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Subject: the kind that might break your lamps, though.

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Date Posted: 20:19:08 07/23/09 Thu
In reply to: Zeth 's message, ".:.Alicia, we've got company.:." on 06:00:53 07/23/09 Thu

Tarot bit back a laugh, tucking her shoulder-length crimson hair behind her ears. This was fun. She loved deviousness, mischief and any sort of mayhem. And hiding the entrance to your home within the bowels of a hideous abandoned building? Awesomely devious. She swung up the fire escape with panther-like dexterity, making no sound on the steps. The feeling reverberating from the metal was the same. This place had been used for unsavory purposes. She liked it. It gave her an adrenaline rush like no other.

She balanced on the window ledge, staring into the bathroom. Nice place, if you liked porcelain. Tarot jumped onto the floor and smiled, widely. Zeth's home, unlike his personage, was tranquil, calm and... well... almost as beautiful. She wasn't one to disappreciate art in any form. But there were other things here. She shook her head, trying in vain to clear out the lingering emotions. She only wanted to know about the current standards. None of the old woes.

This was a place that needed a cleansing. She kissed her fingertips, but her mouth remained closed. This was not her home. She had no right to alter anything.

Nice place. Tarot gestured to the room and laughed. Smaller than I'd expected, I'll admit.


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.:.Well, that's just plain rude.:.Zeth04:41:36 07/24/09 Fri

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