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Subject: still reading

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Date Posted: 17:35:16 01/08/03 Wed

Kaitlin and I are still checking it once in a while but then again we made the forum. We were just talking to each other about how there are many new people in the building that may want to ask questions or buy/sell stuff. I hope this gets more use and also hope it wasnt just for us to vent while we were mad.
Happy new year to you Casper if its just you and I reading still.

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[> Subject: Re: still reading

Greg (7)
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Date Posted: 12:06:41 01/23/03 Thu

I haven't checked this in a while but I'm glad to see at least a few people here. Maybe it's time for another meet n' greet party?

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Subject: Still There?

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Date Posted: 12:43:12 01/07/03 Tue

Is anyone still reading this forum? It's been over a month since the last new post. I thought I'd write something in case these boards expire from inactivity.
Wishing you all a brilliant and prosperous New Year.

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Subject: New VoyForum: Loft Sale Marketplace

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Date Posted: 22:13:50 11/22/02 Fri

check out http://www.voy.com/120428/

I set it up for people who want to buy, sell, barter stuff among people in the buidling...I'm having a loft sale this week, lots of cool furniture, electronics, books, cds - would rather sell to people in the building than on Craigs List.

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[> Subject: Re: New VoyForum: Loft Sale Marketplace

No name
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Date Posted: 11:43:41 12/04/02 Wed

yes, i am interested. please call me at 602-1116...i am looking for some stuff....

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Subject: Dish Network

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Date Posted: 07:17:05 11/10/02 Sun

Is anyone else having trouble with getting a signal on their Dish receiver?

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[> Subject: Re: Dish Network

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Date Posted: 13:06:11 11/11/02 Mon

There is a problem, I am receiving picture but no sound. With the new software there is a problem. They are supposedly fixing/upgrading our software.

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Subject: Thanksgiving "Orphan" Party/Dinner

Dave, #40
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Date Posted: 18:19:19 11/08/02 Fri

I'm too poor to fly home to St. Louis for Turkey Day, but would be interested in hosting a pot luck dinner at my place. Let me know if anyone else is interested. Nothing formal.

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Subject: Keyspan

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Date Posted: 21:23:26 11/07/02 Thu

I agree, the gas bill seems very high. I only use my stove to heat water for tea twice a day for not even five minutes. Everyone should complain to Keyspan and get the system checked. What's that about it "always being on?". I'm just guessing but I bet we're paying for gas to heat our own hot water. I remember when I moved in George saying something about us having our own water heaters...

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Subject: Cats

Culley - Apt.15
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Date Posted: 12:57:47 11/07/02 Thu

Hi all. Listen, Coco and I are going to be around during the Thanksgiving holiday. We are cat lovers with two crazy monsters of our own, so if anyone needs someone to come over and feed, change litter for, pet, or pay attention to their feline housemates (instead of horrible Pet Motels etc.), please let us know. We would be glad to help out ... In the same breath, if anyone is going to be here from Dec. 24 - Dec. 30 and could do the same for our sweet little Nadia and Marjian, PLEASE let us know. We will pay good old fashioned cash or party favors or both. Drop a note or come by Apt. 15 if you need holiday help from us or can offer holiday help for us. Thanks

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Subject: Heat

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Date Posted: 12:00:28 11/01/02 Fri

Hi all. I was wondering if any of you have problems with your heat. All the blowers do in my apt is blow out cold air. I have the thermostat jacked up to 80 and everything. So I'm freezing to death and getting really irritated. Any advice would be welcome.
Also, has anyone had an abnormally high gas bill? I'm not home that much and my bill has been huge.

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[> Subject: Re: Heat

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Date Posted: 08:54:07 11/02/02 Sat

We had a problem with hot water/heat when we first moved in here....Although it doesnt sound like the same problem that you had we just had to run the heater at full power and run the water like crazy for about 10 minutes. George gave us this solution, and although it doesnt sound like a solution, it worked. I think also that Ezequiel can adjust something on your water heater to make the hot water hotter, and the heat hotter. Im sorry this sounds dumb but im giving you all the info I have. Our last bill seemed high to me also. ALthough it was for 2 months it was $75. We almost never cook and didnt use any heat so I was confused also. Good luck with the heat.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Heat

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Date Posted: 12:25:41 11/02/02 Sat

Thanks for the tip. I'll try it. I also called Keyspan about the bill. They told me that even when you do not use the gas, it is running all the time. I asked them then why does the water come out cold for a while if that is the case. The woman said then the gas should be checked because something's not set up correctly. Big suprise.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Heat

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Date Posted: 07:13:08 11/03/02 Sun

It took a week for the water problem to be fixed back in May.....We are also having that problem happen again slowly. We barely have any hot water in the morning. I am just waiting to se if it gets better or worse.

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[> Subject: Re: Heat

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Date Posted: 10:15:51 11/02/02 Sat

I also forgot to mention that if you ever need to warm up just come up to the fourth floor hallway furthest away from the elevator....The hallway is always heated to the fullest.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Heat

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Date Posted: 18:00:55 11/03/02 Sun

My bill was about $65 this month. And it's just me in a studio. Considering I only started using heat about 2 weeks ago, that seems way high to me too.

Can anyone explain to me whether is electric or gas that fuels the heaters?

Why are the halls so warm? Are we paying for those heaters as well?

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Subject: NYPD free survey

Greg (#7)
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Date Posted: 11:28:00 10/29/02 Tue

Hi all,

The NYPD finally got back to me regarding our free security survey (in which an anti-crime specialist will come over and offer safety tips). I will post the specifics hopefully today or tomorrow. Even though things seem to be calm lately, it couldn't hurt to have an expert's opinion. Feel free to e-mail me with any questions.



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[> Subject: Re: NYPD free survey

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Date Posted: 11:33:58 10/29/02 Tue

I suppose it would help if I wrote my e-mail address...


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Culley - Apt.15
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Date Posted: 09:09:38 10/29/02 Tue

Hi all. Listen, Coco and I are going to be around during the Thanksgiving holiday. We are cat lovers with two crazy monsters of our own, so if anyone needs someone to come over and feed, change litter for, pet, or pay attention to their feline housemates (instead of horrible Pet Motels etc.), please let us know. We would be glad to help out ... In the same breath, if anyone is going to be here from Dec. 24 - Dec. 30 and could do the same for our sweet little Nadia and Marjian, PLEASE let us know. We will pay good old fashioned cash or party favors or both. Drop a note or come by Apt. 15 if you need holiday help from us or can offer holiday help for us. Thanks ... Oh also, if any of you musicians have guitar gear to sell, let me know. I have a new band together and I am suddenly in gear-aquisition mode: Amps, pedals, etc.

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Subject: Hello Everyone!!

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Date Posted: 10:38:47 10/28/02 Mon

Hey all, it has been so quite on the board lately. Just wanted to check in and say hi to everyone. Feel free to drop in anytime for a drink...I am in apt. #19, 718-919-8097.

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Subject: Ezequiel, drama, hatefulness, etc...

Kaitlin, Apt 46
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Date Posted: 19:16:20 10/20/02 Sun

I am signing my name to this because most people know that I started the message board anyway so there is no point in not putting my name. That being said, I don't think that anyone should or should not put their names when they post. Honestly I started this message board so that people could post their opinions anonymously if they wanted to. There are some people that don't feel comfortable confronting others and would not say things if they thought it would make meetings in the lobby or in the hallway awkward. I am one of those people. Everyone knows coming on here that you can post anonymously and should expect people to do so. Putting your name does not make you better than anyone else and does not discredit their opinions. On the other hand, posting anonymously should not necessarily mean that you say things without thinking about the consequences of them. Being hateful and calling names is childish, and although it's easier when you don't have to put your name, we should be able to show self control. That being said, anyone can post whatever they want. If you don't want to read it than don't. I think we have more important things to discuss on the message board than what we should discuss on the message board. I think it's kind and sweet that people were concerned about Ezequiel losing his job. I don't know of many other buildings where the tenants would have cared. That makes this building special, in my opinion. Maybe everyone became a little over dramatic, but there are worse things. I heard a lot of stories from a lot of people, but I was able to recongize that there was at least the chance (and probably a good chance) that it wasn't all true. I then posted how I felt on this board a few times (anonymously) and wrote a letter to George. In my letter I recognized that a lot of what I heard may have been rumors but I told him how I felt about Ezequiel being around. I think I dealt with the situation rationally, and so did a lot of other people. I believe that this situation is over for the meantime, but hopefully we can still communicate with eachother like adults about other things. Maybe even things that aren't negative.

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[> Subject: Re: Ezequiel, drama, hatefulness, etc...

No name
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Date Posted: 23:04:53 10/20/02 Sun

Kudos Kaitlin.
Speaking from semi-anonymity, I would only like to add that no one would have taken the time or effort to alert others about Ezequiel's livelihood being threatened had it not come from a RELIABLE source. If some people were bothered by it, annoyed, or insulted as a watered down result... please accept my semi-anonymous apology (I can only speak for my semi-anonymous self). I apologize to those of you who are falsely convinced that several people in this building have nothing better to do with their time than concoct rumors.
I'm glad that George took the letters into account and read at least those that had names on them. I hope that this kind of responsiveness will continue in the future and I am encouraged by his decision to reconsider and keep Ezequiel on. And again, speaking only for myself, I am thrilled that Ezequiel is still our super and that a number of people in this building care about him and appreciate him as much as I do.

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Subject: Business

No name
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Date Posted: 12:54:24 10/20/02 Sun

Anyone interested in massage therapy? I now have a table and am offering residents of 15 Lawton sessions at 1/2 price. I am a licensed therapist and am interested in serious inquiries only. THIS IS NOT ABOUT SEX. My schedule varies but I am fairly flexible. You can reach me at my email: JJBadd11@hotmail.com
Rebecca Apt. #31

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[> Subject: Re: Business

No name
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Date Posted: 13:42:17 10/20/02 Sun

How much would it be at half price?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Business

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Date Posted: 14:10:37 10/20/02 Sun

A one hour session is $50. In the future, anyone with questions, please respond directly to my email address.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Business

No name
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Date Posted: 14:43:39 10/20/02 Sun

You're getting a little too picky for my taste.

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Subject: Dumb

No name
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Date Posted: 20:56:00 10/18/02 Fri

David is the goody two shoes who's totally satisfied with his pad in Dumpwick.

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Subject: Ezekio

David, #40
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Date Posted: 12:44:59 10/18/02 Fri

Of course not. I was referring to the news that Ezekio was being fired, not Ezekio. I think it's clear from my post that we should value the worth and dignity of ALL human beings by being more careful with our language in the future.

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[> Subject: Re: Ezekio

No name
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Date Posted: 20:53:04 10/18/02 Fri

It's Ezequiel moron.

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Subject: Never Again

David, #40
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Date Posted: 14:31:33 10/18/02 Fri

Just got done reading all these other posts...Man,what a hateful bunch. I'm never reading this board again; I don't have time for this kind of childishness. Some of you sure know how to spoil a good thing. You can call me all the names you want and that I don't care to get involved, but I refuse to dialogue with people who don't have the guts to put names next to their diatribes. Anyone who wants to talk to me about building matters can knock on my door or slip me a note (with their name signed to it). The rest of you - get out of our building if you don't like it here. I'm here to stay and remain committed to the cool people here and keeping it cool around here.

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Subject: Is everyone happy now?

Dave, #40
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Date Posted: 12:22:47 10/18/02 Fri

I thought I smelled something when all this drama started. A lot of people got upset and abusive over nothing during the past two weeks. Don't we have enough of that going on in the world without it happening in our own homes? Respectfully, I request again that we try to keep the drama to a minimum in our building and our friendships and our business relationship with our landlord. Please don't spread rumors, don't spread hatefulness, don't spread innuendo. I know I sound like a Pollyanna, but I think what ensued proves my point. A lot of people got upset at each other over nothing.

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Subject: Is everyone happy now?

Dave, #40
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Date Posted: 12:18:32 10/18/02 Fri

I thought I smelled something when all this drama started. A lot of people got upset and abusive over nothing during the past two weeks. Don't we have enough of that going on in the world without it happening in our own homes?

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[> Subject: Re: Is everyone happy now?

No name
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Date Posted: 12:20:54 10/18/02 Fri

Ezequiel is not "nothing."

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Subject: my conversation with george

jeromie apt. 23
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Date Posted: 16:19:18 10/16/02 Wed

i had a long conversation with george this afternoon. he actually called me, in reply to my email that i sent him about ezequiel.

george basically said to me that ezequiel misunderstood their conversation... george told me he has not been happy with ezequiel's availability to us and the apartment building at night and on the weekends. he said he had a "stern talk about it, and that ezequiel took it the wrong way." george is very concerned about him being around when we need him. he said that on several occasions at night and on weekend nights, ezequiel hasn't been around... he specifically said something about sunday nights-- so i don't know if something happened and ezequiel wasn't there or what... maybe somebody else knows.

george also told me he cares about ezequiel and his family and has known him for over eight years. one of the reasons he hired him to look after the building, was because he was always around. george said that's what he wants ezequiel to do, always be around... which is the job of a superintendent. i told george that this had never been an issue for me, and that i've always appreciated having ezequiel as a super (because i've had much, much worse). he too was appreciate of ezequiel and the work he's done... he just wants more. he said to me that he wants to keep us happy and safe, and that requires a super to be there when we need him. i got the feeling george was genuinely concerned about keeping us happy and not wanting anyone else to move out.

now, i know my version differs from other's (specifically jared's account...base on what he posted). but i asked him straight up if he was laying ezequiel off. he said no and that we should continue calling ezequiel when we need help with something for now. i don't know if he's working something out so that there are more people around, or if george changed his mind because he got a bunch of letters from us, or maybe he's going to keep him on part-time... but what i do know, is that george was very appreciative of the fact that i sent him an email with my name and apartment number on it. he also told me he had five letters that he put straight into the trash because they were anonymous or "not nice."

i don't know if this posting helps or hurts, but i thought i would relay what i was told.

apt. 23

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[> Subject: Re: my conversation with george

No name
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Date Posted: 18:07:26 10/16/02 Wed

I am not disagreeing with you Jeromie, but how can George expect Ezequiel to be around 24 hours a day? He has to have his own life while also being around as much as possible and I think he does that. Maybe we just need to find a way to get in touch with him. There is no way that George could find someone that would be around 24/7 even if they said they would be. From what I've heard, from several people, is that the situation has been taken care of and Ezequiel is keeping his job. I hope this is true. We should probably all be careful not to call George right away when we have a problem, even if we can't find Ezequiel (unless it's an emergency). George made himself available a lot in the beginning when the building wasn't finished, but now it may make it look like Ezequiel isn't doing his job if we keep taking things straight to George. Just a thought.

