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Date Posted: 07:28:23 04/04/11 Mon
Author: Toby
Subject: --Never Say Never--
In reply to: Laurie Ann 's message, ":Love Experience It:" on 21:10:15 04/03/11 Sun

He felt like he was standing smack dab in the middle of a dream. The air had seemed to thicken with the approach of the coming rain, and the darkening clouds had cast the world in a purplish light that seemed surreal. And here was Laurie Ann, the star of every dream and hope he'd ever had, clearing off her seats for him to get in. It seemed she'd never lost that sweetness he'd so loved about her...and instantly, he feels guilty. She should hate him for what he'd done. Hell, if he were here, he'd have punched the accelorator, struck him, and backed up for a second round.

He slipped into the car quickly, instantly aware of her sweet scent in the close quarters of the automobile. He had to close his eyes for a moment to steady his drumming pulse and get as much of a grip as he could. He hadn't expected the past to collide with the present this way...but it had, nonetheless, and so hard you could almost hear it.

"I wouldn't blame you if you did." He says in response to her statement about regret. He thinks again to how fast everything had just changed...in the blink of an eye, really. In the silence, he finds he does not know where to begin. And it wasn't exactly a conversation he wanted to have with her as she drove. "I have a lot to say, if you'll hear it." He says almost thoughtfully, looking at her from the passenger seat. "I'm sure you do, too."

He wished she'd scream at him, hit him, anything. He deserved that, and her sweetness made him feel guiltier than ever. How could he have ever been enough of an asshole to hurt this woman? How did he let it go that far? Brooding, he cast his dark eyes out the window, not even feeling worthy enough to look in her direction.

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