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Subject: .:.looks like your mother needs eating.:.

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Date Posted: 14:22:01 07/25/09 Sat
In reply to: tarot 's message, "can't help it, sorry." on 14:31:21 07/24/09 Fri

(I love you, Deuce. You're last post was hilarious)

.:. Zeth's hand closed around the cap of a bottle of water as she had requested. Her lean against the counter and her physical squeal as she pulled away left a smile cracking on his lips. Nosey will get you things you don't want.

This house was full of memories and moments that would always be locked inside the cabinets and the beds. But Zeth wasn't one to go probing into these private sections of people's lives. He had enough ghosts in his own head.

He handed the bottle over to her and moved past to the bar stools. The bottle was sweating in the kitchen's room temperature setting and he could sense the droplets of water tumbled down over his fingers and to hers as he handed the bottle over. He held her gaze a little longer than was normally comfortable.

"I'm not sure where she is. Shopping with my card, no doubt." He slid his jean clad ass into a stool. "Thank you for the compliment. It is indeed a home." The idea struck him as odd. He had never really had a home but now, because of Alicia, he was lucky enough. "and so, you can of course help yourself to anything." His eyes were on her again. They were gray and intense and lingering on her longer than they had earlier in the day. "May I get you anything else?" He questioned if the pendant was bothering her but made no mention of it. She was a big girl and could handle asking for help if she needed it.

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daddy's the one who spoiled metarot 17:01:14 07/25/09 Sat

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