
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- An hour later... (2:30) -- David, Fri, Jun 08 2001, 22:17:27
(David awakens.)
David: Huh? Morten...? What's goin on?
(He slowly returns to his normal shape.)
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- Revelation... -- ........, Fri, Jun 08 2001, 22:04:32
(From the overhang of the giant stone, she emerged. She is a slim figure with dark red hair, gargoyle wings and a tail.)
Woman: There IS an evil nearby, but not myself. He hunts me, though I don't know why.
Christine: Who are you? What are you?
Remy: My name is Remy and I'm a spirit from a world called Earth.
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- Hm? -- Christine, Fri, Jun 08 2001, 13:29:29
*Christine whirls around, but she doesn't see anybody. She holds her katana in a battle-ready position*
Christine: Who goes there?!
*No answer*
Christine: ...I sense a great evil nearby, and it isn't that angel that I saw, it's...something else.
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*Morten is carrying David* -- Morten, Fri, Jun 08 2001, 0:01:39
Morten: No choice but to return to to the base...
*He enters the password and gets in. Leon was just waiting at the entry!*
Leon: I'm very ashamed of you all! You all got out of the base, except for that Joe!
Morten: Buzz off, I have more important matters! It's not becasue you're the second in command that you must think you have full powers while the leader is not here!
*Leon's jaw drops, and eyes open wide. He can't believe Morten's behaviour! He just stands there, silent and with a dead look*
Morten: There.. I said it...
*Morten reaches David's room, enters and puts David, who is stilla werewolf, on the bed*
Morten: I knew that wasn't usual of him...
*Morten stays to the side of David, until he will wake up*
(The current time right now is about 1:30 am)
(Umm... I like that! Always write the current time where each part is happening in the story! that would prevent "endless" days or nights!)
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- Impressive. -- Someone..., Thu, Jun 07 2001, 16:41:54
(The voice came from from a shadowy overhang of a large rock. The voice was female, but it's hard to tell what this person looks like.)
Voice: You mentioned Trivadia? I've heard of that place. I...get around alot.
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- Shadows and shapes -- Christine, Thu, Jun 07 2001, 16:13:18
*Christine is observing the surroundings. She is quite clearly confused by all of this*
Christine: What a...strange place. Not like Trivadia at all! Where is this? More importantly: WHEN is it?
*Christine ponders this, while a wild fenrir is sneaking up on her. She seems to sense this, and jumps up, does a backflip, draws her katana, and slices the beast in half as she lands*
Christine: Strange wildlife too.
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- How very odd... -- Lord Palethorn, Thu, Jun 07 2001, 14:18:20
(David's actions confused Morten in the extreme. He was NEVER like this before. What's gotten into him? A voice interrupts his thoughts.)
Voice (British cockney accent): Is that what I've been working my magic on? I wondered where these funny signals where coming from.
(Morten turns around to face a trio of strange fellows. Well...the one in the middle isn't that strange, but his sidekicks are. One of them is a lizard-man while the other is a dog-man, both of them clothed in swanky attires. The one in the middle is a well-dressed Demon holding a cane of some sort.)
Lord Palethorn: Get that stupid curse off. Your spoiling my control.
Morten: Control?! So that's what happened! Release him now!
Palethorn: I'll release him...from your curse!
(Palethorn points his finger at David and the curse is removed. David suddenly goes primal again and becomes a werewolf.)
David: GRRRRR!
Dogman: Rowf! Rowf! Rowf!
Palethorn: No! Down, Dogman! Bad Dogman! Mander! Get him to shut up! I'm busy here!
Mander: Yesss, massster...
(Mander kicks Dogman once. He's silent now. David, however, is starting to howl)
Palethorn: Vampire that has all the powers of olde. I could use a fella like him.
Morten: You can't have him!
Palethorn: Why not?
Morten: He's got my money! And uh, he's a friend of mine too.
Palethorn: Well, that's just too b- AAAGH!
(David suddenly bit Palethorn in the leg. Palethorn pounds him senseless.)
Palethorn: Nevermind. You can have him.
(The Demon and his gruesome two-some stroll away. David is still unconscious as a werewolf.)
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- Warrior of Shadow's -- Emily and...?, Thu, Jun 07 2001, 13:26:14
*There is a mysterious female ninja in the shadow's of the base. What she doesn't know, is that Emily is right above her.*
Emily: Ahem.
Woman: ...?! An angel?! Here?!
Emily: Odd, I can't probe your mind. Who are you, ninja?
Woman: That is none of your business.
Emily: Isn't it? How do I know that you aren't one of Darksin's lapdogs?
Woman: I would never work for that tyrant!
Emily: Then why are you here?
Woman: I have my reasons.
Rebel Guard: Is somebody there?
Woman: You've gotten us caught!
*Before Emily can answer, the woman jumps into the trees and disappears. The guard finds Emily, and immediately assumes that she is on Darksin's side*
Guard: Halt or else!
Emily: Oh...shut up.
*Emily waves her arm at him, and the guard is sent flying into the ground!*
Emily: Oops, Leon will be angry, I just KO'd one of his guards...
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- ????? -- DarkSin, Wed, Jun 06 2001, 19:02:34
*DarkSin is on his throne, feeling upset*
DarkSin: Why do I feel that something's odd happening? Like if I was losing military power...
*DarkSin ponders a long time*
DarkSin: naaah... impossible, no one could possibly KILL any of my guards!
