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Date Posted: 20:16:00 04/03/11 Sun
Author: Laurie Ann
Subject: :Love Experience It:
In reply to: Toby 's message, "--Never Say Never--" on 15:07:20 04/03/11 Sun

The last box was packed. The tiny New Mexico apartment empty minus the one box in her hands, Laurie Ann had just finished her fifth year of teaching here, it was time to move on. She’d visited Washington before that, for a year, and stopped by New York to check on Desiree, she’d even managed to catch a show of Shania’s in Arizona, but nothing had been the same. Something was constantly missing. Her heart felt empty.

It’d taken her two weeks to pack up, sell, or transfer what all she had left of her life to a storage unit in Cascade. She’d planned to have Angelina look after it, but that required her to at least stop in to sign the papers first. The sleek Audi purred as it was maneuvered down Main Street. It was a ghost town, the place once bustling with vampire, human, dog, or cat was nearly deserted. So it was a slight surprise when the white sports car came astride a single walking male. The sky was looking like it’d let loose any second and she knew how much it sucked to walk in the rain, so the black tinted window was rolled down and words called out to the stranger.

”Hey, need a ride somewhere? It looks like it’s about to rain.”

Name Laurie Ann Hannah

Gender: Female

Age: 32

Appearance: Slender and petite (5’4”) she has long flowing blonde hair and crystal blue orbs that tell all she is thinking. She is almost always smiling, or blushing. Depending on the person she is around.

Personality Shy, the first word anyone would say about this lady. And kind, she is always cautious of others opinions and ideas. She’s what one could call innocent if they must.

Automobile(s): White Ford 550, w/a lift and baby blue headlights or
white Audi R8 V10 Super Car w/black racing stripes

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