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Date Posted: 08:17:05 03/21/10 Sun
Author: Telcoltl
Subject: Dont get too excited ;)

The darkness of the trash littered alley consumed his frame as he crawled, crept, and crouched in the darkness. He left nothing behind except the musky twang of cologne that disappeared into the air before vanishing all together. His was a scent unlike anyone else’s. A mingle of Irish Springs, eucalypts shampoo, and the slightest trace of some type of cologne that was just musky enough to be considered masculine while still desperately clinging to floral spectrum. But it wasn’t his own scent that he was catching in the breeze. He had been walking for hours all the time expecting to turn a corner and find her sitting there, properly dressed with that ever present smile in the corners of her perfectly painted lips. It was as if her scent was etched permanently into his mind; a distant memory drawn up at the slightest trace of the salty mix of sultry skin and the simple scent of orchids. But every corner brought a new wave of disappointment crashing over him. So he continued his walk while she ran brazenly through his mind.

Each corner brought his heart clamoring for much needed hope and each turn left his gut with a heavier feeling. His imagination was getting the best of him in the crisp night air. And what if they were to run into each other in such a secluded place? He would long to stretch out thin fingers and brush the fabric at her waist before pulling her into his chest and renewing that scent caught in his mind. He could bury his face into the nook of her neck and feel her silky hair against his lips. But the reality of the situation would be different. All his day dreams could never be converted into reality. To him—they were intimately bonded. But to her- they’d only met once. Why was it that he couldn’t free himself for the intoxicating aura of her; that every spare moment was caught up with what-ifs and how-come? He’d imagined so many things about their existence together that the reality never seemed to match up just right. But he loved her instinctively and never considered why. It wasn’t important. All that was important was hushing the hunger to hold her. But Telcoltl also knew that the destiny of people was directly attributed to the Gods just as he knew it was the goddess Teteoinan that had given birth to the stars that were visible above him and that it was Quetzalcoalt’s breath that moved the rain away from Cascade City tonight.

The maze of alleys was never as complex as the Aztec mazes he’d help build in his youth. They were never as beautiful either. The city was sharp and the buildings didn’t grow from the earth- the jutted out of it. Lost in thought, he turned his last corner of the maze of city passageways. The two towering buildings gaped to allow the green street light to pour into the alley’s mouth. His eyes filtered across the alley’s floor before landing on a stooping figure. The thinness of her shoulders alerted him to that female stature. Then, as the street pulsed in fresh air, he caught the orchids that sent his heart pounding and his smile expanding. Here she was, at last. Emmaline. She was so close he wanted to encompass her body with his own…but the reality of their acquaintanceship stopped him in his tracks. He couldn’t stop his lips from forming the God of Love’s name, Xochipilli. The ancient name sounded so broken and foreign when cloaked in this urban city’s world so long after the aztec’s fall. Life is never always loneliest when you love someone and can’t touch them.

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