*A man in a dark cloak comes into the throne room and walks up to DarkSin. His hood covers his face, so no one can see it*
DarkSin: You... what do you want?
mysterious man: I heard what you were saying... and maybe it is Morten? He could be back! And with reinforcements!
DarkSin: Morten? No way! Last time I saw him, I left some fenrirs behind to take care of him and his "reinforcements"! You saw how quick the rebels retreated when they knew how strong my little fenrir army was? So it could have been impossible for them to win!
mysterious man: Of course! If you left them fenrirs they stand no chance!
DarkSin: If you have nothing else to say, I'm asking you to leave!
mysterious man: all right. I'm on my way!
*The mysterious man leaves the throne room*
DarkSin: hmph... It is just a matter of time until these rebels are crushed! If only I knew the location of their base...
*Morten noticed his money was missing, and was running after David, who was in werewolf form*
*Morten jumps forward, and catches David*
Morten: HA! Got you! What?
*David has transformed into mist*
Morten: Just wait... DARK MIST!
*Purple mist comes out of Morten's hands. When it reaches David, it becomes liquid, surrounds him and traps him. then the purple mist solidifies, leaving no way to escape for David*
Morten: Even in mist form, you won't escape this magic dark sphere! Now... DARK CURSE!
*Morten shoots a purple bolt into the sphere and when it hits David, he instantly returns into human form. The dark sphere enlarges, to still contain him*
Morten: There! ~frees David from the dark sphere~ Don't think of transforming, the curse has blocked this ability!
David: Eep!
Morten: Two choices: Give back my money, or keep it and stay cursed! Even if you won't be able to help us, we will win anyway! ~grins evilly~
(OOC: Massacre, the next is for you!)
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- *Kicks a stone* Phooey... -- David, Wed, Jun 06 2001, 15:58:29
(He walks into the night.)
David: Oh well. Anyway, I always preferred...
(He changes into a werewolf.)
David: ...to be primevil.
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- Pickpockets? -- Emily, Wed, Jun 06 2001, 15:31:49
Emily: Try it and you'll be sorry.
David: Damn, I forgot.
Emily: And you can give back all the other things you stole too.
David: *grumbles*
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- Huh? -- David and Joe, Wed, Jun 06 2001, 15:17:03
(David and Joe silently walk away from Morten, out of hearing distance.)
Joe: That's not like you at all. What's with the surrender?
David: Oh, that? I didn't want him to know.
(David 'injuries' heal instantly. What's a slap to a vampire?)
Joe: Know what?
David: That I'm a kleptomaniac!
(David runs off...with all of Morten's money! Joe just laughs as David then becomes mist. Then he stops.)
Joe: Hey, wait a minute. My wallet's missing!
OOC: Someone's messing with David's mind. He has a hidden stash somewhere of anything from pocket knives to saddlebags.
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*sigh* -- Moonshade Warrior, Tue, Jun 05 2001, 17:55:01
Morten: David, don't you know anything else than to give trouble to the rebels? I know you already stole a steak to Leon... and I guess all this food is Leon's too!
David: What? I never stole anything!
Morten: Leon told me that last night, a werewolf came into his room and stole his steak! It could only be you!
David: Well, I guess it wasn't just a dream, after all! It was delicious, however!
*Morten stands back up, walks to David and slaps him wildly with one hand on each side of his face nonstop*
Morten: Idiot! That's for stealing Leon twice!
*Morten continues to slap David, even wildlier*
*Morten stops and David falls to his knees, unable to stand up after the slap rain he received, and his face all red*
Morten: Glad we've come to a deal!
*Morten stares back at the castle*
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- Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz -- Marax, Tue, Jun 05 2001, 16:31:20
*Marax is asleep...underneath the stars. Then, a wandering guard finds him and makes the mistake of waking him up*
Marax: Oh...shut up!
*Marax blows a hole in the guys chest with his Ameratsu Power and goes back to sleep*
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- Joe was in the shadows. -- Joe and David, Tue, Jun 05 2001, 15:58:38
Joe: Heh. Mind-readers...
David: They always know what yer hiding.
Joe: Huh? How'd you-
David: Mist-form, Joe. How do ya think I got out before?
Joe: I know no one'll think that I'M out here, but you already got busted once already.
David: I got it figured out. These guys don't know what to look for - mist, a werewolf, or me.
Joe: Are you out here for practice too?
David: Nope.
Joe: What then?
(David pulls out a steak, four fried chickens, and a diet soda.)
David: Midnight snack. *Buuurrrp!*
Leon: He wouldn't... He couldn't... HE CAN'T BE THAT HUNGRY!!
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- Patrolling! -- Emily, Tue, Jun 05 2001, 15:17:48
*Emily is having a night-time flight, when she notices Morten and Samuel. She flies down next to them*
Morten: How..?
Emily: I took the passcode from a guard's mind.
Morten: Don't...
Emily: Read your mind like that? Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
Morten: ....
*Emily slaps Samuel REALLY HARD!*
Samuel: HUH!?
Emily: YOU PIG!
Samuel: I can't help it if you're beautiful!
*Emily just flies off, but she also hits Samuel over the head with the handle of her sword*
Samuel: OUCH!!!!!
Voices: Who's there?!
Morten: Great, Darksin's guards!
*The guards approach, but start to run in the opposite direction when they see Emily coming down with her sword charged to the max. Before they get away, she incinerates them*
Emily: Let's go back to the base.
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Guards? Not for long! -- Joe Hockner, Tue, Jun 05 2001, 12:24:55
Samuel: Hey! Did you notice? Joe's gone!