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Subject: This is not a place to insult Jared

No name
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Date Posted: 07:12:08 10/16/02 Wed

Who cares why George likes Jared or why Jared likes George. Jared has shown his concern for Ezequiel staying here which is more than most of the people here have done. Even I haven't dropped off the letter I wrote yet, but I plan to. That's all we can do. It's George's choice. We are all jumping to conclusions that the new super will be an illegal alien, but we have no evidence. Ezequiel is upset, with good reason, but I'm sure he doesn't even know all the particulars. Only George does. Jared is right about this being a business to George. We wouldn't be here if George didn't want to make money. I'm actually glad to have the apartment I do and I wouldn't have it if George hadn't made this huge investment and risked a lot. I completely disagree with a lot of what he has done. I don't think he has communicated with any of us the way he should. Maybe for a select few he responds to them when they contact him, but he has a responsibility to tell us what is going on about things like safety, laundry room, electricity, the status of our super, etc... without us going after him. Hopefully this will improve in the future. But for now all we can do is tell him how we feel. What makes us feel justified to tell him what to do? If the new super will, in fact, live in the building than theoretically we are not getting reduced services and can't do anything about it except tell him that we would rather have Ezequiel here. But also consider the new super and his girlfriend, just because we don't know them do we not care that they have been promised a place to live and a job? Now we are trying to get George to take that offer back? That doesn't seem right either. I think everyone needs to calm down and accept the fact that we are renting apartments in this building. We do not own it. Hopefully we can all build a community and get to know each other, but it isn't George's job to appease our every whim. We already have this forum (thanks again guys) which could help bring everyone together, but all we do (with the exception of a few people) is come on here when there is a problem and insult George and other people that live here. If Ezequiel is not going to stay I will be very sad, but other than telling George how I feel there is nothing else to do but accept it. Let the flaming begin.

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[> Subject: Re: This is not a place to insult Jared

No name
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Date Posted: 13:22:14 10/16/02 Wed

Letters and improved communication. I'm sure that's what we'd all like to see and I have sent my letter. The problem is, as you say, that there would be no guesswork if we were informed. The insults would not be thrown as often if we were all informed adequately and honestly. We'd all be spared a lot of crap if we were just dealt with fairly and honestly. Should I say it again (one without the others is worthless): Adequately, Fairly, and Honestly. I should also add Promptly. George, if you're reading this: Things don't have to be like this in the future. You need to talk to us and with us instead of avoid us and mislead us. This whole fiasco could have been prevented. I know this is your business, but the money equation can't always be the only consideration. There are a lot of human beings involved with this building, Ezequiel and your renters included. In a lot of cases, if one person is affected, at least half the building is affected. And if you've heard five complaints about Ezequiel, by now you've probably been sent 20 letters praising him. Think about it.

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[> Subject: Re: This is not a place to insult Jared

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Date Posted: 15:32:11 10/16/02 Wed

I actually agree with you, whoever you are. Although I could get sentimental about Ezequiel leaving, it is George's building and he makes the final decision about that. I don't own this building (thank God). I hope he stays though.

You made a lot of points. Thanks.

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Subject: GOOD NEWS

No name
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Date Posted: 13:51:17 10/16/02 Wed

I ACTUALLY HAVE GOOD NEWS!!!! The letters, it seems, worked. Ezequiel, it seems, will be staying on here in some way, shape, or form. Hopefully George will tell all of us himself, but for right now, I think we have reason to be happy and not to be mean to one another! George recognized that we all agree that Ezequiel is a great person and deserves to continue working here if he likes. Hurrah! I don't know whether to laugh or cry, but I feel like doing both. Let's keep our fingers crossed that George keeps his word. I think that he will on this matter. I don't have any details, though, so don't ask:)

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Subject: George and Ezequiel

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Date Posted: 14:08:10 10/15/02 Tue

Wow...finally someone with some sense enough to think instead of bitch and moan (but you didn't sign your name). I had the courtesy to write a letter to George a few days ago to express my concerns about Ezequiel and he called me back very quickly to DISCUSS the matter with me. There are reasons that he has decided to let Ezequiel go...and good ones (you can ask him if you want to know). For those of you that are concerned about not having someone near us...the new super and his wife/girlfriend are going to be LIVING IN THE BUILDING. I am astonished that this building is full of adults and no one has the nerve/courage/whatever to just write or call George and express their concerns. Then again, it seems to be a common thing...cry, scream, call names, anonymously I might add, and expect something to be done. If you don't like the George...if you don't like the area...for my sanity and I am sure for many others...shut up and move out.

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[> Subject: Re: George and Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 02:47:22 10/16/02 Wed

I have a feeling that you and George must be getting it on because you are the only one he calls back, but not the only one that goes to him with concerns. So it's either that something is going on between you and George or you must be doing him some "favors."

I don't kiss butt Jared. I pay rent, on time, never ask for deductions or extensions and live my life without bothering anyone.

I'm sorry you are so stupid and easily convinced that George can tell you he has good reasons for firing Ezequiel. You were never on his side. How could you when you are the in-house contact for George?

Perhaps it's your fault and you've told George when Ezequiel stopped to take a break or didn't scrub a window to your liking.

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[> [> Subject: Re: George and Ezequiel

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Date Posted: 04:59:06 10/16/02 Wed

If you are going to insult my intelligence please have the courtesy to sign your name to your statement (or did you forget how to spell it). So little creativity, such ignorance...when was the last time you tried to contact George? And to clear up something...Ezequiel and I are quite good friends. We have had breakfast together across the street, I have helped him on occasions with items at his home, and he has been nothing but helpful if I have needed anything. My letter to George DID NOT support his decision to terminate Ezequiel, in fact quite the opposite. I told George I thought it was a poor choice and that it is, and will cause more riffs in the building. I would be happy to send you a copy of the letter, but alas...you can't sign your name. Frances, please accept my apologies...my statement was directed at the few immature individuals in the building. I am aware that other attempts have been made to contact George. Why he hasn't returned calls I do not know. I have done nothing more than be honest with him about what I see going on in the building and concerns I have. All I can say is keep trying and maybe he will realize the seriousness of his actions and the resolve of this building to be a community (well at least the resolve of many).

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[> Subject: Re: George and Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 02:50:43 10/16/02 Wed

Even if the new super and his girlfriend or whatever live in the building, never underestimate the reason why George would even consider giving them an apt with his cheap ass--they are illegal aliens who will take a roof and a few dollars as opposed to Ezequiel who is a US citizen.

George is crazy. I've seen him explode in front of his employees.

But wait till he starts getting letters from the city. Oh Jared, I can't wait for you to see his real side.

What are you getting in exchange for being his spokesperson?

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[> [> Subject: Re: George and Ezequiel

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Date Posted: 05:06:48 10/16/02 Wed

Thank you for your candor (whomever you are). I don't know who George is bringing into the building? Does anyone? Honestly, has George told anyone that the person he is hiring is an illegal alien? It seems that George only talks to me and he didn't tell me who this couple is, so how does everyone else know? People forget that the fact of the matter is this...our building is a business to George. Now some of you in the building might have idealistic views and that is wonderful, but reality is that an owner of a company/building is going to turn a profit. If not, why waste your time. Ezequiel is great, but if George wants to release him and bring someone in that is cheaper or whatever, that is his choice and unfortunately we can do nothing about it except express our concerns.

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Subject: People do it...

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Date Posted: 03:01:38 10/16/02 Wed

Jared, a lot of people contact George just like you do but do not get a callback.

Maybe we just catch him on a bad day.

I have no problems stating what's on my mind and posting my name.

And yes I am disappointed that Ezequiel will be replaced by cheaper labor and that someone new will be brought in. Morale is at an all-time low in this building (believe it or not) because we've seen too many people leave in a short period of time. And they had their reasons.

Even for George's sake, everyone with a complaint can't just leave. That will hurt the building. He can't make it with one person alone.

And because when I moved here I made a commitment to myself and my boyfriend to stay put for a while, I feel that this decision affects me directly.

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Subject: Think about the kind of person he's bringing in...

No name
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Date Posted: 02:52:26 10/16/02 Wed

Think about it...someone who is cheaper than Ezequiel, no place to stay, no connection to the building whatsoever.

Sounds great.

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Subject: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 09:15:38 10/15/02 Tue

I think we should give George the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he didn't know how good a job Ezequiel was doing, and how much we appreciate it. Maybe the best thing to do is write a letter to George, as soon as possible, telling George how much we do want Ezequiel to stay. He definitely used the fact that the super lived right accross the street to convince people to move here, and maybe he just isn't looking at it that way. We can't really demand that he keep Ezequiel because it is his money and he has the right to spend it how he wants, but maybe he will understand that keeping Ezequiel will be financially better in the long run. Ezequiel makes people feel safer, makes the building cleaner and responds quickly to problems. Without these things the building will go downhill fast. Maybe George will understand that if it is brought to his attention rationally. Maybe I am giving him too much credit, but maybe I'm not. It seems like the only way to me.

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[> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 13:13:52 10/15/02 Tue

I am going to write a very rational, common-sense letter and attach it to my next rent check .

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[> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 14:44:17 10/15/02 Tue

The best thing is to write letters. It's our only chance. Although George has never responded to mine. Hmmm

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[> [> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 19:11:44 10/15/02 Tue

George hasn't ever called me back either. He must really like you Jared

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Subject: Action for Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 07:20:38 10/15/02 Tue

I signed the lease here because of the blessing of having a great super who lives right across the street. What should we do? Sign a petition? George not having the money to pay Ezequiel (if that is the reason) is not acceptable. Our lives at 15 Lawton are going to be greatly compromised if this happens. We need to express, collectively, our objection to this poor decision, and not let this come to pass without a fight. Any ideas? A petition?

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Subject: Ezequiel?

No name
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Date Posted: 05:35:22 10/14/02 Mon

This morning Ezequiel was washing the front doors. Any ideas?

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[> Subject: Re: Ezequiel?

No name
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Date Posted: 09:53:06 10/14/02 Mon

I was told that ezequiel wasn't given a definite end date and that he was being strung along for the time being. So yep, this is why ezequial needs some support. He knows he's being screwed over and he's still up at 730 cleaning up after us.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Ezequiel?

No name
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Date Posted: 12:55:39 10/14/02 Mon

him leaving is a done deal. he told me this morning taht he has 4 more days. He is going to be replaced by cheaper labor form mexico.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Ezequiel?

No name
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Date Posted: 21:40:03 10/14/02 Mon

I agree that Ezequiel needs our support. He's done so much for us shouldnt we try and return the favor at a time like this? He cant be replaced. Sure a new guy can be brought in but he'll suck in comparison. I hope the Mexican labor has papers but I doubt it.

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Subject: roof

No name
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Date Posted: 17:16:59 10/14/02 Mon

Does anyone know why the cops were on the roof last night?

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Subject: Lease termination

No name
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Date Posted: 10:08:46 10/14/02 Mon

Does anyone know if George is allowing people to break their leases (i.e. are they losing deposits, are they responsible for rent until he finds another tenant)or are people simply leaving? Additionally, how may apartments have been vacated thus far?

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[> Subject: Re: Lease termination

No name
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Date Posted: 14:10:07 10/14/02 Mon

Everyone I've spoken to on their way out will be losing their deposit.

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Subject: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 07:09:02 10/13/02 Sun

Ezequiel is also responsible for making Lawton a better place. This building was abandoned and it was used by crack addicts and prostitutes. They literally had to call the police or literally face up to these people to get them to do their business away from here because they were raising children.

So those of you that don't care because you just see him like another little hispanic guy (or whatever word you might use) would be disappointed when they bring in someone with no connection to the building and you have no one to call if you're in need.

Think about it--Ezequiel lives in this neighborhood and takes pride in it. George lives in Queens. If this place is so wonderful, why doesn't he live here or his adult daughter?

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[> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 09:06:13 10/13/02 Sun

The most valid point that has been made on here is that we were under the impression that our super lived accross the street when we decided to move here, and subsequently when we decided to stay when all of the safety issues were going on. Now we don't even know who are super is. How much we like Ezequiel is really irrelevant, although very true. I don't think we could ever get a super that cared more about the building or worked harder.

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[> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 09:09:52 10/13/02 Sun

We can't start criticizing George for living in Queens. There are very few landlords that live in their buildings. He obviously has some money and you expect him to live in a 1BR in Bushwick? I wouldn't if I could afford not to. We have plenty of other reasons to be upset with him. Most importantly the fact that we are apparently losing a super we really like without being asked our opinion. And the fact, that was brought up already, that at this point George hasn't even been bothered letting us know.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 09:53:40 10/13/02 Sun

I don't think anyone is that crazy to base their argument on George living in Queens. But its important to note that ezequial lives across the street and who knows where the new super is from, how often he'll be around, how much or how little work he'll be doing, how easy it will be to get in touch with him and communicate with him, etc. we don't even know who he is and when he's starting.

