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Subject: and a scary son, don't forget about that

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Date Posted: 10:34:08 07/26/09 Sun
In reply to: Zeth 's message, ".:. well actually...I've got two.:." on 04:31:27 07/26/09 Sun

Tarot sound feel him making attempts at breaking through her head and she didn't like it. But, then again, she was his guest and he wasn't exactly well-versed in fairy laws. Either way, if he wanted to know what she was thinking, he should have asked. The so-called floodgates were there for a reason as he should know. Don't open the gates buddy, or the cows will make a run for it.

Tarot chewed on the inside of her cheek, eyes rising to the ceiling. Huh. Nice color. These people had taste, at least. Nice to see in immortals (provided the wife was one). Her home wasn't very bright- more on the dank and foreboding side of the decorating spectrum. The dungeon was still in full working order, too.

My ex-boyfriend was a vampire. Tarot shrugged, sighing lightly. Got hungry one night, I guess, and went at me. Next thing I knew I was, well, technically dead and he was, well, being torn apart.

Tarot almost chuckled. Poor guy hadn't known what hit him. She would have felt bad, but... homicide was one of those relationship breakers. I am daddy's little girl, after all.

Being the only daughter and youngest child had its advantages. Especially when her mother was his favorite. Yessss indeedy.

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.:. I've got four kids you need to watch out for.:.Zeth10:44:48 07/27/09 Mon

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