Morten: How does he do this stuff? I didn't hear 'im leave either.
(Briefly, they check back inside. And yes, Joe had been in his room, sleeping. As Morten and Samuel snuck out again, they couldn't help but wonder what the hell happened.)
(About a mile away, there was a group of guards on patrol. Suddenly, they were surrounded by an eerie darkness that allowed neither sound nor sight to penetrate it. They were cut off. Suddenly, something snatched them, one by one, obliterating them in mid-air. It was too dark to see what it was and it was too fast to be tracked. The Darkness disappeared and so did the mysterious asailant, leaving no trace of the guards.)
Voice: Sometime, I can't help but enjoy the thrill of a kill.
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- Something weird is happening... -- Morten, Mon, Jun 04 2001, 23:08:15
Morten: I wonder how Joe can be at two places at once?
*Morten hears a little noise coming from downwards. He peeks carefully*
Morten: ::whispers:: Cool, a guard! I'll have an occasion to get in shape! I'll go and whoop his ass!
*Morten gets up, and jumps down the building over the guard*
*The guard looks up, just to see a kick hitting him in the face and knocking him out*
Morten: Sweet dreams! And goodbye!
*Morten takes the guard's sword and thrusts it into his heart. The guard dies, and dissolves in dark mist, along with the sword!*
*Morten climbs back the building*
Samuel: Wow! That was so cool!
Morten: Yes... one less guard to bother with!
*Morten sits back*
Morten: I could stay up all "night" and wipe them all out myself! But one of them could have time to give the alert and some of DarkSin's fenrirs would be after me in no time!
Samuel: I hate this DarkSin...
Morten: Anyway, I'll be staying here longer... if you want, you can stay too, or return to the base... same for you Marax!
*Morten then stares back at the castle*
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- Would you guys just be quiet? -- Marax, Mon, Jun 04 2001, 16:51:29
Marax: I'm trying to train here!
Morten: Marax?! You're out here too?! Just how does everybody get out of the base?
Marax: I walked through the base, literally. I just used a phasing spell to walk straight through the walls.
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- Hey! -- Joe, Mon, Jun 04 2001, 13:37:34
Joe: Can't you guys go somewhere else? I'm tryin' to sleep!
Samuel and Morten: What're you doing out here?
Joe: Sleeping.
(Had Joe really been there the whole time? Morten didn't think so. He didn't see anyone here before. And he didn't even hear him breathing.)
Joe: Now, you guys had better cut out that extortion nonsense and get back inside. Otherwise, I'll tell 'em that you're BOTH up here.
Samuel: And what if we tell 'em about you, hmmm?
Joe: They won't believe you. I've been in my room asleep for hours and they can even check. I'll be there.
Samuel (whispering): Who IS this guy?
Morten (whispering also): I don't know. He followed David here and HE DOES know him.
Samuel (still whispering): I get this weird feeling about him, like he's not human or something.
Joe: I'm human.
Samuel: Not if you heard me from clear over there!
Joe: I can read lips...and your mind.
Morten: How?
Joe: Trade secret.
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- HAH! -- Samuel, Mon, Jun 04 2001, 13:33:26
*Samuel bursts out laughing!*
Morten: What's so funny?
Samuel: I was just kidding when I threatened you. Don't worry, your secrets safe with me.
Morten: ...
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- extortion... -- Morten, Mon, Jun 04 2001, 0:27:54
Morten: Extortion... still seems like blackmailing to me...
Morten: You say Sarmento is a nice place? This tyranny wiped out everything nice here! With this Eternal Darkness, meaning always nighttime, I can't find what's nice anymore!
Samuel: Well, I thought it was...
Morten: If you always lived here, you wouldn't have called it nice!
Samuel: Whatever...
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- Ahem! -- Samuel, Sun, Jun 03 2001, 11:54:37
*Samuel jumps to the top of the building and surprises Morten*
Morten: What the?! How did you get out here?
Samuel: That's my little secret. I was just exploring the surrounding area. Nice place, this Sarmento. I like the wildlife too, I've learnt two new techniques that I can use!
Morten: You'll be in trouble for this, you know.
Samuel: So will you if I, say...let them know that you're up here.
Morten: Are you blackmailing me?
Samuel: Oh, come on! 'Blackmail' is too nice a word! I prefer extortion!
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- *Time passes, Morten is still absorbed in his thoughts* -- Morten, Sun, Jun 03 2001, 7:49:49
Morten: Why am I worrying so much? The worries will take over me again if I keep it up! I must think positively! That's it!
*Morten gets up and exits his room*
Morten: I hope no one will notice...
*Morten heads for the front door of the base! He enters the password, then exits the base*
Morten: Here I go!
*Morten carefully watches out for any guard, then climbs on top of the tallest building he finds. From up there, he looks at the castle in the horizon*
Morten: Tomorrow, DarkSin... Tomorrow shall be the day of your demise! Just you wait! You will pay for all the people you made suffer! And we will rid this place from this Eternal Darkness you put it upon!
*Morten stays there a while longer, still looking at the castle, his hair and bandanna flowing by the breeze*
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- The center stage is yours, Moonshade! -- Massacre, Fri, Jun 01 2001, 11:43:40
So, in the words of Sir Daniel Fortesque...
"Get on with it!"
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- Hmmm -- Emily, Thu, May 31 2001, 14:18:42
*Emily is thinking about that Joe person. Who was he, and how was he able to hear her thoughts? She shakes her head*
Emily: I cannot read his thoughts, that wouldn't be right. I may as well go to sleep, we have a huge battle tomorrow.