Has anyone else noticed how often and how diligently Ezequiel cleans the damn floors and sidewalk around here? How willing he is to help with anything? Consider the buildign without him. It scares me.

When I looked at the apartment here, one of the first things I was told (a selling point) was that the super lived across the street. I put that on my list of things I like about this place. I don't want to have to take that off an ever-shortening list of pros and add a different super to my growing list of cons.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 04:04:09 10/14/02 Mon

Hopefully everthing will get sorted out and Ezequiel can stay. That would be the best solution, but if we do have to get used to a new super we should at least be open mindeda about it. I doubt he could be a good as Ezequiel, but I don't think we will know that until we know who it is. At this point do we even have a super?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 04:27:52 10/14/02 Mon

Can you think of a good reason why our super would be let go?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 04:08:21 10/14/02 Mon

I didn't say that anyone was basing their argument on the fact that George lives in Queens. I'm just saying that criticizing him for something so stupid isn't going to get us anywhere especially when we have so many legitimate reasons to be angry with him. Where George lives is completely irrelevant to the super issue. Ezequiel living accross the street is. I was just making a distinction. And if George does read this board he is going to pay even less attention to us if we start making silly comments about him and his daughter not living here. We should stick to points that are based on reason, like the fact that we all signed leases with the understanding that the super lived accross the street. We should also note if and when we start noticing differences in the appearance of the building because Ezequiel is gone.

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Subject: Re: John's Email about Moving Out

No name
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Date Posted: 15:31:08 10/13/02 Sun

I don't think that we are all going to move out because you have decided you would rather live in Manhattan. Moving out will not get Ezequiel's job back, not to mention the fact that most of us cannot afford to. Let's try to stick to constructive ideas. Not many of us like George, but I'm not willing to move out to prove it.

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[> Subject: Re: John's Email about Moving Out

No name
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Date Posted: 17:45:38 10/13/02 Sun

If it's true that Ezekiel is gone, I will be very disappointed in the owner of this building. One of the selling points, and one of the definite "pros" has been his hard work and friendship. Again, I hope this is not true.

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[> [> Subject: Re: John's Email about Moving Out

No name
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Date Posted: 03:45:11 10/14/02 Mon

I hope so too. Has anyone spoken to George? I don't want to threaten to move out, especially if I'm not willing to follow through, but I will be very disappointed. Good supers are hard to come by and I was very pleased with ours.

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Subject: a small favor

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Date Posted: 13:04:23 10/13/02 Sun

I have a small favor to ask and it is going to sound kind of silly. If anyone has a copy of today's new york times and is finished with it, can zac and I have it? WE have the paper delivered, but it was gone when we went to retrieve it earlier today (this is an irritating problem we often have on the weekends).
Anyway, the reason being is that we went to see bowling for columbine last night -- loved it -- and have heard from friends that the paper today is inundated with bowling for colubmine-esque commentary.
So if someone can help us, it would be appreciated. We live in #21.

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Subject: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 15:27:11 10/12/02 Sat

I was sad to hear that Ezequiel may not be working here anymore. I hope it's not true. I don't know if any other super could be as attentive and helpful as Ezequiel has been. I felt a lot safer here knowing he was right accross the street. Hopefully the rumors are not true. I would like to think that George would let us know if and when we had a new super. At this point if I had a problem I wouldn't know who to contact. Anyone have any information?

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[> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 16:29:05 10/12/02 Sat

The last thing we would need right now is a new super. I can't get the crack stories out of my head and I'm tired of eating across the street. Let's just say I'm not happy here. Ezequiel makes this place feel like home. I hope it's not true.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 23:03:37 10/12/02 Sat

You know, Ezequiel is kind of like the glue that keeps this building together. I'd rather not see this place become unglued. I rely on him more than I even realized until this issue came up. This might just be the last straw.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 06:52:45 10/13/02 Sun

Yeah. I am not happy here either right now. This is my bullshit that i am dealing with - i don't think it's my landlord's job to fix. But the possibility of ER leaving is swaying me in the "pack up and leave" direction. I came here under the condition that the super lives across the street - that was HUGE selling point. ER has been a god-sent - accommodating, kind, trustworthy. He is a familiar and friendly face in a place where I don't feel welcome - yeah, I know "Welcome to NYC, blahblahblah." I don't expect this community to accept me with open arms and i am sensitive and respectful of the process that is going on here. But regardless, it is difficult, lonely, and isolating to be here alone. ER is a link for me from the "security" of my little apartment into the larger neighborhood. I would be very very upset if he were ousted in order to bring in someone cheaper, not from here, who would be here less often, and who may speak less English than our current super.

Very upset.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

No name
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Date Posted: 09:11:32 10/13/02 Sun

I also felt safer with Ezequiel around.

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Subject: moving out

No name
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Date Posted: 12:31:27 10/12/02 Sat

another person moved out today

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[> Subject: Re: moving out

No name
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Date Posted: 14:15:54 10/12/02 Sat

do you know who and why??????

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[> [> Subject: Re: moving out

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Date Posted: 07:27:18 10/13/02 Sun

I think her name is Shirley? I'm not sure. She's not on the contact sheet. She's lived across the hall in a one bedroom - #3. I think George has filled it already. I asked her why she was leaving and she was not specific. I asked "is it the neighborhood?" and she said hesitantly, vaguely, "yeah... and other things." She's going back to Long Beach. I guess that's where she was living before.


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[> Subject: Re: moving out

No name
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Date Posted: 14:16:59 10/12/02 Sat

I know. And I'm freaking out. Has anyone been mugged recently?

I mean I'm surprised that people keep moving even though it seems like things sort of calmed down.

Morale is very low around here. I'm wondering if I should do the same because pretty soon this place will be a ghost town.

Is anyone else considering leaving?

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Subject: Dodworth

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Date Posted: 15:00:31 10/07/02 Mon

I see that someone else noticed the story on Dodworth in the nytimes-- crack and all kinds of depressing madness. Here's the link. It is very worth reading, even if entirely disturbing:


what a neighborhood.

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[> Subject: Re: Dodworth

No name
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Date Posted: 06:31:36 10/08/02 Tue

this is the saddest fucking thing .... i don't know what to do, what to say, how to feel. more scared? angy? sad? what? this is a block away. is this one of the kids who was hanging out on our roof? maybe who mugged one of our neighbors?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Dodworth

No name
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Date Posted: 08:22:45 10/08/02 Tue

I think it is sad too. But don't let it freak you out any more than you already might be. I mean it makes sense. Crack cocaine makes people rob and do crazy ass things. And, ultimately, this is our neighborhood. I am not going to feel alienated or outraged over it. Let us work to make our neighborhood better as many people are doing now ... My friend lives in Fort Greene in a nice building in a happening neighborhood, and he's got a bad crack spot right down the block ... it just doesn't make the human interest columns of the Times Magazine. Welcome to NYC.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Dodworth

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Date Posted: 17:47:43 10/10/02 Thu

I work in Fort Greene. And it's amazing, you see one trendy street, one dumpy one. I work late sometimes and I see "shady" transactions in the corner bodega on my way out. My children (I'm a teacher) tell me horrible drug and shooting-related stories.
So it happens everywhere.

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Subject: car for sale

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Date Posted: 12:50:41 09/28/02 Sat

I am selling my car. Can't afford the insurance and don't want to be bothered anymore, since i only use it a few times a month (except looking for parking).

Here are the details: '93 Tercel, 132,000 mi, 2 door, red sedan with sun roof (pop-up kind). This is a standard, standard car - 4 speed, no A/C, no power steering, no fancy stereo (radio/casette player - but driver side speaker is blown out). You may have seen it. It's been parked most of the time right in front of the building on Lawton and has never been touched by our little hoodlums, probably, as I said before, b/c there's nothing special about it.

The paint's faded and there are a few dents, but otherwise it's in real good shape. Brakes need to be checked out (I think they may need new pads). Definitely needs new tires.

The Blue Book value is $1,125. I'd be happy to unload it for $600.

If you have any interest or know someone who might, please contact me at nankleav@aol.com, give a call at 917.842.5843, stop by at see me at Apt. 27, or go take a peek at it yerself (George is letting me keep it in his lot at the corner of B'way and Hart for a little while). If I don't hear from anyone by next week, I'll donate it to charity to get the tax break. Thought I should try here first.


PS - yes, I see the irony in my posting this message right after Kyle's. Sorry, Kyle.

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[> Subject: Re: car for sale

No name
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Date Posted: 16:19:13 10/02/02 Wed

If you really want to get rid off your car you should post it on Craig's List. Or you can put up a sign on the Williamsburg board on Bedford. I always get a lot of response by using these methods of advertisement when I am trying to sell things.

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[> [> Subject: Re: car for sale

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Date Posted: 05:54:51 10/08/02 Tue

Oh, cool. Thanks.


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Subject: Look We're Famous!

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Date Posted: 09:31:41 10/07/02 Mon

Just in case you missed this.

Not exactly the best thing to be famous for.

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[> Subject: Re: Look We're Famous!

No name
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Date Posted: 11:11:40 10/07/02 Mon

Well, that's better than the story on drug addicts and dealing on Dodworth. See yesterday's NYTimes magazine. There's no way to spin that one.

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Subject: electric bill

Kaitlin, 46
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Date Posted: 03:46:23 10/07/02 Mon

Our electric bill was $75 for 18 days. Is that high? We do have an air conditioner, but only in the bedroom and we don't use it during the day.

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Subject: What's happening?

No name
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Date Posted: 12:16:42 10/06/02 Sun

I saw the people from Apt. 22 moving out. How many apts are empty now? This is getting bad. I'm wondering if any of us will finish off the year. Nothing's happened to me but I'm getting edgy with all the people leaving.
Any thoughts?

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Subject: Free Magazines

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Date Posted: 17:28:42 10/04/02 Fri

Anybody want some free and interesting magazines? Included are past issues of Food and Wine, Wine Spectator, Travel and Leisure, etc. These are nice glossies with lots of good recipes, travel info, etc. Just come by Apt #22 and pick through. Otherwise- to the recycler they go.

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[> Subject: Re: Free Magazines

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Date Posted: 20:40:31 10/04/02 Fri

May I suggest you put them in the laundry room.

In my old building we had a "recycle pile" for books, magazines, videos, CDs and anything similar that was no longer needed but that someone might want.

As long as we let George and company know that its not just trash...

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Subject: electricity

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Date Posted: 11:45:14 10/04/02 Fri

We received our first electic bill. Looks good, we were only charged for 17 days. woo hoo.

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[> Subject: Re: electricity

No name
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Date Posted: 11:46:33 10/04/02 Fri


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Subject: sanitation

No name
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Date Posted: 08:02:21 10/04/02 Fri

Although there is still a lot of trash in front of the empty lot (that Denise and Brigid mentioned in an earlier post), on our way home last night their was a sanitation truck parked there and it looked like they took a lot of the stuff away. I cannot imagine why they wouldn’t take all of it, but at least it’s a start. I didn’t see any rats this morning!

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Subject: Laundry room

kyle #44
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Date Posted: 10:52:43 10/03/02 Thu

The laundry room is ready now. It will be free for a few days for everyone to check it out.

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Subject: Good Laundry Room News

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Date Posted: 10:50:38 10/03/02 Thu

I ran into Adolfo, one of George's guys, and he told me that the laundry room is up and running. they're still working to "beautify" it and make it more practical, but the important thing remains that we can now do laundry. I had to check it out, so I threw in two loads and am presently on my way to throw those clothes in the badass basement dryers.

Happy laundry-ing,

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Subject: The garbage situation

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Date Posted: 14:37:33 10/01/02 Tue

I have finally located the number of the appropriate individuals to contact about the Broadway garbage situation. Many have said that they would like to see a change. Here is our chance to act.
PLEASE CALL the Brooklyn Sanitation Department #4 at (718)386-4726 and report what you see and where you see it. The Sanitation Department does not officially recognize that there is a problem until it has been reported.
I have contacted the number to complain about the out-of-control dumping situation between Suydam and Willoughby on Broadway. I also told them that the metal mesh disposal bins on the street corners between Myrtle and Lawton had been removed which is only aggravating the situation.
One call is not going to do it.
Our Community Board (CB4) told me in a previous call (the number for CB4 is 628-8400) that only by bombarding the sanitation department with calls would things happen.
Once again, please call and let your voice be heard!
That's all folks

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[> Subject: Re: The garbage situation

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Date Posted: 16:00:43 10/01/02 Tue

Denise, you are awesome. I, at the very least for the sake of my dog's health and my own sanity, will be calling the sanitation department. Please, everyone else, say that you will call too! The garbage situation is so ridiculous... if we could at least make it somewhat better, we'll all be a bit happier.

As for feedback on the food drive, I'd be happy with whatever you decide (collecting money or cans). Whatever is easiest.

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[> Subject: Re: The garbage situation

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Date Posted: 13:38:31 10/02/02 Wed

I just called. Nice guy. Told me they would check it out and maybe be able to clean it up tonight. He's been getting a lot of complaints about it (nice work). He says that they'll just keep dumping in that spot until the owners get caught by the "sanitation police." i thought that was him. so... who is it?


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[> Subject: Community Activism - [WAS] Re: The garbage situation

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Date Posted: 07:28:52 10/03/02 Thu

I called and made a report today to let them know about the dumping and the strange absence of trash cans on Broadway. They mentioned there have been numerous calls and that Supervisor Burgles (whoever that is) is "looking into it". Let's keep leaning on them so the Sanitation Department understands that this is a real problem.

As for the Food Drive is some one planning to "pass the hat" or should we just put a box in the lobby marked "FOOD"

Mmmm canned vegetables...
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Subject: OK, so WHERE is the laundry room?

No name
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Date Posted: 06:27:49 09/30/02 Mon

I don't think I can hold out any longer... any rumors out there you'd like to share?

