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Subject: .:. daddy's girl, then?.:.

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Date Posted: 17:45:04 07/25/09 Sat
In reply to: tarot 's message, "daddy's the one who spoiled me" on 17:01:14 07/25/09 Sat

.:. He was picking up on subtle hints she was laying out for him. His elbows, clad almost to their edges with a black shirt, were rested on the same black granite she was tapping those long digits with. His chin, unshaven and rough, was felt by his fingertips as he cradled it. He smiled at her and looked to her fingers, watching them beat out the uneven rhythm.

"My name is Zeth." He snickered a little but kept the sound choked into his lungs. "I thought you'd surely have heard that random Hobo say it." It was a spark of remembrance that hit his mind like a itch in your foot. He knew that Hobo Sam, though gone for the night, was never out of the picture entirely.

It was true that names were power. But Zeth's true name would never be known by anyone. There was a piece missing from it that he would never claim to having owned. He pushed the bar stool beside him in an gesture of invitation to her. "Since I have offered you both food, board, and what protection I can...I think it's time you tell me why you want to leave CM." He let those words settled on the counter tops. "It seems, in my opinion, that you're not really ready to leave. Maybe it could be a new home. I mean, afterall, you're still here and that has to say something."

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you never had daughters, did you.tarot 17:58:56 07/25/09 Sat

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