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- *Evening soon comes in* -- Morten, Tue, May 29 2001, 23:04:11
Morten: I have been training all day... I guess I'll relax until I get to bed...
*Morten leaves the traning and heads to his room, but he comes across Joe*
Morten: Hi there.
Joe: Hi.
Morten: I will tell you one thing, I don't trust you yet!
Joe: I didn't expect you to trust me yet, but you soon might...
Morten: Gosh.
*Morten reaches his room and lies on his bed, lost in his thoughts*
Morten: I hope everything will work out tomorrow... But this Joe is mysterious... can he be trusted?
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- Ha, ha, ha... -- Marax, Sun, May 27 2001, 7:55:54
Marax: Funny. But seriously...oh, his name's Joe? Hi.
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- Here. -- David, Sat, May 26 2001, 13:24:54
David: Read the script.
(David hands Marax a copy of the script.)
David: Hey! Don't read ahead! That's cheating!
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- Huh? -- Marax, Sat, May 26 2001, 13:19:03
Marax: Hey, who's the guy with the strange sword?
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- Hell if I know... -- David And Joe, Sat, May 26 2001, 13:13:14
David: This is Morten's world. Only he would know when his people are attacking.
(At the command center of the place...)
Leon: Who're you?
Joe: I'm your new trump card until the Time-Streamer, Moebius, can be found.
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- Oh -- Emily, Sat, May 26 2001, 13:03:18
Emily: I won't ask him or try and pry it from his mind, then. So, when is the attack going to start?
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- Ummm... -- David, Sat, May 26 2001, 12:51:12
(Joe was out of hearing range, but David was still present to hear all of this. He decides to answer on his behalf.)
David: That's...kinda' personal. Let's just say it was part of his upbringing. Funny thing is that he's gotten a much better grip on thing since I last saw him. I wonder what's been going on with his life?
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- What?! -- Emily, Sat, May 26 2001, 12:35:41
Emily: How did you know what I was thinking?
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- Well, if you really must pry... -- Joe Hockner, Sat, May 26 2001, 12:18:04
Joe: I'm not here to help Morten. My mission is even more important than DarkSin. There's an certain fella from Nosgoth messing with time and I'm here to stop him. The trouble is that I can't find him OR his associate. They could be lurking anywhere and I have to get going before something happens. I'll be talking with the Rebel Commanders if you need me.
(Joe heads for the command center. As he's walking away, he tosses back the following remark.)
Joe: Zero and I are like brothers, but not in the traditional sense.
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- Oh -- Emily, Sat, May 26 2001, 12:05:31
Emily: You are the polite one. They could be brothers... Tell me, why are you here? To help Morten, or for something else?
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- Mingling... -- Joe Hockner, Sat, May 26 2001, 11:02:41
Joe: The name is Joe Hockner, milady. And I'm not really one of Sarmento rebels, but I DO know someone you're all familiar with. Funny, he never told me he'd been to the past too.
Emily: You know Zero?
Joe: I've met him on occasion. It's almost like staring at a mirror.
(Now that he mentions it, Joe does resemble Zero to a degree. He has a few subtle differences and also no cyberware.)
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- A meeting -- Emily, Sat, May 26 2001, 6:09:13
*Emily is walking by when Joe enters*
Emily: Who might you be? Oh, never mind, you must be another one of these Rebels. My name is Emily, who are you?
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- Time to reveal our mystery guest... -- ???, Fri, May 25 2001, 21:22:44
Man: David isn't high on drugs. He's a dead guy.
Morten: Huh?
Man: I can verify that or my name isn't...
(The man with the sword walks into the light.)
Joe: ...Joe Hockner.
Morten: How'd you get in here?!
Joe (grinning): I follow him home. Can he keep me?
Morten: David!!
(Morten was heard quite a distance away. David came running quicker than lightning.)
David: Yeah?
Morten: Could you explain this to me? Who is this guy and how'd he get in here?
David: I didn't sneak him in, that's for sure. Joe here is a friend of mine. Shortly after becoming a vampire, he was there to free me from the grasp of the Osirans. The rest, you pretty much know.
Morten: Uh-huh, but how'd he get in?!
Joe: Simple. I used astral space.
Morten: Astral WHAT??? Oh man... I'm so confused...
David: Relax, Morten. He's on our side.
Morten: How do I know? I've never seen this guy.
David: Joe, have you EVER done any evil in your life?
Joe: Never! As long as I breathe or at least EXIST, I won't stop fighting evil! They've done so much...
(Joe's answer came straight from the heart. No chance of faking THAT. Still a bit confused, Morten accepts Joe, but wonders exactly what he's all about.)
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- *David was yelled at by Leon* -- Morten, Thu, May 24 2001, 15:48:19
Leon: How could you leave the base and go outside? If you were seen by a guard? You would have been done for!
David: I'm sorry...
Leon: That isn't enough! Don't think I will let you get away with that!
??????: Hey, that's enough!
Leon: ::turns around:: Morten?
Morten: No one saw him, that's okay! Even though it was unsafe...
Leon: Want to handle it yourself?
Morten: I think he understood... leave him be!
Leon: all right... ::walks away::
*Morten walks to David*
Morten: Leon is right on a point... if you were seen, everything would have been lost...
David: I was seen, but not by a guard...
Morten: Not by a guard? Then who else?
David: I don't know how he came to Sarmento, but he is after Moebius...