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[> Subject: Re: OK, so WHERE is the laundry room?

No name
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Date Posted: 14:44:14 09/30/02 Mon

you may have done this yourself, and if not you probably should, but we went down the other night to check it out. the machines are in and now they are tiling the floor. i would like to think that means it's almost done, but then i remember how long it took them to tile the floor on the roof deck.

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[> Subject: Re: OK, so WHERE is the laundry room?

No name
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Date Posted: 10:22:23 10/02/02 Wed

I saw George today (October 2) and he said that the laundry room would be finished TOMMORROW. He said that they had run into a problem with the gas company, but that it is being finished tonight.

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Subject: more community information and nancy

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Date Posted: 18:16:55 09/30/02 Mon

Hello to all!
Last week I contacted the SAC (Sanitation Action Comm) about the garbage on Broadway. In particular the dumping problem between Suydam and Willoughby. (Many dog owners have said that it is a hassle.) I also informed this committee that all of the city waste baskets (normally on the street corners) had been removed. I'll keep you posted on any response.
I"ll ask George about putting out a box for the food donations.
nancy, I blew it this morning. I actually went this afternoon. We should talk about setting up perhaps another time? Let me know
Sleep well all!

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[> Subject: Re: more community information and nancy

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Date Posted: 04:19:06 10/02/02 Wed

Hey, Denise. No problem. Let's email today about scheduling (nankleav@aol.com).

BTW, people, if anyone has any interest in doing a little running (all levels welcome - Denise and I are semi-beginners) a few mornings a week, please contact me.

have a great day

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Subject: Food drive -- cash or dough

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Date Posted: 14:08:08 10/01/02 Tue

Some have asked whether it would be easier (and quicker) to gather cash, buy the goods, and deliver the goods to the community reps than to do the box in the hall thing.

Can I get some feed-back? What do you all think out there?

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Subject: Break in

kyle #44
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Date Posted: 18:35:27 09/26/02 Thu

Our car just got broken into around 7:30 tonite. It was parked right in front of the double doors but just out of sight of the camera. They busted the driver side window and stole a discman. So don't leave ANYTHING that could be pawned in view from outside your car. Also George drove all the way from Queens in the rain and traffic to come and talk to us about it. Someone acually called him first then he called us when he got here. He and one of his people taped our window up for us. We reviewed the tape but saw nothing. A police report was made.

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Subject: food drive

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Date Posted: 11:31:06 09/26/02 Thu

Is anyone interested in participating in a community food drive? The food would go to particularly needy families for Thanksgiving. All non-perishables would be greatly appreciated (canned and dry goods). The organizers stated that also potat could be donated.

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[> Subject: Re: food drive

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Date Posted: 13:30:45 09/26/02 Thu

Yeah, I would. What needs to be done? What do you have in mind?


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[> Subject: Re: food drive

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Date Posted: 15:59:38 09/26/02 Thu

We could just put a monster sized box in or near the lobby and do our best to fill it up with goods?

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Subject: Next Community meeting

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Date Posted: 13:32:28 09/26/02 Thu

Hey, people! Anyone have info on when and where next month's community/police meeting will be? Has a date been set?


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Subject: none

kyle #44
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Date Posted: 17:07:03 09/24/02 Tue

Sorry I havn't been around for the past week, I had family in town. If we can get a schedule of these meetings and maybe post them it would be great. I would really like to go to meet the police officers. It helps to know them.

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Subject: About a mugging..

No name
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Date Posted: 10:30:14 09/22/02 Sun

I was surprised to see my neighbors moving because a month ago, one of them was mugged at gun point in front of our building. I hadn't heard about this one. Did any of you?

What is the situation with the security guard? I hope we aren't relaxing about the security issue now that things are sort of calming down. They could easily pick themselves right up...

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Subject: Grillin'

Ryan and Kaitlin apt 46
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Date Posted: 06:01:14 09/21/02 Sat

Hey guys, just wanted to tell everyone that we will probably be grilling on the roof tonight at or around 7:30. All are welcome to join in.

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Subject: more community information

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Date Posted: 07:21:58 09/20/02 Fri

Another name that we all should know for things going on in our community is Nadine Lebron. She is the District Manager for Community #4 (our community).
Ms. Lebron is known as a "mover snd shaker" in our community and can appar. make things happen. Her number is listed.


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Subject: Laundry Room?

Katy #22
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Date Posted: 06:01:48 09/20/02 Fri

Hey- does anyone know if the laundry room is ready? I know that they turned off the water a few days ago to hook up the machines, but I haven't heard anything since. Also- does anyone else hear that intermittent (yet sometimes steady) loud thumping? I've heard it in my apartment for about three or four days - It sounds like the pipes.

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Subject: Anyone have a Mac CD burner?

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Date Posted: 14:00:10 09/19/02 Thu

we have some software we really need copied, but only have a PC. We are going to try just copying it directly, CD to CD, but we aren't sure it's going to work. So if you know anything about this or have a Mac burner let us know. Thanks.

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Subject: community meeting

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Date Posted: 17:37:03 09/18/02 Wed

Hello one and all. I have not been around during the summer and was concerned about the things that I had heard upon my return, so I decided to go to the community meeting and see what (if anything) the community could do to help. Michael joined me on the quest and here is the jist of what happened.

The meeting took place at the 83rd precinct (off of Myrtle and Knickerbocker). The police officers/community representatives were very very accomodating.

*The officers meet with the community once a month (every third Tuesday). All are welcomed and encouraged to attend. Representatives from the community are also present (e.g. outreach programs, church officials, block associations, etc.) It is a nice (and fast) way to get to know who is in your community and build up relations with the community.
*The meetings are USUALLY held at the 83rd precinct. If you have any questions about where the next community meeting is going to be located you can get in contact with the precinct.
*If we want more police presence in the neighborhood then we have to report ALL incidences to the police (sighted car break-ins, vandalism, muggings, etc.). Sgt. Meade made a point of emphasizing that nothing is too petty and that is best to stop things from escalating by resolving them while they are still "petty". By the way, he also stated that it is not too late to call and report things that have already happened. The police can not know to patrol our area if they are not being told that there is a problem.
*We are all busy and certainly no one wants to really take on the role of the "leader" and that is not necessary. We can stand side by side and make a difference.

*Sgt. Detective Peter Meade is our man. He is now aware of the happenings and has promised to help by sending squad cars through our area more often but also said that we have to help ourselves by calling in things as they happen and calling in to report things that have already occured. (I know I'm being redundant but he kept saying this over and over.) It is the only way for our problem to be officially recognized (i.e. with stats and stuff).

*Police Officer Swanson is the guy to turn to for auto theft/vandalism information. Everyone should receive a flyer under their door soon with info's about one particular such program and more important his contact information.

*"Manni" from the narcotics squad will be patroling our area (in plain clothing) over the next couple of weeks (from 3-8/9).

*Another flyer that you'll get under the door is for terrorism but I was told that it is also used for reporting all types of stuff.

*Michael and I also meet "Camacho". He is a community activist and lives two blocks down. He seems to be a guy that knows everyone in the hood and everything that goes down. He pleaded with us to call him if anything goes down because chances are he can figure out who did it and solve the problem. He wanted a description of the guys involved in the muggings but I had no clue. Camacho's number is (718) 919 4753.

*There is also a block association for our block. The people who head it live in 35 Lawton. Their names are Ann and Hayward. They own a very nice dog and said that they have meet several of the dog owners in the building.

*Sgt.Meade suggested that when you see a squad car in our area to stop it, introduce yourself to the officers and let the officer's know that they are a welcomed sight. He insisted that letting the officers know that they are welcomed in a part of town where they are often not seen as welcomed makes all of the difference.

*Sgt. Meade also suggested (off of the books) that we send a letter to City Hall. He said that whether believe this or not that this makes an official difference in human allocation policies.

*Sgt. Meade and ALL of the other officers and the people from our community wanted all of us to know that they are glad that we are here and that they want to do everything possible to keep us here. (They were all very nice).

*We were also told about asking for an F-tap on the building. George has to officially request such a thing. It was explained to me that it would allow that trespassor's in (or on) our building be arrested immediately. What would happen under normal circumstances is that the offenders would be escorted from the building and turned loose.

Sorry if it gets a little confusing. I'm tired but I wanted to give you all some feed back.

By the way the community is starting a food drive for Thanksgiving. All non perishables are greatly appreciated. Perhaps we could do a general collection and then drop it all off at the precinct at one time?
gotta go -- sleep well all

and remember -- there is power is numbers

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Subject: Community Meeting at the Precinct

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Date Posted: 19:49:39 09/17/02 Tue

Hello, one and all. Zac and I were wondering how the meeting at the precinct went tonight. We apologize for not making it. We would like to go in the future, only the timing was off for us this week (we have my sister's wedding in ohio this weekend and therefore have been trying in vain to put our personal/professional lives in order before a crazy weekend). Was anyone able to make the meeting, and if so, could you tell us how it went?
Many thanks.

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[> Subject: Re: Community Meeting at the Precinct

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Date Posted: 21:30:45 09/17/02 Tue

Why yes Brigid someone did attend the meeting. Actually there were two of us. That's right kids, count 'em, two. To be honest it was happenstance that Denise and I bumped into each other in the lobby otherwise we might not have gone either. What happened to Dave?

I know we're all busy, but it was really unfortunate that more people didn't attend. Especially since neither of us have had ANY problems. We made a fair amount of noise, spoke with department higher-ups and raised the concerns that the building and neighborhood have been experiencing, but if there had been 30 of us rather than two I think we would have received even more attention.

I know Denise was a better note taker than I so I'm sure she will have more to say - the main thing I came away with is that the police seem to value community feedback, there ARE resources available (over 90 auxiliary police officers!) and that, cliche or not, the "squeaky wheel gets the grease".

ALL incidents should be reported if we have any hope of getting more police presence.

BTW - What happened with our Police audit Greg? Is there something still in the works? From what I read/hear It seems things HAVE settled down and let's all hope it stays that way.

FYI - We met some great people and there is ANOTHER local community meeting tomorrow. Denise has a contact number, but the address is 195 Linden Street (corner of Wilson). The downside is it starts at 6:00 PM. Usually gets going around 6:30.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Community Meeting at the Precinct

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Date Posted: 23:09:28 09/17/02 Tue

Thank you Michael for the info and for representing all of us (Thanks also Denise).

Yes, you are right. In the future, a concerted effort to attend is optimal and indeed necessary if we really want to be listened to. Like I said, if only I am speaking for Zac and myself, we would like to attend in the future.

If it makes you feel any better, I ran into several people in the lobby today that were feeling guilty about also not being able to make it. I don't think any of us 5 lobby talkers were passing up the meeting for reasons of "taking a nap" or "drinking beers in our leisure time" -- it was more along the lines of unfortunate coincidence, i.e. the coincidence of the meeting taking place during an extraordinarily hectic week for all parties concerned.

On that note, I thank you and Denise again for taking time out of your own busy lives to represent us in the 'hood. I, for one, really appreciate it.

And if you were the one who made the snazzy sign for the bulletin board, well then, you're pretty cool for that as well.

Take care.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Community Meeting at the Precinct

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Date Posted: 04:44:29 09/18/02 Wed

Thanks Brigid. I could just as easily have been one of the "5 guilty lobby talkers". As for the snazzy sign I cannot take credit for it. I thought it was Dave's handywork.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Community Meeting at the Precinct

Greg # 7
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Date Posted: 12:35:47 09/18/02 Wed

I faxed the NYPD our request for a security survey on 9/10, and haven't heard back. I will give them a call if I still haven't heard anything by week's end. Also, if anyone wants their apartment checked, give me a call and I'll add it to the list of concerns. (917) 803-0525.

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Subject: clippers?

Chris #22
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Date Posted: 11:01:07 09/18/02 Wed

I read a while back that someone had clippers in the building and had loaned them out. I am wondering if I could perhaps borrow them tonight.

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Subject: none

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 19:20:53 09/17/02 Tue

With satalite TV you will have problems when it rains. Fortunately we have not yet. Also, besides it taking a week for our receiver to come in it was easy to install. Sorry about everyone elses problems. We had Direct TV in Baton Rouge and everytime it rained the cable would go out. It just interferes with the signal, nothing can be done about it. As for electricity, since I have moved here I have had trouble finding a job. So if George wants me to pay for all the electricity I have used since I have been here that is fine. He just won't get all of my rent money. Not that I am being stuborn I just don't have the money for both. If I knew that I would be responcible for electricity from the time I moved in, I would have been more careful about using my AC and I would have saved money for it. I didn't so I'm sorry.

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Subject: Balance

Culley - Apt. 15
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Date Posted: 11:15:52 09/09/02 Mon

Besides punk kids trying to be gangstas, I actually like Bushwick. It's an interesting area out here. I'm glad it's not Williamsburg. And besides the conspicuous absence of a laundry room, I think George is ok. He's in a tight spot here too and perhaps has acted defensively and indirectly in knee jerk reaction to extremely angry tenants and a difficult situation. But I have found him, on a face-to-face level, to be clear and helpful, and a flexible landlord. And as for this message board, I think it is fantastic. I have appreciated EVERYONE's two cents. When things have gotten hostile or hysterical, I think that is the nature of message boards. The medium sort of encourages that, since no one has to be dealt with face to face. But it has been an invaluable resource and a great community builder. I have enjoyed the posts that have branched off from the subject of building problems into less weighty matters (i.e. where to get one's nails done). That, for some reason, has been comforting. That in the midst of working out a small crisis, we can springboard into a functional community.

