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Date Posted: 19:45:52 03/21/10 Sun
Author: Emmaline
Subject: Of course :)
In reply to: Telcoltl 's message, "Yeah, is it okay with you?" on 19:12:02 03/21/10 Sun

Emmaline looked up at him and sensed something....non-threatening. She looked deeply into his eyes and saw...fear? But of what? She watched him as he reached into the pocket of his jeans, her eyes following his hand as it moved before it reached out to her, holding a white, clean handkerchief. She saw his smile vanish as he pointed out that she had something on her lips. He tongue darted out to lick some of it off before she smiled and took the handkerchief from him with a small soft smile before using it to wipe off what remained. "Im...um...sorry you had to see that." She said running her free hand through her dark chocolate locks. Her cheeks and tips of her ears still blushed a bright red. She had heard his next statement and after thinking about her situation she broke into a nervous laugh. He was Dimitri's son, she couldn't avoid him for forever. And the poor guy looked flushed and nervous. Why? She had no idea, maybe he thought she wanted to kill him since he had wanted to eat her? And she would much rather they be at least acquantices instead of him thinking of her as his next meal, or his next partner in bed. She took a couple of steps to him, closing the gap between them. She took his handkerchief and reached over him to put it back into his pocket, trying to be helpful, not seductive."Thank you." She pulled back and stood before him. "I mean...I guess that would be okay...I'm not a heavy drinker...but a glass of wine could be nice." She offered him a soft small smile, before reaching to unbutton the peacoat she wore. It could get a little stuffy with it all buttoned up.

Elijah and Dimitri couldn't be angry with her for trying to be civil and polite, right? She was with Dimitri's son after all.

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