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Date Posted: 19:22:03 05/25/02 Sat
Author: Doug
Subject: Re: The Holy Spirit
In reply to: Jay Dee 's message, "Re: The Holy Spirit" on 10:53:14 05/23/02 Thu

Hello Jay Dee,

Regarding John 3:34, you had mentioned that because the words "unto him" are not found in the "original," then that alters the meaning of the text.

That is not necessarily so. There are over 500 manuscripts that include it and only two do not. That is not overwhelming evidence! Secondly, even if the words do not appear in the text it certainly does not detract from the fact that God gave Christ the Spirit without measure. First, the context of v.34 shows us that God sent Jesus and that He was the one that "speaks the words of God." Jesus spoke the truth because He spoke the word from God (v.33). The context has to do with Christ's testimony (v.32). Therefore, the subject of verse 34 is the inspiration by which the message came. The Father spoke through the Son, in whom was the fullness of the Spirit. Hence, the power He exercised, by the Spirit, is limitless and unmeasured.
So, whether or not the the "UNTO HIM" is in the original, it certainly fits the context.

My view is that this verse teaches that Christ had the Spirit without without limit, as evidence by His peaking thye words of God. However, I alos believe that that this verse has absolutely no application for anyone today - none whatsoever. This passage in no way states that anyone today is promised a "measure of the spirit" of any kind, nor does it even imply such.

As for John 7:38-39; this passage also has nothing to do with a "non-miraculous personal, literal indwelling" that many assume it to be. Where is there a hint of such in this passage? Actually, this passage points to Pentecost and to the miraculous coming of the Spirit on that day, which Christ promised would come upon the apostles (John 16:14-15: Luke 24:49), and which also Joel promised (Joel 2:28-32). Everything about this entire context has to do with the miraculous, not something called "ordinary" or a "literal, personal, bodily, non-miraculous indwelling."

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