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[> Subject: Re: Balance

No name
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Date Posted: 06:26:12 09/10/02 Tue

I disagree. I think that he is dishonest, shady, and greedy. From the first moment I met him I got that kind of vibe from him. 'Oh, I am your friend, you can trust me for everything, I wouldnt steer you wrong.' Yeah fucking right. He had the opportunity to say 'ok, you are having a problem here with safety, people have gotten mugged, you are in danger, let me try to do what I can to help.' But instead, he tried to cover up everything, to the extent of lying to the police, in order to protect his little investment here. He put your safety in jeopardy in doing so. If for some inexplicable reason you feel good will towards him after that, I would bet that he doesn't feel the same about you. He looks at you and sees only $1200 a month, or whatever youre paying. He sees a new car or a new watch. I trust my judgement of people, it having proven itself many many times, and I would not trust George for anything. If you do I am sure you will be disappointed.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Balance

No name
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Date Posted: 06:44:30 09/10/02 Tue

When did he lie to the police? I am not doubting it, I would just like to know the specifics. Thanks.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Balance

john k
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Date Posted: 11:44:22 09/17/02 Tue

he told the police that the wind had broken the door, when it was obvious that it had been broken into. even the police could see that, and they didnt believe him.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Balance

Culley - Apt. 15
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Date Posted: 08:33:56 09/10/02 Tue

Yes, you are totally right. He definetly looks at me, and all of us, and sees $1100-$1500 a month, and nothing more. And I certainly never bought his "hey, whatever you need, I'm a landlord and a friend" routine. He is a businessman trying to turn a profit on this investment he has been sitting on. I'm simply suggesting, at least in my experience, it is most effective to humanize rather than dehumanize, especially in a polarized situation. But you are right, trust is something that is earned, and he hasn't. And rhetoric is a sorry excuse for action. I didn't mean to defend George or suggest he is George Bailey by any means. I just think he is in way over his head, and has no idea how to handle this situation. That is not an excuse, it is simply putting a human face on all the George-is-the-Devil rhetoric, because I can't see what good will come of that.

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Subject: Curtain HELL

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Date Posted: 17:14:45 09/16/02 Mon

Would anyone be willing to help me put up some curtains? It's one of those stupid things one can't quite do alone. I have the drill, the rod, the screws, for god's sake - I even have Rosario's ladder. Oh yeah, and I have curtains. But I can't get the drill bit to go through the damn wall.



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[> Subject: Re: Curtain HELL

No name
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Date Posted: 18:14:26 09/16/02 Mon

I dont know if this would help but we asked someone (the workers who were renovating when we first moved in) to install our curtains and what they did was drill a hole in the wall first before they drew in the actual screws. the top ledge is kind of solid though so it might take a bit of time. I think Rosario might be able to get someone to help you with it.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Curtain HELL

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Date Posted: 07:43:00 09/17/02 Tue

I asked Rosario to check it out for me today. So... we'll see.



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[> Subject: Re: Curtain HELL

suzanne Apt. #8
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Date Posted: 06:52:40 09/17/02 Tue

Hey Nancy,
Aaron and/or myself will help you with curtains. Stop by tonight if you want and we can figure out a time! We will be home around 9 or 10pm.

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Subject: Cable TV

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Date Posted: 05:44:40 09/16/02 Mon

just wondering if anyone else had trouble with 1-800-Technostores when you were getting the receiver for the dish network installed? It took them 3 1/2 weeks and many phone calls to finally MAIL me the reciever, so that i could install it myself (it took about 10 hours, for it to finally work) I reported them to the Better Buisess Bureau, because of their poor "customer service" , and their horrible way they do business. I demanded I be compinsated for the month I went with out television, but they said because its "free" for me, that its my problem, and that they dont owe me anything. I feel that if it is at all possible future tenants shouldnt have to go through what i went through, and that we should be offered a choice between different companies to do business with.

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[> Subject: Re: Cable TV

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Date Posted: 11:26:58 09/16/02 Mon

1800 Technostores is an absolute abomination. Zac and I went through the same crap. Their claim to world class customer service is one of the biggest jokes I've ever heard and I'm glad to know that someone reported them. It's more like world class incompetence. We sent complaints to Dish Network-corporate, but clearly that didn't do much as you suffered thru the same situation. We're still having a few minor problems, but can at least watch tv now. it would have been nice to have different options in terms of cable, but nothing can be done about it now as this is how the building is wired. I think George is pretty aware of the fact that the technostores people are total idiots. Way back when, he called them on our behalf and technostores didn't seem to care how many complaints they received.

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[> Subject: Re: Cable TV

jeromie apt.23
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Date Posted: 15:23:37 09/16/02 Mon

i had the same problems with 1-800-technostores!!!! i got so mad at them, i just canceled the whole thing!

it started with a defective receiver, then the second one had a problem with a satellite that (after 2.5 hours on the phone with dish network tech people) wouldn't work and i had to call the installers. then two months of 1-800 technostores making appointments and not showing up. then they finally showed up but wouldn't come in because of my dog (they had been in before and it wasn't a problem?!)... so i locked my dog in the bathroom for an entire day while i was at work and they no-showed me again!!!! that was all i could take. the best excuse i got was that they were waiting for a part to come in from california!!! they said they had called george and canceled the appointment... this was while george was on vacation for a month!!!

i also called and complained to the dish network... but it didn't do any good. in fact, my service never (not one minute of service) worked, but dish network still wanted me to pay like 60 dollars because it had been activated two months before i canceled the whole thing... i talked to two supervisors and finally some big manager before they erased the balance. talk about a hassle!!!

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[> Subject: Re: Cable TV

Billy and Sue
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Date Posted: 18:08:35 09/16/02 Mon

Do you guys have problems with the cable everytime it rains? My TV blanks out (searching for signal) everytime it rains, thunderstorms, etc. I don't know if it is my receiver or if its just the dish installation but we've tried calling the technostores guy to come check it out but they never did. All they did was send me a label to return the dish.

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[> Subject: Re: Cable TV

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Date Posted: 04:05:10 09/17/02 Tue

We never had a problem with the cable or 1-800-Technostores. That sucks that so many people did, and I'm sure that if this many people have posted there are probably a few others who had similar problems. But we got our receiver within a few days, hooked it up and it worked right away. Two or three times when we couldn't get a signal we called dish network and they were able to help us over the phone within a few minutes. I do wish we had had more choices when we moved in, because I don't think we would have gone with them, but for us it has worked out ok. If anyone needs help hooking their receiver up (although it sounds like everyone is all set or has completely given up) my boyfriend is good with that stuff and wouldn't mind helping you out.

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[> Subject: Re: Cable TV

No name
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Date Posted: 06:56:22 09/17/02 Tue

We had problems too but somehow Aaron tricked them into letting us get a receiver from someone else.

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[> Subject: Re: Cable TV

No name
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Date Posted: 06:58:18 09/17/02 Tue

We had problems too but somehow Aaron tricked them into letting us get a receiver from someone else.

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Subject: This is serious...

No name
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Date Posted: 17:58:03 09/16/02 Mon




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Subject: Con Ed

jerome #23
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Date Posted: 15:51:47 09/16/02 Mon

i just signed up today and was told that it was retroactive to july 30th. then i got on here and saw that some people said sept. 12th, etc... so i called them back. i talked to someone (i didn't catch his name) and he looked at mine and said it was definitely switched from "innovative woodwork" (george's company) to my apartment july 30th. i then explained how some people have said they were told theirs was retro to sept. 12th... anyway, he said he "scanned" several other apartments in the building on his computer, and they are ALL retro to july 30th.

i was also told there will be a meter reading on sept. 30th, and i could expect a bill to be in the mail around oct. 3rd.

i'm going to pay for what i used... i would be really upset if i had a monster bill, but it shouldn't be that bad because it's only two months.

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[> Subject: Re: Con Ed

No name
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Date Posted: 17:14:04 09/16/02 Mon

If meters were installed for our apartments on the 30th, shouldn't we have been told? Weren't we told "not to worry"?


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Subject: My Discussion with George

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Date Posted: 15:20:02 09/16/02 Mon

Hello all, Unfortunately I don't have much more to report than what Nancy said. Also, the security guard isue was not brought up (wasn't brought up in the meeting). However, I will say that George seems to be very concerned and interested in making us feel safe. We spoke on the phone for some time...I mentioned the 3 main issues that we discussed and we also touched on the other concerns. The one item I feel we need to follow up on is the fence on the roof. Someone mentioned that they have not heard anyone on the roof lately. Neither have I. Also, I am not aware of any other attacks on anyone. As for the cars...Until we get a secure garage, which I don't remember ever being told there would be one...the break-ins are going to continue. Just make sure if you own a car you don't leave anything of value in them. Chat with you all later. Jared

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Subject: No more muggings, but the car break-ins continue

No name
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Date Posted: 11:18:31 09/16/02 Mon

I heard that two cars were broken into this weekend. I haven't heard about recent muggings but apparently the parking issue is still a problem. Worse yet, it happened to cars that were parked right in front of the building.

Nancy, was the security guard issue ever discussed?

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[> Subject: Re: No more muggings, but the car break-ins continue

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Date Posted: 12:43:10 09/16/02 Mon

No - I did not discuss the security guard issue with George. Our conversation was somewhat cut short b/c there were new people waiting to see apartments.

Let's hear what Jared found out and then decide what kind of follow-up needs to be done.


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Subject: Meeting with George

No name
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Date Posted: 13:29:45 09/15/02 Sun

Did Jared and Nancy meet with George yet?

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[> Subject: Re: Meeting with George

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Date Posted: 20:24:52 09/15/02 Sun

Hello, Whoever-It-Is-I-Am-Replying-To and everyone!

Yes, we did talk to him - but separately. Jared faxed George our list of concerns and then talked with him on the phone about it. I spoke to George yesterday morning.

Jared will report on what he learned, but this is what I was told:

1.) George reads this message board and knows what the complaints/issues are but he's choosing his battles. He wants everyone to know that it'll take time to get this all done. He respects our right to have a forum like this and does not want to interfere, but he does read this stuff.
2.) He is willing to come to our next meeting.
3.) He does not expect anyone to pay for parking until the lot is cleaned up and asphalted, etc. So, if you have been paying, you can take it up with him without fear of blowing it for the others.
4.) The laundry room is installed and should be ready for use in a few days.
5.) Roof security - 10 more cameras are supposed to be installed (I was not given a date) and several will be put on the roof. He does not want anyone - including tenants - on the roof except for the designated 2 nd floor patio. Walking around up there can cause leaks and water damage. he's going to get stricter about this come winter.
6.) the doors - he says that that bent door was indeed caused by the wind and that it is now fixed. He says that they meet city fire regluation code. He is planning on installing a new second set of doors to the exits that pour onto Lawton and Broadway, so that even if someone were to get in through the 1st set, they would not get through the second.
7.) it sounds like the real plan for the 1st floor retail space is a supermarket - a real grocery store. (I worry about rats and coakroaches if this actually happens. :-/ )
8.) More and more developers and business people are looking to invest in this area (including George). it may grow faster than we think.

That's all for now


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[> [> Subject: Re: Meeting with George

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Date Posted: 03:57:16 09/16/02 Mon

Thanks Jared and Nancy. And George, if you are reading this, thanks for responding to our ideas and for your concern about our safety. It seems that all the negativity has at least settled down some and we can all work together better now. It's too bad that some nice people moved out during all of this, but I'm glad I stayed. Hopefully I will keep feeling this way.

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Subject: Things are cooling down

No name
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Date Posted: 17:39:44 09/15/02 Sun

It seems to me that things are cooling down. I haven't heard of any new muggings and the roof noise must have stopped as well. I say this because I don't hear anyone complaining about the noise.

I even feel like people are writing less on the forum. I hope it's all for the best.

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Subject: Con Ed

No name
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Date Posted: 08:08:33 09/13/02 Fri

If you tell Con Ed your lease starts on the 12th of September, then the bill will start on the 12th of September. If you tell them your lease starts in May or June, then they will backdate your bill until then. I would suggest that you guys all say September 12 as the starting date.

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[> Subject: Re: Con Ed

No name
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Date Posted: 08:26:01 09/13/02 Fri

Duh. Why didn't i think of that?!

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Subject: electricity

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Date Posted: 05:13:34 09/13/02 Fri

i just called con edison. i was told that i was responsible for my account as of july 30th. but, i asked about the dates before i gave them my name. so when they told me this, i declined to switch the account. i am going to wait until i speak to george personally. i too refuse to pay until sept. 12. if it means withholding rent i am willing to do that. i voiced concerns about this at the very first meeting we had on the roof. i knew this was going to happen. but it also seems that con edison does not have their stories straight. those of you who were able to get con ed to begin your account on sept. 12th, did you get the name of the person you spoke with? can you tell me who they are so i can ask for them rather than Mr. Riverez {the rep who helped me}.

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[> Subject: Re: electricity

No name
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Date Posted: 08:16:32 09/13/02 Fri

here is the deal, i called con ed again and got a different rep. she told us we would pay from todays date and they would come out on the 30th and read the meter. her name is Mrs. Cook. so the miscommunication seems to be among the employees at con ed. if i were you i would just hang up if the Riverez fellow answers and call back.

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Subject: Running partner

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Date Posted: 03:45:49 09/13/02 Fri


I am looking for a running partner to go for ~3-5 mile runs about 3 times a week. Anyone interested? Time is optional. I'm thinking the morning might be best (around 7am), but I am flexible.

Yes, in the neighborhood.

No, I am not crazy (well, maybe a little).

Anyone a runner? C'mon.... autumn in Bushwick. How can you resist?


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Subject: Con Edison

No name
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Date Posted: 11:55:02 09/12/02 Thu

Has everyone opened an account?

Is it just me or is anyone else interested/concerned as to why we were not notified by George/Pella back on July 30 that the individual electricity meters had been installed? And that we would be responsible for all usage from that date? I want to, and it's only fair, I pay for the power I used, but it would have been nice to let us know a little earlier.

