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Subject: $ Am I Welcome In My Own Home? $

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Date Posted: 12:50:55 07/28/09 Tue
In reply to: Zeth 's message, ".:. That's why you're on the run, haha .:." on 04:59:11 07/28/09 Tue

She�d gone out for some much needed groceries. The joys of having a husband who lived as a bachelor for a few years, the pantry was empty and the dishes had gathered dust from their lack of use. She didn�t want to guess where he�d been using his cooking skills at, deciding instead that she�d enjoy them not that they were her own to experience and marvel. Delicate fingers had worked as quickly as possible, grasping pasta noodles, sauce in the bottle, as well as ingredients for it to be made by hand. French bread, spices, a pan of lasagna followed by more marshmallows and chocolate. Thinking on the apartment for a moment she recalled their promise to wait to shop together and had planned to do just that, though entrance rug was rather tattered and needed replacement so she added one of those to the cart as well. Done she quickly and quietly checked out already feeling like she�d been gone too long and that Zeth would be getting antsy. She doubted he�d spotted her message in the bedroom saying she�d gone out shopping and would be back in two hours � as she�d drove to the nearby town instead of shopping at the small locations here.

Pulling up in the rented car � she didn�t have one of her own and had refused as of now to use Zeth�s till permission had been granted. The trunk was popped and two bags taken in her arms, the rest she let float behind her in telekinesis standards. Taking the steps towards the apartment she grasped noise from the rooms above. Zeth was home and he had company. Keeping her thoughts to herself along with the desire to warn him of her arrival Alicia opened up the door and froze with her hand on the knob, groceries floating behind her, as she spotted her husband and a very interesting looking female. �Zeth?� The name rolling off her tongue like honey though it held a taint of worry too. What was he up to now?

Shaking away the stunned deer in headlights look Alicia moved, bags following after her as she quickly brushed past the two and headed towards the other side of the kitchen. Setting things out and away, as she could, while avoiding the refrigerator. She�d put those items away once he�d moved aside and she wasn�t intruding. She saw the apple and smiled, she rather liked them herself. The crisp crunch when you bit in along with the tantalizing juice that was produced within. Working silently she did her best to ignore any conversations that might have been going on, her skin on the nape of her neck on ends � a sure sign they�d been speaking of Brillian, though she kept quiet still. Waiting for him to introduce their guest or better yet�his wife.

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not my problemtarot07:58:44 07/31/09 Fri

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