Tarot cracked the seal on the bottle and raised it to her lips, gulping deeply. Aah. So much better. All traces of the rancid subway air vanished from her system, flushed out by the water. Beginners Guide to Fairies, Chapter One: Water is a Cure-All. Have a sick fairy on your hands, cursing things left and right? Water. She set the bottle onto the countertop, resting her elbows onto the same surface.
So the wife was out, doing as she pleased. Seemed a little strange to her. He seemed to be someone so much more in control of his surroundings. Not saying the wife needed to stay here by any strech of the imagination- but him not knowing? Strange. Tarot shrugged. He wasn't concerned, so she wasn't about to give a damn. Her fingers drummed nervously against the granite surface
She didn't like having that pendant in here. It was doing bad things, just sitting there on its lonesome. She could feel it. Seething evil. Faires for Beginners, Chapter Two: Inanimate objects talk. Just not the same way people do. And this thing, sure as she was mythological, was intending to do something very tricksy. Tarot rubbed at her temples. She just didn't know what.
So you invite me into my house, offer me temporary room and board but refuse to give me your name? Tarot smiled, at little uneasy with his prolonged stares. If he was hitting on her, she was going to beat the crap out of him and tell his wife. Whenever she showed up. To find him unconscious. With an unknown female. Maybe he wouldn't get beaten. Just glared at. If I don't know the whole name, I can't curse you. And if its not a true name, there's no power to it.
Come on man. I gave you mine and that's worth more than you know.
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