Hopefully this is just another minor communication breakdown, but considering the rather odd gas bills some of us received perhaps we should keep an eye on this (i.e. gas and electric hooked up to hallway heaters NOT in your unit).

More annoying is the fact that our first bills will not arrive until somtime in late October/November and Con Ed, now unregulated, pays for energy on the open market.

Meaning we will not only get a bill for 3 months of usage but we'll be paying for the cost per kilowatt based in its price in fall/winter (probably after we start bombing Iraq raising energy costs), not what it was back in July!

For those of you that were told "not to worry" by George about electricity until he told us to call Con Ed please let us all know what/when you will begin paying.

Well, better we received notice now than sometime next year...

As you were.

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[> Subject: Re: Con Edison

No name
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Date Posted: 12:13:26 09/12/02 Thu

I haven't called to open my account yet, but is it possible to tell Con Edison that we only want to be billed from this point forward? I haven't thought this out completely yet, but I am considering deducting the amount I have to pay from my rent (everything up until this point). I was under the impression that George was letting the electricity slide to make up for the fact that we don't have a laundry room. He said not to worry about it, so I wasn't and now I find we are responsible retroactively. Does anyone else (other than the original poster) consider this a slap in the face that he couldn't even bother informing us of this at the end of July? Would anyone else consider witholding whatever they owe from July 30th through whatever day George posted the notice? He is less likely to retaliate if a bunch of us do it, and maybe he will see that he needs to communicate better if it's not just one or two people whining. This isn't about the money, it's about him taking responsibility for the building. I don't dislike him and this is not personal, but I don't think he understands that there is more to his investment than just rennovating a building and finding people to rent the apartments. This is our home.

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[> Subject: Re: Con Edison

Magda apt 16
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Date Posted: 12:41:58 09/12/02 Thu

I just opened an account with Con Edison. Nice lady on the phone asked me when I moved in and I said that 2 months ago, BUT I want to be responsible for the charges as of today, because my landlord was responible till now, and she said FINE! The meter reading is going to be on Sept. 30th, and (as I usually do)I asked again, that my bill will be from Sept. 12th to 30th and she said "That's correct" The bill should arrive week later. I want to believe her... Will see...

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[> Subject: Re: Con Edison

No name
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Date Posted: 14:43:50 09/12/02 Thu

Per Magda's reply: this was sort of my point in posting this thread. The Con Ed rep I spoke with said so long as my lease started prior to the meter switch I was responsible for ALL usage beginning on July 30th and if there were any arrangements with the landlord those should be discussed with him NOT the electric company.

The problem with many issues in the building seems to be selective enforcement. If Magda's billing starts on September 12th ALL of ours should, no?

If Pella is going to be responsible for the electricity until Sept 12 then someone should TELL US. Also how can they accurately bill you if they don't come out (on the 12th) and get an initial reading?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Con Edison

No name
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Date Posted: 16:42:18 09/12/02 Thu

Con Ed told us twice today that we were responsible for charges accruing from this date, the 12th. We were told the next reading would be on the 30th when we asked when the first bill arrived.

This should still be discussed with George. Vague assurances are not very helpful.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Con Edison

No name
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Date Posted: 19:28:18 09/12/02 Thu

I hate to harp on the mechanics here, but if the new meters were installed with 0 kilowatt hours back in July and the next reading won't happen until September 30th how will Con Ed accurately bill from today's date?

Short of an estimated or some kind of pro rated usage I don't see how.

And again shouldn't it be an all or none situation for all tenants? I certainly plan to call again tomorrow to let them know at least 2 (so far) tenants have billing cycles beginning on September 12 NOT July 30th.

It's especially interesting because the customer service guy told me I was "legally" responsible for all power used since the meter switch. Hmmm.

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Date Posted: 18:18:43 09/11/02 Wed

I was wondering if anyone had an extra Mac monitor...We have some great curtains to trade...and hey, if the monitor is good enough we are also getting rid of our car.

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Subject: Meeting with George

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Date Posted: 10:13:45 09/11/02 Wed

Hello Everyone, I formally invited George to meet with Nancy and I this week. As soon as I here back from him I will let you know. Obviously I will also keep you posted on the results from the meeting.

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[> Subject: Re: Meeting with George

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Date Posted: 15:03:42 09/11/02 Wed

thanks for letting us know jared

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Subject: none

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 21:44:37 09/10/02 Tue

I have reconsidered my thoughts and now I think you should tell him about the police inspection(let him know it is not to hurt him but it is to help us). I have spoken with George on several occasions recently and he seems to be a new person. He also made a comment about some things people put "on the computer". So, he probably is reading this stuff himself. This is fine with me. He has been very honest with me and said several times if we have a problem call him or drop a note under the office door. He also keeps mentioning the negativity of the building and he is very concerned about it. Lately he has seemed to want to go out of his way to make me happy and wants the overall moral in the building to be better. I think and hope that now if we confront him with our concerns he will be willing to "protect his investment" and see to it that he meets our needs. Granted that we are not asking for something that is unreasonable. He is our landlord and for what ever reason it is now that he rather talk to me than yell I am grateful for. I would rather have a good relationship with my landlord than a bad one. This does not mean we cannot pursue the community meetings and make the building safe. George NEEDS this building to succeed. So lets include him on our thoughts and go from there. Also, the washers and dryers are in and hopfully by next week they will be ready. One more thing, I understand why some people would like to remain anonymous for certain comments like "your car is getting broken into" or "the bingo man"(ha,ha) but to say rediculousy negative things and not leave your name is just plain cowardly. I have signed my name for the bad things and now for the good things. I think now George has read all of my posts and he sees that I was upset. He now is trying to make me happy and like I said before I will stay if I am happy and SAFE.

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Subject: George and safety inspection

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Date Posted: 09:39:57 09/10/02 Tue

I said this in a posting below, but just in case people don't see it ...

Everyone - Jared and I are trying to schedule a meeting with George tmorrow. Should we tell him about the plans to have a cop come check the building out? Or do we just do it and then bring the suggestions/findings to him afterwards?Maybe it would even be good for him to be present for the "inspection".



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[> Subject: Re: George and safety inspection

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 11:02:02 09/10/02 Tue

I think that if you tell him prior he will discourage it or get upset. He does not live here. We do. We have the right to find this out ourselves. If we get the report ouselves then we will know the absolute truth about what happened and no one could doubt what George tells us if he gets it done. On the other hand he is the owner and they may require him to be there. Also, if we don't tell him about it then after the report is made then it would look bad if we gave it to him. It would have to be presented by the police in order not to look like we underminded him and are lashing out on him. Maybe this is the way we want to look. I know this doesn't answer your question but they are my opinions.

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[> Subject: Re: George and safety inspection

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Date Posted: 12:49:36 09/10/02 Tue

I think you should tell him. He can't stop us from going thru with the inspection, can he? What does it hurt us if he knows that we are serious about all of this? I think he would be more angry about the whole police inspection thing if we confronted him about the results of the inspection having not told him that we planned to have it done in the first place. Just my opinion. The more that we demonstrate our true concern and show him that "rumors" are not rumors but have been in fact substantiated, the closer we should get to having a more productive relationship with him (in other words, the less room he'll have to skirt the major issues around here). Let's try to work with him first (whatever our reservations might or might not be) and if that doesn't work, we'll have to keep working without him or in spite of him. First things first. Let's try the peaceful, polite routine one more time. We may be surprised in that he may finally be realizing that he really needs to listen to us and sort some things out in the building.

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[> Subject: Re: George and safety inspection

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Date Posted: 17:12:53 09/10/02 Tue

I think we should tell him we are going to do it. I also think maybe you just tell him in a way that he thinks this will be good for us and him. Maybe you should also mention that if and when it goes well, we will all fell safer.

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[> [> Subject: Re: George and safety inspection

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Date Posted: 17:13:57 09/10/02 Tue

"feel" safer

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Subject: NYPD Security Survey

Greg #7
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Date Posted: 10:37:40 09/09/02 Mon

The NYPD offers a free security survey in which a crime prevention officer comes by and looks at locks, doors, windows, etc. and makes recommendations. I am faxing a request today, so please contact me if you want any specific areas checked (in addition to the ones we have already flagged).

I will keep everyone posted.

Greg (917) 803-0525

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[> Subject: Re: NYPD Security Survey

Kaitlin, Apt 46
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Date Posted: 12:21:09 09/09/02 Mon

Thanks Greg!

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[> Subject: Re: NYPD Security Survey

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Date Posted: 17:34:51 09/09/02 Mon

Good work greg

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[> Subject: Re: NYPD Security Survey

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Date Posted: 09:23:47 09/10/02 Tue

A big THANK YOU from me as well, Greg.

Everyone - Jared and I are trying to schedule a meeting with George tmorrow. Should we tell him about the plans to have a cop come check the building out? Or do we just do it and then bring the suggestions/findings to him afterwards?Maybe it would even be good for him to be present for the "inspection".


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Subject: Wednesday

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Date Posted: 14:57:33 09/09/02 Mon

I don't know if anyone here is planning on attending any of the remembrance ceremonies on Wednesday, but I thought that I would mention one in case any of you are interested. It's at 7 pm at Washington Square Park -- a candlelight vigil like they had there last year. There will be an orchestra playing until 8 pm.

Thanks also, Greg, for working with the police on checking things out.

Take care and have a good week.

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Subject: Red Chevy Right Outside the Lawton entrance tonight

No name
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Date Posted: 19:20:36 09/07/02 Sat

I was parking my car in the "lot." There were kids (literally) outside, in front of a red Chevy. Sort of surrounding it.

I was locking the gate as quickly as I could to see what was up because I saw one of the kids doing something to the tire (maybe removing the cap or whatever). Something must have scared them because they ran towards Bushwick Ave when I started approaching the building.

I couldn't see any damage to the red Chevy. If you own that car, be careful and check your tires.

My point is, WE DESPERATELY NEED PAUL HERE AT NIGHT. These are kids with nothing to do and they are so young, it virtually useless to call the cops in my opinion. I think they all live in the corner of Lawton and Bushwick.
If Paul would've been there, this wouldn't happen.

Don't get me wrong. This could happen in any neighborhood. I really feel that. But I like to prevent.

I feel like a sucker paying George $80 for parking. But my car is my investment and I'd like to take care of it. I suggest that you guys try to park in a lot or something until the Paul issue gets ironed out.

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[> Subject: Re: Red Chevy Right Outside the Lawton entrance tonight

No name
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Date Posted: 19:23:59 09/07/02 Sat

Does this red Chevy have an alarm?

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[> Subject: Re: Red Chevy Right Outside the Lawton entrance tonight

Car owner
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Date Posted: 06:03:00 09/09/02 Mon

The nearest parking garage i could find is at the Flushing stop. There is a Central Parking lot around the back of the Hospital- not the covered garage which seems to be for employees, but an open lot with a fance and a guard that is open 24 hours. It's $7 flat fee for up to 24 hours. They have monthly spaces for $100, but I think they only start at the beginning of each month.
The smiley guy with the lot across from our building's dumpster lot may have space. He said that I could park there and that he would be adding someone so that it was manned 24 hours. (I decided to go with the Flushing lot, since its already manned 24/7, and I use my car sporadically and often in the middle of the night.) He also quoted me $100 a month, and he is really a nice guy.
Good luck!

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Subject: I don't like Williamsburg

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Date Posted: 09:42:33 09/08/02 Sun

I don't like Williamsburg. There, I have said it. I don't ever plan on moving there. I like the shelter where I got my dog in Williamsburg and have found some good used books there. That's the extent of it. Can we stop talking about Williamsburg? I wrote "This is not Williamsburg..." because Mr/Mrs. Condescending seems to think that the fact of Bushwick not being Williamsburg is why people are upset.

Glad to hear about the spanking new subway trains.

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[> Subject: fsgfdgfj

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Date Posted: 10:20:01 09/08/02 Sun

sorry brigid,i wasn't refering to you. i don't like williamsburg either, that's why i did not move there. i was talking about people that "have to get used to living in bushwick aka williamsburg" but i guess that message was deleted because i can not seem to find it anymore. so yes. we can stop talking about williamsburg. my point was that we can be mad at george and blame some stuff on him but i think it's getting out of control. and i think you agree?

as far as looking out the window... our apt. faces lawton and we look out the window all the time. i figure why not? it's not like i sit in the window all day and sleep with one eye open at night or anything but, if we hear something we look. and to answer someones question, what good is it going to do? uh i could be a witness on a police report, i could potentially scare someone away by yelling, or i could drop a soup can on someones head if they were trying to mug you {joke}. what do you mean what good is it going to do? ever heard of eye witness testimony?

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[> [> Subject: Re: fsgfdgfj

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Date Posted: 13:19:05 09/08/02 Sun

Thank you Suzanne. I liked your posts. I didn't care if you were referring to me or if you weren't because, quite simply, you were being a voice of reason, as you have been from the start. I should have just said it like Kaitlin already has done: Williamsburg is a total NON-ISSUE. WE LIVE IN BUSHWICK. WILLIAMSBURG IS IRRELEVANT. as is our landlord's accent. I care far less about how he enunciates things than I do about what he says and care far more about what he does than what he says.

Did anyone else think for one second that maybe sue and billy were joking about the knives, though? It's also irrelevant, really, but I took it as a joke. Whatever the case, I don't appreciate that SOMEONE made it sound like it was their "stupidity" that was causing the muggings.

If you think someone is going overboard or is pursuing matters in a ill-thought out manner, than there is no reason why you can not say so in a respectful manner. I am not the high priestess of civility but I think it is total crap if you feel the need to be a jerk to people just to get some kicks.


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[> [> [> Subject: Re: fsgfdgfj

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Date Posted: 06:00:48 09/09/02 Mon

my point was that we need to take some responsibility and not blame everything on george. this whole williamsburg thing was just an example. we should be mad at him for the laundry room but he is not the one mugging people. i think that a lot of the anger around here is misdirected.