Morten: Who is this "Moebius"?
David: He is a powerful Time-Streamer, and can mess with history... in fact, I thought he was dead for long... but I guess he wasn't!
Morten: So, he could change history and make us lose?
David: Yes, but I think he won't, as he might not care...
Morten: I see. Well, I'll forgive you, but don't go out of the base again! You might not be so lucky next time!
*Morten returns to training*
Morten: A stranger here? How could he come here? Or maybe David was just high on some drug... :-/
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- Hmmm -- Marax and Emily, Wed, May 23 2001, 13:32:01
*Marax and Emily are discussing the strategy to be used*
Emily: I don't think that those archers will be a problem.
Marax: Easy for you to say, you can just blast them.
Emily: I suppose so. Will you be OK on the ground?
Marax: I have the Shadowheart with me, so I'll be fine.
Emily: Good.
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- A chance meeting... Two actually... -- Anybody's Guess, Wed, May 23 2001, 12:39:29
(Tomorrow, the battle begins. David was training himself the only way he knew how: Hunting. As a werewolf, his body was always growing stronger. This, of course, effected his other forms. Right now, he was chasing a few imps up a tree.)
David: Grrrr... Come down here or I'm coming up after ya!
Imps: Forget it!
(David was about to start climbing when he heard them talking again.)
Imp 1: Hey! There's somone up here!
Imp 2: What's he doing?
Imp 1: Copping Zs.
Imp 3: Let's sit on his face!
(More antics can be heard, but they quickly turn to shrieks of pain. The guy who was sleeping whacked 'em all against the tree trunk. This is the same fella that arrived yesterday.)
Man: Never mess with someone who's tryin' to sleep!
(David changes into his human form. He does this because he recognises this man. They met some years ago right after he had become a vampire. The man jumped down from the tree and spotted him.)
Man: I thought that was you. You remember me, right?
David: Yeah, you're-
Man: SH! Don't say it! He might hear you!
David: Who?
Man: The Time-Streamer, Moebius.
David: MOEBIUS?! I thought he was dead! For crying out loud, he should've been dead several times over!
Man: I know, but every time he DOES die, he gets a message in his past about it and he takes steps to prevent it.
David: Tricky... So why are you here?
Man: He's going to mess with history. I have to stop him. If possible, I'll kill him forever. Now... What are YOU doing here?
David: I'm helping the locals in the destruction of someone called DarkSin. Ever heard of him?
Man: No, but if this is Sarmento, then he's probably not the only villain around. I've...heard things. Now, I've got to go. There's no telling what could happen around here.
David: See ya.
(The man with the sword ran swiftly through the woods to find his enemy. When did he get that new sword? I thought there was another one...)
(At DarkSin's castle, there was a more organized meeting going on. DarkSin was discussing...certain matters with a recent ally he had made. His ally was human-shaped, but not human-looking. His skin is red and he's wearing a gentlemen's suit and a cane, a magically active cane at that. His face is quite ugly. The mouth is usually sneering and smoking a cigar. He has big pointed ears and a scar running down the right side of his face, the eye in which that scar contains is ruined.)
DarkSin: What brings you to my domain, Lord Palethorn?
Palethorn (robust English voice): I came because I've heard, from a reliable source, that there's a very dangerous individual with a sword running around.
DarkSin: How dangerous, O demon of the Blackwave?
(Palethorn whispers two words that make DarkSin a little more concerned.)
DarkSin: You can't be serious! I thought there was only one! How do you know these things, eh? Who's your source?
Palethorn: The Oricle of Nosgoth.
DarkSin: Never heard of him. But if what you say is true, I must be prepared for anything.
Palethorn: Exactly. I must now take my leave. See you later, DarkSin.
DarkSin: One more thing, Palethorn.
Palethorn: Yes?
DarkSin: Tell that meddlesome Dagman of yours to stop leaving stuff in the courtyard. Last time, it really reeked around here before the clean-up crew came.
Palethorn: I see...
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- After a good breakfast... -- Morten, Wed, May 23 2001, 7:07:22
*Morten gets out of his room and gts to the meeting room*
Leon: You're juts in time! the mmeting was just about to start! Take a seat, please!
*Morten sits with the others and the meeting starts*
Leon: Well, you all surely know the reason of this meeting! It will be the last battle! It's gonna be either us, or DarkSin!
*Morten whispers something to David*
Morten: (I'm giving you the right to bite DarkSin as soon as we reach him! I'll wish you bon appetit!)
Leon: Morten, could you listen please?
Morten: Oh, sorry... I had just to say something to David... it's okay now!
Leon: So as I said, It's gonna be either us, or DarkSin!
*Leon begins to explain the plan*
Leon: First, we'll get out in a small group, and DarkSin will of course send some fenrirs after us... but it's at this moment that Marax, Emily, David and Samuel will come in! DarkSin still doesn't know you are back, so we'll use this fact to our advantage by destroying already a part of the pack! Marax shall be in the front with our strongest fighters, Emily the Angel shall be air attacker...
Emily: I'm a Sapphire Angel, but just call me Emily
Samuel: You have me too! I'm a dragoon, my Jump ability is air attack also!
Leon: Okay, then it's gonna be Emily and Samuel as air attackers... Samuel will be in the back row, so he can Jump freely...
David: What about me?
Leon: I can't find what you could do... but something is sure of it, after we destroy some of the fenrirs, now DarkSin will send the rest, and we shall lose the fight...
David: I know! I can infiltrate his castle and distract him!
