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Date Posted: 20:47:21 03/22/10 Mon
Author: Emmaline
Subject: That was rather creepy souding.....
In reply to: Telcoltl 's message, "_-perfect....bawhahaha-_" on 20:32:44 03/22/10 Mon

Emmaline had noticed his body tensing slightly as she neared him and slipped the handkerchief back into his pocket. Hmm...that was funny. Why was he so nervous? He had been such a, pardon her french, BA last time she had seen him, before his injuries of course. And now here he was tensing as she came nearer. She was full, she wasn't going to bite him, she thought holding back her soft giggle. As she pulled away however she saw the thin smile on his face as he glanced over her again. Hmm...

She saw his smile grow as she accepted his offer for a drink and she wondered for a moment if she should of rejected, run off while she had the chance. But the girl was too polite, too kind and caring to be that cruel and run off now. So with a soft sigh she slipped her hands into her pockets and turned on her heals to follow him as he moved past her. She fell into step with him, not walking directly beside him but hanging back just slightly. She followed his brisk pace and soon they were in front of the purple neon sign, his hand already opening the door and stepping aside to give her entrance. She moved a hand up to move her hair so that it would cover her pointed ears, hiding them from view. She looked to Telcoltl with a soft "thanks" before slipping inside the dimly lit bar. She held back slightly as she noticed the already wandering eyes of the many drunk patrons in the place. Most, if not all were men. This could get awkward very, very quickly. Golden eyes were cast back to Telcoltl hoping he would walk in soon...she didn't trust him fully, but she trusted him more than the drunks staring her down.

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