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Subject: One more thing

Billy and Sue Apt. 14
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Date Posted: 16:28:27 09/08/02 Sun

Before I forget, to the person who think we are stupid for going to Dodsworth. I just so happen to drive by there and saw one of the kids who always "patrolled" this building. I did not intend to have any of you guys to go "check it out" but that if you were one of the kids who got mugged it would be a good idea to see if those were the kids who did it. And if you do want to see if those are the kids, don't go alone, we would go with you. I'm sorry if you think its stupid that we're willing to help neighbors and catch the kids who are making life miserable for us.

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[> Subject: Re: One more thing

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Date Posted: 17:21:52 09/08/02 Sun

I'm a little bit confused and I don't mean to be rude guys--are you saying that it would be good to check it out to call the police on them once we confirm that it was them doing the mugging?

I avoid that street at all costs.

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[> [> Subject: Re: One more thing

Sue and Billy
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Date Posted: 18:04:14 09/08/02 Sun

I didnt mean to have my post sound confusing but your right on what I was suggesting. I was hoping to have these culprits identified before the police are called. I don't want to have the wrong people arrested. Sorry for the confusion. sue

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Subject: our lesson of the day

The bingo man
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Date Posted: 14:20:35 09/08/02 Sun

The other day I played bingo on-line. Yes, I was board. The people playing were able to chat at the bottom of the screen. They were such feaking losers. They said the dorkiest stuff to each other. Anyway I found it entertaining to type stupid things to make fun of them. The point is once they started to ignore me it was no more fun. What is the point if I couldn't get a reaction. This can apply here on the board also. Sorry if you are an on-line bingo player, I didn't mean to offend you.

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[> Subject: Re: our lesson of the day

No name
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Date Posted: 17:31:09 09/08/02 Sun

gee wiz bingo man you really fooled us this time.

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Subject: My fetish with windows

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Date Posted: 20:31:56 09/07/02 Sat

This is why I wrote about looking out of a window onto Lawton at night. They aren't only demanding "fucking money" they are fucking up people's cars. I saw them breaking into a car myself several weeks back. They have also seriously disrupted some people's lives in this building. They have succeeded in getting good people to move out of this building. They have annoyed people to no end.

Offend me all that you want, but don't do it to others.

This isn't Williamsburg. I know this. Most people here know this or at least they should. Williamsburg isn't the reason why anyone is writing on this board. People are writing on this board because they are fed up with the bullshit that goes on around this building more often than even I care to realize. If you think people are over-reacting or being psychos or being stupid, than maybe spare yourself the annoyance (you clearly are annoyed if you feel the need to insult anyone) you felt reading #14's message or my own and stop reading the posts once and for all.

Disagree all you want. Let's not be assholes to one another, ok? At least put your name on the damn thing if you're going to be condescending. Or maybe next time you feel like belittling someone, just write something like, "Brigid is a stupid fucking annoying white girl who has a fetish for windows." You can let out your frustrations and I won't mind.

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[> Subject: Re: My fetish with windows

No name
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Date Posted: 09:31:41 09/08/02 Sun

And what would you solve by looking out the window?

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[> [> Subject: Re: My fetish with windows

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Date Posted: 09:37:36 09/08/02 Sun

Why don't you ask that question to the same person that succeeded in getting some asshole arrested because he was looking out his window?

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[> [> Subject: Re: My fetish with windows

Susana and Billy Apt. 14
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Date Posted: 16:15:37 09/08/02 Sun

First of all the kitchen knife thing was a joke on my end. Secondly.. looking out the window does accomplish the fact that in the event you get mugged/beaten up/slapped around, etc. there will be witnesses to 1) describe the assailant 2) call the cops 3) come out to help you 4) and hopefully make you safer. now if you dont think that helps please let me know who you are so I'll make sure I wont do anything when something happens to you. To all you who think this message is a bit mean and offensive, Im sorry but Im not going to sit here and have someone think Im stupid for looking out for you guys. And if you guys are interested, we try to make friends in the neighborhood. We choose not to be afraid when we go out so even tho some of the kids in the neighborhood are freaky looking we try to be friendly. You can excuse my sarcasm, but whats the worse that can happen? i get robbed? killed? that happens in all other neighborhoods.

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Subject: fax machine

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 15:52:04 09/08/02 Sun

Well I finally decided to get a job. The problem is my printer ran out of ink but a new cartridge is on the way. So the problem is I can't print my resume out and I don't have a fax machine. Does anyone have a fax machine? I can put my resume on a disc and print it out on someones computer then fax it from there.

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Subject: This is just my opinion

Kaitlin, Apt 46
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Date Posted: 10:35:41 09/08/02 Sun

First of all the post mimicking George has been removed. That was unecessary and counter productive. I also know who wrote it, but will not mention any names. I have only removed posts at the request of the author up until this point, but that was ridiculous.

I think that the comment about some people acting like vigilantes wasn't that far off. I'm sure that Billy and Sue had good intentions, but carrying kitchen knives around probably puts them and us in more danger. There is no reason for us to walk around the neighborhood like that. We need to do whatever we can to look out for each other's safety, but trying to weed out the culprits on our own is futile and dangerous. I am by no means saying we should lock oursleves in the building, but people need to be careful. I completely agree with Suzanne's suggestions about walking around, especially that we need to walk like we belong here without being arrogant. That is probably the best thing we can do. The people causing these problems have no respect for us (they probably don't have respect for anyone), but they will respect us even less if they think we are scared to come out of our building. They feed on feeling like they have power over people.

Thank you for whoever posted about the kids hanging around the red chevy. That is my car, or at least I own a red cavalier that was parked on Lawton last night so I assume it was mine. I'm guessing they were trying to take my rims, but they are locked so it would be really hard for them to get them off. There was no other damage that we can see, but thanks for looking out for it. Although there has been some debate I think we should look out the windows whenever we have the chance. I do. My window looks out onto Hart St and I look out once in a while to see if anyone is hanging out by the cars out there. If other people do that I think we might catch some people in the act (as Michael did at one point).

As far as this not being Williamsburg, that is completely irrelevant. People need to decide if they want to stay here or move to somewhere a little safer (like some parts of Williamsburg). For those that want to stay we need to do whatever we can to make our building and the neighborhood safer. We definitely have more control over the building than the neighborhood, but there are things we can do on both fronts. Dave has posted information about community meetings and getting local business owners involved.

As far as anonymity on the board, I think it is good overall. I have posted various posts anonymously that I may not have posted otherwise. Some of us, Brigid obviously not being one of them (that is not an insult, actually it's a compliment) do anything they can to avoid conflict with others. I have a hard time disagreeing with someone openly, but I still feel like I should be able to express my opinions. That is why I started this board. That being said, people should not use it as a place to attack others personally or use it to be rude and disrespectul just because they can.

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[> Subject: Re: This is just my opinion

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Date Posted: 10:52:32 09/08/02 Sun

yes. there needs to be a balance. we need to do our best to be safe but not paranoid.

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[> Subject: Re: This is just my opinion

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Date Posted: 14:26:31 09/08/02 Sun

I finally know who started this forum--Kaitlin. I called you brilliant in an earlier post--that still applies. :)

I'm glad we have this forum. Thanks for starting it.

And Brigid--I don't like Williamsburg either. It's way industrial. I really don't see why it's such a big deal. Without Bedford Ave. it would be another Bushwick.

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Subject: The window issue...

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Date Posted: 09:36:40 09/08/02 Sun

Looking out the window does help because Ezequiel told me that when the kids mess with the cars he yells at them if he sees them or if someone from the building sees them, they yell and the kids run. I spoke to him this morning and he said that the kids race each other running up and down the cars. He suggested for me to park my car closer to the building rather than closer to Bushwick (sometimes I don't have a choice).

And regarding the offensive tone we often find in the forum, I refuse to pay attention to people who fail to identify themselves. It's irresponsible and immature.

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Subject: annoyed

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Date Posted: 07:02:20 09/08/02 Sun

Okay... I have been trying to keep my mouth shut but I just can't seem to do it any longer. I AM ANNOYED. There, I said it. I will try my best not offend anyone...here goes...

1. Mocking George is completely unecessary. I feel like he made some promises that he needs to live up to {ie. the laundry room} but we are all adults and need to take resposibility for our own actions. When you move into a neighborhood it is up to you to make sure that it is a place you really want to live. I realize that the extent of some of this violence was unforseeable . BUT, if you thought this was Williamsburg then you obviously did not do your homework on Bushwick OR Williamsburg. When we looked at this apt. we asked George about the neighborhood and i guess that he felt we had educated ourselves enough and did not feel like he could lie to us about it. He told us that this neighborhood used to be reallly bad but it was slowly getting better. Then we asked Ezequil and he said there used to be crack and prostitutes. He even went so far as to say that Lawton was the worst. We looked at the crime statistics and compared them to our old neighborhood. We made a choice when we moved here and so did everyone else. NOw you need to deal with the consequences of that choice. You can either cope with the process of ironing out the wrinkles or move. But by all means STOP BITCHING THAT THIS IS NOT WILLIAMSBURG.

2. Use common sense people. I am not speaking to everyone and I do not mean any disrespect.
Try to walk home with someone.
Look behind you, be aware of what is going on around you.
Have your keys out .
Act like you belong here but don't be arrogant.
Look out the window if you here something. Keep an eye on each other.
But don't carry kitchen knives! get some pepper spray. Don't go down Dodsworth and look for trouble.
I agree with Mr. or Mrs. Condesending when they say "no wonder they think we are stupid."

I do not think George is a "slum lord", and "idiot" or even an "asshole" I think he is in over his head. he is reacting to his own fears just like we are all reacting to ours... in his own way.
Apparently some of us do it by being rude and others do it by acting macho and others try their best to keep their wits about them.

again, i am trying my best not to be a bitch! but i am getting SO frustrated with both the negativity and naivete on this message board.

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[> Subject: Re: annoyed

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Date Posted: 09:26:53 09/08/02 Sun

I totally agree with you that if we think this is Williamsburg, we did not do our homework. I feel bad for the people from out of state though. But even Williamsburg as someone else said is only gentrified in spots.

I am not too happy right with the situation right now, mainly the lack of ongoing security. Nevertheless I realize that the building is new and things take time.

Thanks for speaking out!

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Subject: i majored in art

suzanne #8
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Date Posted: 07:09:54 09/08/02 Sun

i spelled some words wrong. i got so wound up that i did not read my message before i sent it. so i apologize if my spelling offends anyone.

this is not directed at you brigid!

while waiting for the j train this morning i saw two brand spanking new M trains at the Myrtle St. station.

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Subject: none

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 20:44:06 09/07/02 Sat

Atleast all the people on the fourth floor are nice. Good point to remember is if you don't agree with something and it does not affect you then why worry. If you don't like the way things are being handled you should have come to the meeting. If you couldn't come to the meeting an open invitation was given to stop by my or Ryan and Kaitlin's apt. to give ideas or express opinions. If you are mocking George on this site then I think this site will only be counter productive if he sees it. At this point the only reason why derogatory comments are bothing me is because I like the way MOST people have come together to help each other out. By the way, if John is still interested, I would like to see a forum for the building that has diff types of discussion boards and the ability to start threads and posts on those threads. It would be nice to be able to log in so no one can hide behind ability to be anominous. You could also have moderators that have access to deleting posts and controlling unwanted negativity against fellow tenants.

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Subject: update on addresses

billy and sue apt 14
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Date Posted: 17:16:34 09/05/02 Thu

just an update to the post i had earlier. the house that the kids hang out on is the first or second one on dodsworth. its the one witha stoop that has stairs going up. and just another update. theres a kid with big poofy hair that hangs out right by the getty (gas station) who also rides a bike. we were staking out the building from out window today and notice that he too also turns onto dodsworth. for those of you who have no idea who im talking about there is only one kid (i think hes hispanic) that has a humongo fro and is always smoking up by the getty. we literally asked him if he knew anything about the muggings and he said no. we now have our suspicions but we can be wrong. please guys do not go to dodsworth by urselves!! i cannot emphasize that enough!! hey jon, thanks for checking out the dodsworth before. billy told me u went there urself to check it out. we were quite worried about u. dont hesitate to call us if u need us to accompany u. we dont have mace or guns but we have two damn big kitchen knives. but just make sure to go there in packs. we dont want these jerks to single us out. on a final note. til today i still have not seen the so called security guard. so if u guys can describe him for me it would be great. i dont want to come around the corner and see some starnger carrying a baseball bat outside the building. sue

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[> Subject: Re: update on addresses

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Date Posted: 13:25:14 09/07/02 Sat

If the main culprits live on Dodworth -- and according to credible reports they in fact to live on Dodworth -- than the trouble is probably bound to continue -- even if just in fits and spurts.

I wish that I had a window that looked onto Lawton -- I would check it out at night more often.

Not to indict anyone unfairly, but these "neighbors" of ours are in all likelihood responsible for the car thefts/break-ins in addition to the muggings.

Let's keep an eye out, folks and be as vigilant as possible.

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[> Subject: Re: update on addresses

No name
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Date Posted: 15:24:41 09/07/02 Sat

Why in the name of something higher more powerful than us is someone from the building going to Dodworth to "check something out"? What the hell is going on?

The kids that are doing the mugging are black--no surprise there. They are not used to seeing whites in the neighborhood. So they will probably fuck with whoever they can. You need to take this on a case by case basis.

If we lived in Williamsburg, the latin kids would be fucking with us. Because only a few streets of Wburg are gentrified.

So what I'm trying to say is that this vigilante stuff is wack and must stop. Some of you sound like psychos.

Check it out at night more often? What the hell? If you hear screaming, check it out. If you don't why would you be looking out the window? Hoping trouble arises?