Leon: Getting in his castle will be hard! He has many guards, and Emily would get shot by the Archers and Bowmen he assigned to the highest parts of the castle if she gets too close!
Emily: *Gulp*
David: But they won't suspect anything if I transform into mist and infiltrate the castle this way...
Leon: Are you sure you can do it? DarkSin is powerful, you know...
David: Don't worry for me! I sure won't be able to defeat DarkSin, but I'll be able to distract him long enough!
Leon: okay... but you'll have to get form the top, as the gate is shut tightly!
*Leon then explains the rest*
It won't be easy for us to get in the castle though! As soon as we approach too close, the archers and bowmen will attack us with a real arrow rain! If we advance more, the guards at the gate will attack also! We can block the arrows with our large shields... but fighting the guards while holding your shield up is hard! You have no way to block yourself form the guards' attacks! You get stabbed once, and goodbye! No need to mention their strenght! We lost many of our fighters becasue of this... We can provide protection against the arrows while you will fight them and enter the castle!
Morten: Won't you all come with us?
Leon: No, if we go in, the archers will eventually move down and shot us while inside the castle and then we will have no way to stop them from shooting! We will stay outside and we will continue to block their arrows and distracting them! So they won't even know you killed the guards and entered the castle! While in the castle, find where DarkSin keeps his fenrirs locked up before he releases them and destroy them all! Then kill any more guards you might find and get to the throne room! Then it's up to you to destroy him!
Morten: He will taste my Dark Power!
*The other rebels gasp*
Morten: No worries, I don't have the wvil Dark Power, it is the "holy" one, if I can say so, the perfect opposite of DarkSin's!
Leon: I never knew you could use that!
Morten: Well, I acquired it while I was on Earth! Some time ago!
Leon: Anyway, as soon as you destroy DarkSin, his soldiers will die instantly, as he created them! We will then be able to enter the castle! You just have to free our leader, and you can leave the rest to us!
Marax: An interesting strategy...
Emily: Those fenrirs and DarkSin will get a serious whooping, I tell you!
Samuel: They will all know what it is to fight someone from Nosgoth!
David: I will distract DarkSin as long as I can! I will do my very best!
Morten: My goal has always been to destroy DarkSin!
Leon: All right then! It will take a day to prepare, so we are gonna attack tomorrow at noon! Approximatively though, because of the eternal Darkness... While we prepare, you can use the training room to get ready for the upcoming battle!
*Leon then gets up*
Leon: Rebels, the meeting has ended! You can all leave now!
*Everyone is on his way, as well as the heroes too*
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- It's a small world, after all. -- You'll see..., Sun, May 20 2001, 21:29:50
(Space ripped itself apart inside of cave some distance away. It was a portal of sorts, an unstable rift between dimensions and even time itself. A solitary man jumped through from wherever he came. He's 6 ft. tall, strikingly handsome, and smirking. [It's not Zero. So don't ask.] He closes the rift behind him and looks around.)
Man: It feels like the past. I must've made it after all. I hope things aren't too hairy yet.
Creature: Grrrrrr....
(Hidden in the blackness was a feral fenrir. It was a wild and untamed version of the things that DarkSin uses. It leaps at him, but doesn't get to far. The man neatly sliced it in half with his sword.)
Man: At least the locals are friendly. Well, time to see what the world has to offer. If he's started already, then we could be seeing some serious trouble in the future.
(He walks out into the light. Who is this man and why is he here? You'll soon find out as the plot progresses.)
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- *It's not until a short time after that Morten wakes up* -- Morten, Sun, May 20 2001, 19:07:18
Morten: *Yawn* I slept well... but I have the feeling something wrong happened...
*Someone knocks on his door*
Morten: Who is it?
Leon: It's me!
Morten: Leon? Come in!
*Leon enters*
Leon: Something weird happened this night! A werewolf came into my room and stole my steak!
Morten: I knew something had happened!
Leon: How could a werewolf come in here?
Morten: It was David... I guess the Full Moon made him out of control... he might have been hungry, so he stole food!
Leon: Lucky he didn't eat me instead!
Morten: As I told you, he doesn't feed on humans! He might have been out of control, but not crazy!
Leon: Umm... well, anyway, get ready... There is gonna be a meeting soon to plan the attack! Soon, Sarmento shall be freed!
Morten: Okay... I'll be there in a moment!
Leon: All right... oh, and th clothes you were wearing when you came back were nice!
Morten: But those ones right now fit better the situation!
Leon: Well, I'll go and get ready myself... later!
*Leon leaves*
Morten: So much is happening... but my only concern right now is Sarmento's liberation! So I must clear my mind!
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- Reunion -- Emily and Marax, Sun, May 20 2001, 15:55:50
*Marax and Emily meet in the halls of the underground base. They smile at each other and embrace again*
Marax: I thought that you were gone forever.
Emily: Well, after I defeated Katrina, I found a portal to the place you guys were in, so I just walked in and helped you guys out. But, what happened to Zero? Why wasn't he with you?
Marax: ...He's gone back to his own era.
Emily: What do you mean, 'era'?
Marax: He wasn't in his own time, that's the reason for his occasional psychotic episodes. Now that he's gone, we're here to help Morten, and hopefully things will get back to normal for us, and I can continue training Princess Rebecca in the art of fighting.
Emily: I hope so too.
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- Bring on the night. -- David, Sun, May 20 2001, 14:30:21
(It's a full moon, and David's primal instincts out-weighed his vampiric mind. He can still think right, he's just feeling his night-life stirring within him as he romps through the place.)
