Captain Jaden Smythe
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Date Posted: 19:37:12 05/04/06 Thu
In reply to:
Benjamin Thorton III
's message, "Re: The Pigeon" on 13:07:44 05/03/06 Wed
::And the Oscar goes to….Captain Smythe…who, whilst the three were whispering perfected her hurt and confused look and added to it a measure of fear when “Ben” mentioned having his way with her. If one were to look closely, the blue green eyes had a rather cool appearance to them. Cool and calculating as she subtly shifted her gaze around the room, looking for window, hidden door or secret hatch leading to the roof as a means of escape, should the opportunity arise. When they left, she huffed and turned her back to “Ben”, although her eyes did flick to the hall at the sounds of the commotion out there. The way he kept on, was so smug, she finally couldn’t stand it. Glaring at him over her shoulder:: Ah tole ye dumb arse, Ah doan dat wench down dere, Ah weren’t lyin to ye when Ah said dis were me first day ‘ere in port, an’ Ah doan know me way around. ::She threw in a little wide eyed hurt look for good measure:: Dat Mary prolly tink Ah’m me sistah. :: She had no particular loyalty to Morley, especially now that the treasure ship was nonexistent, but there was a code amongst those who sailed under black silks, and she’d not betray him unless it came down to saving her neck. There was one more thing, that kept her from being cooperative. The fake Ben obviously represented the law, or some sort of authority, which, of course would be the sworn enemy of any who’d taken up life on the account. When he motioned for her to get up, she stayed where she way, rolling her eyes at his stupidity:: Ah could give a rat’s ass about Morley , bu’ Ah doan know wha’ de ‘ell yer talkin about….Ben…’er who e’er ye is. ::A plan was forming in her mind, she stood:: Bu’ if’n yer’ve got a ‘ard-on fer puttin de ol’ fart away, den tell me wha’ it be ye wants me at say, an’ give me yer word Ah’ve free passage outta ‘ere ::she smiled prettily again, stood and took a couple steps towards the door:: An Ah’ll say what e’er ye wishes me t’say.
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