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Date Posted: 10:31:03 03/21/10 Sun
Author: Emmaline
Subject: But it's so hard
In reply to: Telcoltl 's message, "Dont get too excited ;)" on 08:17:05 03/21/10 Sun

The night was still now, the weeping and crying of the man beneath her having been stilled and quenched as she finished off her last few sips. She crouched in the shadows of a dark alley, only dimly lit by the soft green glow of a nearby streetlight. But she was hidden from the light, tucked away into a dark deep corner near it. She hadn't planned for this to happen, but she had needed it. She had needed to get away, to leave the house that held her, to get some fresh air and hopefully to help her be free of the memories that held her captive torturing her. She sighed softly, reaching one hand back to let down the long dark chocolate curls from their hold in the messy bun, allowing them to spill over her shoulders as she kneeled beside the body of a big brute of a man. She held him in her arms gently and almost tenderly, but her lips were at his throat. The smell of his cologne was strong, too strong...but she had chosen a man people wouldn't particularly miss. No immediate, intimate family...that was good.

It hadn't been difficult for the elf hybrid to gain access to the man. She had been wandering the maze of alleys that ran through Cascade City, and he had stumbled upon her. She had tried to get away, even though she felt that burning sensation in her throat, a dryness that needed to be soothed, a pain that needed to be quenched. She had rarely ever had to go out and feed for herself, but she knew how....oh yes she knew how. Full lips had opened to the man, letting soothing, soft, and seductive words flow from them as she asked about his life, what he wanted, what he needed -now-. As he had moved to push her up against the wall, pinning her hands above her she could only smile. As his hands had moved to her dress to try and take it off, she had struck, leaning down as though to kiss his neck, which she did...followed by fangs entering into his veins, slicing open the soft skin and feeling that elixer of life rush into her burning throat. He had immediately dropped her, but she stayed attached to him, taking him down to the ground and holding him within her arms as she drank the sweet red wine that dripped from his throat. And now, the deed was almost done, the life already leaving the man, his last breath already taken. She had never been so hungry. She would have to learn to watch herself now, living among the humans. With a few last licks of his throat to clear off the blood, she could see the puncture marks already beginning to heal...one of the perks of being a hybrid. Her cheeks now held a rosy color in contrast with her pale skin, her eyes shining bright in a warm gold. With a soft apologetic kiss upon his forehead, she closed the man's eyes and laid him down to rest upon a pile of bags, covering him with a discarded sheet. She honestly hated this part and always made sure that no one could see her when she fed. No one had ever seen her feed this way. Silas had only seen her feed off of him.

She stood up slowly after covering the man, wiping the dirt from her long slender pale legs, and off of the dark emrald cocktail type dress. She straightened out her dress so that it hung to her mid thigh, running a hand through her dark locks to make them lay softly about her face. She grabbed the discarded peacoat beside her and put on her black peacoat, loving the warmth it provided for her on this dark chilly night. It hugged her form beautifully. As she was about to lick off the remaining bit of blood off her lips, she stopped. Standing stone still in the light of the alleyway. That scent.....the sodt fragrabce of colonge that was masculine yet sweet, mixed with the gentle and soothing scents of the Irish springs and eucalyptus. She knew the smell. It had been an underlying thought in her mind since she had met the man, a still soft voice that would randomly tug at her. She remembered his face, the cruel gaze sent to Elijah, the hungry eyes that had taken her in as food, before softening and really looking at her. Telcoltl....he was...here.

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