David: *snnniiiiiifff* Ahhh... I smell something... Something to sink my teeth into...
(David runs into somebody's room! There's a brief scream and the sounds of things being knocked over. [It's not what you think!] David leaves the room with a rare steak in his mouth. As he turns around the corridor's corner, Leon jumps out of his room, a bit shocked.)
Leon: A werewolf took my steak! How'd a werewolf get in here?!
(The next morning...)
Samuel: Have a nice sleep?
David: Yeah, very refreshing.
Samuel: Did you happen to go out at all? 'Cause I thought I heard a howl and I know you can transform
David: I didn't go out, but I had this great dream.
Samuel: What was it about?
David: *BURP!* Food.
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- Something is wrong in the state of Denmark -- Emily, Sat, May 19 2001, 2:28:24
*Emily is resting in her room, but she is clearly troubled by something*
Emily: Why am I here? To save this world? Yes, to save this world. But still, before Katrina died, she told me that my powers are worthless. What did she mean?
*Emily has no time to think about it, and falls asleep instead*
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Rebels base... -- Morten, Fri, May 18 2001, 21:18:40
*Morten and the others were still talking*
Morten: enough talk for now... I have something to do first, so would you mind showing them around?
Leon: Okay... I'll call for someone to show them around
Morten: Thanks... All right everyone, I'll see you all later!
*Morten leaves for his room*
Morten: It's good to be back home... though I would rather live on Earth! But the time has come... the payback time against DarkSin! So many suffered because of his tyranny...
But our leader, Aaron, is suffering even more in DarkSin's hands! Hold on Aaron... You'll soon be saved!
*Morten removes his backpack and takes his old clothes (they look sorta like Cloud's in FF7, but no big shoulder pad). He then changes his clothes to put these on! But this time, he made more arrangements... he now uses the cloth hood as a cape, he puts on purple gloves, same color as his Dark Power, and finally a white bandanna(sorta like Ryu)*
Morten: I'll show you DarkSin! I'll show you how I can swing my weapon! And you will be the first to taste my "light" Dark Powers...
*He then lies on his bed and relaxes*
*the others are with their guide showing them around*
Guide: This is the conference room... this is where we plan every outgoings needed or attacks... but unfortunately, we haven't been using it a lot for attacks... so we only use it for outgoing for now...
Marax: Say, this place must have been hard to build underground!
Guide: Of course, we had to dig those headquarters... then we covered every surface with cement to prevent it from caving in or crumbling, then we decorated the place and finally enhanced it with technology and stuff...
David: Amazing! I never have seen anything like this in Nosgoth!
Samuel: Same as me, since I come from Nosgoth too!
*after a while, they finished their tour*
Guide: Well, it's finished. You know every place in here... but if you ever get lost, take these with you! ::he gives a map to each::
All: Thank you!
*Then the guide leaves*
Marax: What is Morten doing?
Emily: Probably resting... being away from home for so long, it might have been hard for him! We better let him alone for now...
Samuel: I'm going to take a nap to my assigned room... I didn't sleep plenty... *yawn*
David: Same for me... that wake-up call didn't really please me... no more of this, Marax, or I could have the guts to bite you!
Marax: ::anime sweatdrop::
Narrator: What awaits our heroes? Only god knows for now...
(There that's it for the moment...)
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- Meanwhile, in Trivadia -- Timberwolf, Fri, May 18 2001, 15:30:22
*Timberwolf stumbles across a crystal. This crystal is glowing, and a voice speaks*
Voice: People of Trivadia, you have grown in power. You now have a lifespan of up to 5000 years...
Timberwolf: Huh?
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- *They all step into the portal* -- Morten, Fri, May 18 2001, 15:23:17
*To the other side*
Morten: ::opens his arms wide:: Sarmento! We are back! This eternal night will soon end...
Marax: Emily...
Emily: Marax...
*they both give each other a hug*
David: Ahh...
Samuel: How sweet...
*Emily and Marax stop hugging, and turn back to back, blushing*
Marax: She's my sister, you know... I care for her!
Emily: Well, I do too care for my brother...
*both are unable to stop blushing until Morten speaks*
Morten: Are you waiting for a guard to catch us? We are going to get in the base with a secret passage!
*Morten opens the passage and the team goes in*
Morten: password... ::enters it and the door opens:: okay, let's go!
*They continue and meet the guardian*
Guardian: How did you enter? Huh? Morten! You're back!
Morten: Yes, those ones are reinforcements for the rebel forces!
Guardian: Come in! I'm taking you to the second in command, becasue the leader ::He doesn't finishes as Morten begins to speak::
Morten:... was caught by DarkSin in the last attack! It's a shame you couldn't get very far...
Guardian: How did you know that? Anyways...
*They get to his office*
Second in command, Leon: Morten? You're finally back! Who's with you?
Morten: This is Marax...
Marax: greetings.
Leon: You seem like a strong man!
Morten: Emily...
Emily: The pleasure is mine.
Leon: An angel? How beautiful she is!
Morten: Samuel...
Samuel: nice to meet you!
Leon: A fine lad indeed!
Morten: and David!
David: Hello!
Leon: ACK! I saw his sharp teeth! It's a vampire!!!
David: ::lowers his head, bitterly:: Damn, rejected again!
Morten: Hey, he comes from another world, he is unaffected by sunlight, and he does not feed on humans!
Leon: How long has he been with you?
Morten: For a long time! Don't worry!
