Subject: you never had daughters, did you. |
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Date Posted: 17:58:56 07/25/09 Sat
In reply to:
's message, ".:. daddy's girl, then?.:." on 17:45:04 07/25/09 Sat
Zeth, huh? The first thing she thought of was that Hebrew king- the one who had his eyes gouged out after watching his kids get executed because he didn't listen to that one prophet. But there was a 'k' somewhere in there, so, luckily for him he wasn't biblically cursed.
She accepted his invitation to sit, her feet beginning to ache as soon as she was off of them. Ahhh yes. Much better.
Tarot smiled slightly, bowing her head low to her chest. What a honey of a question. Why did she want to leave? Why didn't she, was the more operative choice. But he did have a point. It was a lovely town, full of lovely people (who, hopefully, weren't all related to him) ((one child was enough, thank you)). She lifted her head, feeling the familiar weight of worry slinking like a fat cat onto her shoulders. What was it some people said about life sucking? Something about fruit. She didn't like fruit. Except for watermelons. Those were good.
She let out a long sigh. Daddy and my elder brother may think the worst of vampires after what
happened to me, but... She rubbed at her eyes, not sure if she was fighting back tears or just tired. Emotions didn't really mix well with her bloodline. But most of my friends are vampires and I'm technically a vampire. To get caught by anyone remotely related to my family means I'm going to be trapped miles away from everyone I cherish. Loyalty, though, she understood. There was no world without the people in it.
I guess... if I get too settled in here- in a paranormal community- things will get very bad very quickly.
You probably know something about that, don't you now?
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