Leon: Okay...
(the next part is mine too!)
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- Gaurdian Angel -- Emily, Fri, May 18 2001, 13:08:09
*The entire place lights up, and Marax stares at who it is. Tears of joy flow down his face*
Marax: Emily!!
Emily: I didn't think that I'd get out of there! So what are you guys doing here?
Marax: We're trapped, and we need to get to Sarmento to save Mortens home.
Emily: I can help you with that.
*Emily opens up a dimensional doorway and goes up to it*
Emily: Anybody else coming along?
OOC: Massacre, I know what you're thinking, but Emily didn't tell the truth on Braxus. I'll explain later.
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A taste of dimensional travelling... -- Morten, Fri, May 18 2001, 11:57:41
Morten: First we'll get into the courtyard, we need to be outside!
*Once they're here, Morten takes his dimensional pendant and raises it lightly upwards*
Morten: Dimensional Pendant, open the gate! Grant me and my friends the passage to Sarmento!
*suddenly, a dimensional gate opens*
Morten: Let's go now... I will be the last one, because the gate closes as soon the pendant's owner enters it...
*After Marax, David and Samuel enter the gate*
Morten: Umm... I bet Emily would have liked to come with us... ::enters the gate::
*Then the gate closes*
Marax: Morten, is it you?
David: No, it's David!
Samuel: Where are we? Why is the place pitch dark?
Morten: Damn! This isn't the moment!
Marax: What's the matter?
Morten: A random distort in space-time continuum... now we're trapped in!
Others: WHAT???
David: Does that mean we're lost?
Morten: No, not exactly! But we must venture in and find the right path leading to Sarmento!
Marax: If we take the wrong one?
Morten: We could end in another place, even in space!
Samuel: Very encouraging... but could we have some light?
Marax: Just needed to ask!
*Marax casts a Light spell. as soon as they can see, they are stunned at that view*
David: Wow... that's a bit scary, but it's rather interesting!
(think of the background of Star Fox on SNES when you're in the Black Hole. It's sorta like that)
Narrator: Now, Morten and his friends will try to find the way to Sarmento in time-space continuum... will they succeed?
*Morten walks to the narrator, the scene freezes again*
Morten: hey, of course we will! We didn't made this damn story for nothing!
Narrator: ::turns bright red:: STOP DOING THAT! ::jumps up and down angrily::
Morten: Whoa! All right! But control your emotions, dammit!
*Morten gets back to its place and the scene restarts again*
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- WAKE UP CALL!! -- Marax, Fri, May 18 2001, 3:47:55
*Marax breaks down the doors of all the heroes in the castle. They aren't happy with their rude awakening, especially Samuel*
Samuel: Dammit! I was having a nice dream too!
*They all head over to the yard*
Marax: Now how do we get to your place, Morten?
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*Morten is still a little sad from Zero's departure* -- Morten, Fri, May 18 2001, 1:42:01
Morten: Now that Zero left us, there is a lack of anti-hero, and more than ever!
Marax: Morten, he had no choice! He had to return where he belongs! Stop being this way!
Morten: I would never expect you telling me this in times like this! Don't you feel the same for Emily?
*Marax's expression changes to someone shocked for a few seconds then he feels suddenly bitter and he closes his eyes, lowers his head.*
Marax: Why... why did you have to bring this back?
Morten: Hey, hey, come on! I'm sure she's safe! She might return someday soon! (He's right, why did I have to bring it up?)
Marax: Yes... yes, she is! ::raises head back:: And she might return someday, for sure!
Morten: Now that's the spirit! let's go! But... wake the others up, will ya? Before we forget them and go by ourselves! ::taps his foot::
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- Start of a new mission -- Marax, Thu, May 17 2001, 15:36:57
*Marax is up bright and early, and he seems happy!*
Morten: Why are you so happy?
Marax: No reason! Come, let us go to your world and kick this Darksin out of it!
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- Start of a new mission -- Marax, Thu, May 17 2001, 15:35:33
*Marax is up bright and early, and he seems happy!*
Morten: Why are you so happy?
Marax: No reason! Come, let us go to your world and kick this Darksin out of it!
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- Out of Character Comment... -- Massacre, Wed, May 16 2001, 12:06:21
Zero's theme is "White Reflection" from Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. If you want, I can tell you where to find it.
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- *Morten thinks of Zero* -- Morten, Tue, May 15 2001, 16:01:29
Morten: Zero......
*Morten is staring to what was moments ago a portal to Exodez*
Morten: He was the best friend someone could have... I hope you have a bright future!
*Morten smiles, but a tear runs down his cheek. He and the others had parted with a precious friend and nothing would change it. Nothing*
Morten: I'll be happy... happy for you, wherever you are, whatever might happen!
*Morten turns to Marax*
Morten: My home... DarkSin... Let's sleep on it first, and we'll get up bright and early tomorrow, for the trip to Sarmento!
*Morten heads back for the castle with the heroes*
Morten: (in his thoughts)Zero... I swear you won't be forgotten!
Narrator: Zero has fulfilled his destiny and now it's time for Morten to fulfill his! Stay tuned for the next Chapter: Sarmento, rebels and liberation!
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- *Samuel is really fast* -- Samuel Trockely, Fri, May 04 2001, 12:45:36
*He rushes past both Marax and David and is in the forest*
Samuel: I knew that that vampire wasn't the only Nosgothian here...
(SURPRISE!!!!! Samuel isn't a dragoon at all, he's from Nosgoth!!)
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