And why would anyone stop some fro kid and ask him about the muggings?

No wonder they think we're stupid.

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[> [> Subject: Re: update on addresses

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Date Posted: 17:33:20 09/07/02 Sat

I said vigilant and not vigilante. Not to provide a vocab lesson or anything, but I'm interested in looking out for one another, not in taking a baseball bat over to Dodworth.

No one needs to hope or look for trouble to find it around here.

If you disagree with someone here, by all means disagree. No thanks, however, on the unnecessary insult -- or whatever that was.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: update on addresses

No name
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Date Posted: 19:15:42 09/07/02 Sat

The only comment that had anything to do with you was the "checking out the window through Lawton" one.
Feel free to take offense anyway.

I was mostly talking to Apt. 14.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: update on addresses

No name
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Date Posted: 19:22:47 09/07/02 Sat

And although you might not be one of them, some of the people in the building are acting like psychos. Vigilante would be the proper term because of their actions.

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Subject: Minutes from Our Wednesday Meeting

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Date Posted: 20:55:10 09/06/02 Fri

YO, sorry for the delay..For those of you who couldn't make it this should be good news. For those of you who did, it's a recap and a game plan for moving forward on the issue of violence in our neighborhood and general concerns about the building.

Jared and Nancy volunteered to be delegates to George.

We prioritized our concerns as:

1. Roof Access Doors secure from the outside and up to fire code

2. Roof fence extended/roof secure from outsiders

3. Bulletin Board available for general tenant postings without interference; More communication on building plans, management, etc.

Police Outreach
We decided that Greg and Dave would facilitate the Police outreach. Greg is contacting the police to have an officer check our security trouble spots (listed below) and make objective security recommendations. Dave is contacting the police about F tab (?) paperwork and 100 signatures/cop on the corner question - objective for more police presence on Lawton/Broadway.

Other Building Security Causes for Concern:
a. Parking - offstreet secure parking
b. Second Floor Elevator landing area, ledge, windows don't lock
c. More cameras
d. Motion Sensors/Lighting on Roof
e. Camera on Broadway looking West, not East
f. Doors facing broadway need handles removed
these are not in priority order, please add posts on anything I missed or not mentioned here...Greg will include.

Neighborhood Outreach
Say hi to the shopkeepers, introduce yourself. The police tell us they're upset about what's happening too...The neighborhood wants us to stay. We'll be distributing invites/flyers to the Sept. 17 87th Precinct Community Meeting, and I'll have some ready soon, bilingual (Brigid, you've got someone who can help with espanol?). We hope to come away with a rough structure for a neighborhood watch program.

Jared and Nancy are going to try to have a conversation with George within a week or so, will keep us posted.

Great input from everyone - There was lots expressed, which I wouldn't do justice by encapsulating here. Please feel free to correct me or echo in on anything I forgot.

Oh yeah, and a shameless plug -- I'm a voice-over artist, just got my new site up at www.davervoice.com

So if you know any producers or casting directors, send em my link ;) thanks.

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[> Subject: Re: Minutes from Our Wednesday Meeting

No name
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Date Posted: 18:48:57 09/07/02 Sat

no more shameless plugs, please.

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Ryan APT 46
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Date Posted: 15:55:19 09/06/02 Fri

Does anyone have Hair clippers so I can shave my head? I'm sick of my hair and have the urge to cut most of it off, so If you have a set post me a message, give me a call, 7186027917 or give me a knock.
I would appreciate it greatly,

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[> Subject: Re: HAIR CLIPPERS

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Date Posted: 17:45:37 09/06/02 Fri

Thanks to Apt 44 for helping me out with their clippers.

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Subject: Phone call with George

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 12:52:52 09/06/02 Fri

I have spoken with George two days in a row. He has been nothing but very helpful and very nice to me. He has informed me of things and even been helpful with allowing us to move into a larger apartment. I always said that if things started happening for the better here I would stay. I will just list a few things he said:
1)He will be posting info on switching electricity into our names.
2)Paul has and will be going on to the roof at all hours of the night to check things out. (This could explain some of the noise and makes me feel a lot safer)
3)The door on the roof is being changed right now.(I saw it myself)
4)Construction is going on in the basement.(Laundry! Yeh!)
5)He said I can call anytime with any problems and he will do his best to help me.(I must have dialed the wrong number...Just kidding)

I hope this is the way he plans to communicate always in the future. If so I look forward to staying here. I have met a lot of wonderful people here and would hate to leave now.

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Subject: Like Dogs?

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Date Posted: 18:08:02 09/05/02 Thu

I just had a thought. If anyone that likes dogs will be staying in NYC over the Thanksgiving holiday and would be willing to feed/walk/give my dog some love in the event that I go out of town, please email me at bmo211@nyu.edu.

I really have no idea if I will be going to Ohio for Thanksgiving, but part of my decision hinges on whether or not I can find a good dog-sitter. I won't hold anyone to it come November, I just want to have an idea if there is the possibility that you'd be willing to do this.

I will pay you money. She's a good sweet puppy. She will pay you in kisses.

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[> Subject: Re: Like Dogs?

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 12:09:55 09/06/02 Fri

Don't know our schedule for Thanksgiving, but if everything works out we won't mind. We know how expensive a kennel is for a week. I think we paid $15 per day and that was over an hour away. The ones that are around here are really expensive. It would be nice to have help with this stuff.

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Subject: Kosciusko Stop

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Date Posted: 10:02:26 09/06/02 Fri

The Kosciusko Stop on the J line is a little closer, and finally open now, for those of you who want to avoid Myrtle. It might be better for you.

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Subject: Minutes from Meeting

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Date Posted: 09:57:54 09/06/02 Fri

After the meeting I started my upgrade to Windows XP,...and two days later I'm back online, sorry for the delay. I have to run to the city and will be back online tonite to post the minutes of our meeting. thanks for your patience.

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Subject: none

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 09:16:08 09/06/02 Fri

I just had an idea. There are probably about 40 apartments that are occupied right now. If each apartment puts up $10 that is $400. We could post signs around the building and at local businesses in the area offering this money as a reward to the conviction of any persons involved in the muggings and vandolism at 15 Lawton. Even if this doesn't lead to any arrests it still might make a few people think a little more before they target us. Also, they are pouring slabs in the basement for which I think the washers and dryers are going!

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Subject: security guard

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 08:47:36 09/06/02 Fri

Paul is his name. He is a tall thin black guy dressed in street clothes. Looks in his thirties. He hangs out in front of the building and around the corner. I don't know if he will acually be back though. Did we ever come to a conclusion on the security guard thing in the meeting Wednesday? I can't remember. That is one of my most important concerns.

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Subject: nails

Natalie #44
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Date Posted: 15:41:33 09/05/02 Thu

Are there any good nail places in this area? I'm tired of going to the "city" everytime I want to get my nails done. Thanks.

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[> Subject: Re: nails

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Date Posted: 18:23:10 09/05/02 Thu

Yes. I go to Nancy's Broadway Nails. It's near the Myrtle station. Walk past the Myrtle station (on the Dunkin Donuts side). It's near Aaron Street or something like it. Just two or three blocks from Myrtle. Good prices. Not very aestically pleasing though ;)

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Subject: Call me whenever

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Date Posted: 14:07:25 09/05/02 Thu

Hi everyone.

Thanks Jon and Sue for the info.
Thank you Jon also for summing up the phone numbers.
I had my posts deleted for two reasons: 1) they were long and tedious and 2) I am hoping to find time sometime this week to address George personally in a letter to express my dissatisfaction with our last phone conversation as well as my hope that we can communicate better in the future.

To that end, here is my info again for anyone wanting a walk with me and my dog. Zac is also ready and willing to escort anyone:

home phone 718-574-6893
cell 440-891-0831 (use this if you have a cell with free nationwide long distance -- it's the easiest way to get me)
and my email remains bmo211@nyu.edu
and i'm in apartment 21

I am almost always available on weekends as I'm usually doing schoolwork in my apartment.

Thanks again, Kaitlin and Ryan for hosting the meeting and for being such wonderful hosts. For those of you that weren't there, I'm sure something akin to 'minutes' are forthcoming.

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[> Subject: Re: Call me whenever

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Date Posted: 14:09:40 09/05/02 Thu

I am a dumbass. I just gave you my family's number in Ohio. Let's try again. My cell phone is 440-263-7699. If you accidentally call my parents, I'm sure my mom will call you "Honey" and all will be well.

Excuse me. I tend to be rather flighty when it comes to details like phone numbers.

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Subject: potential address of assailants

sue and billy apt 14
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Date Posted: 06:15:42 09/05/02 Thu

we came home late yesterday night and while we were driving down dodsworth street (the street after lawton) we noticed that there were kids hanging out at the stoop in front of one of the buildings. they are the same guys who ride around in bikes circling our block. i think they might be the same kids stirring up trouble. If any of you have had altercations please drive by dodsworth and be on the lookout to see if these kids look familiar. i myself have not been mugged yet but i was walking alone on broad daylight (6pm) and these kids (about 3-4) on bikes deliberately tried to run me over. of course i jumped and these kids thought it was hilarious and just rode on. im already planning to move out at the end of my lease because i feel like a virtual prisoner at home. i will only reconsider staying if the BUILDING is safe. im home alone on weekends most of the time and have various images of crowbar weilding trespassers trying to break into my apartment. i dont go out at nights unless i am accompanied by an entourage of at least 3 otherwise i have to spend money on car service. its pretty sad. by the way, if anyone took minutes of yesterday's meeting, please let me know. i do hope there will be things done by the landlord to make this building safer so i can reconsider staying. moving is expensive and im still trying to pay for an education. thanks. sue

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Subject: an introduction

jon apt. 38
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Date Posted: 20:54:29 09/04/02 Wed


at some point, i accidentally disposed of the paper containing the url for this board. as a result, i have been unaware of this dialogue.

someone in the elevator (thank you) told me about tonight's meeting, and i attended for a short while (orange shirt, standing)

i live in apt. 38 with my girlfriend, Shin-pei.

three weeks ago or thereabouts, a lanky african american male approached me on Broadway (about 4 blocks from Lawton) at what seemed like 10 pm.
he threatened me and asked me for my wallet. i was surprised and told him to go fuck himself. a fairly physical altercation ensued, and ended when i ran as two friends of his approached. i notified the police, and spoke with two officers in a patrol car, but no report was filled out. i have never seen that guy again, but he may be affiliated with the people who have carried out previous attacks. in addition, my truck was vandalized one night when it was parked at lawton and bushwick.

on occasion, i have spent time on the roof above the fourth floor, and if i disturbed anyone, i am sorry. however, i never did anything i regarded as disruptive (mostly laying on the roof and looking at the skyline), and i certainly do not make a practise of wielding crowbars. most of the time.

i think it might be nice if we compile a list of the names and phone numbers of people who are willing to walk other tenants home from Myrtle, and/or to investigate doings on the roof. i myself am home every night after 6, and heartily enjoy nighttime walks.

to that end, the following people have previously posted names and phone numbers:

Me (Jon) 347.623.0880

Dave 718.453.7571

Brigid 718.574.6893

Kyle &
Natalie 718-919-9471

John K 646-303-4235

Jeromie 732.754.4828

Michael 646-337-3473

Jared 917-476-2635

Billy &
Sue 718-919-0648

Katy & 718-443-6980
Chris 718-877-0733

if everyone is in accord, i would be happy to create and distribute a hard copy of this list. ideally, we could take responsibility for certain days, and assure that no one ever feels awkward or unsafe in our neighborhood.

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[> Subject: Re: an introduction

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Date Posted: 21:02:12 09/04/02 Wed

one more thing...

i publish a website, and i would love for my neighboors to check it out:


be warned, however, that the content is fairly strong, and i certainly don't want to offend any sensitive viewers.

in addition, if anyone has flash movies or writing (comedic) they would like to submit, please email me.

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Subject: Meeting

J Kosinski
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Date Posted: 07:23:01 09/04/02 Wed

I am under the impression that there is a meeting tonight (Wed, Sept 4) at 8pm in at 46. Is this still the case, or has it changed?

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[> Subject: Re: Meeting

Kaitlin, Apt 46
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Date Posted: 08:03:02 09/04/02 Wed

The meeting is taking place tonight (wed) at 8:00 in apartment 46. I'm not sure who is and isn't coming, but the meeting is taking place. If anyone cannot make it, but would like to contribute please post your ideas or email them to me or the fifteenlawtonst@yahoo.com address. You can also put something under my door anytime today. I hope that I see a lot of you guys there. Thanks.

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Subject: Meeting Minutes

Culley - Apt. 15
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Date Posted: 05:16:45 09/04/02 Wed

OK, every meeting so far has fallen when Coco and I are both working. I really wish I could attend. In lieu of attendance, will anyone be taking minutes? I really want to keep abreast of things that are brought up and what I should be doing. I realize this is a bit of work, but for all of us who cannot attend, it would be a real help in keeping us engaged in the process of our evolution as a community. I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated by many.

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Subject: Warning

Kaitlin, 46
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Date Posted: 04:51:13 09/04/02 Wed

Please be careful when posting messages that are aimed at minimizing people's fear or belittling them for being afraid. Although I'm sure that would never be anyone's intention it can happen very easily. There are a lot of people in this building that are scared for there safety. Those of us lucky enough to not have been the victim of anything should be extremely compassionate and as empathetic as possible. Jeromie did apologize for scaring anyone by going on the roof, but I have to say that it didn't seem that sincere. He made it clear that he felt the person who was "seriously freaked out" was over reacting. This is not an attack on him, I think it's great that we have this forum so he could inform people that it was him and that can put us at ease (a little). But that does not change the fact that people that do not live in this building are trying to get in and are doing it on the roof. I doubt they just want to say hello. That is something to be legitimately scared of. Over reacting would be a mistake, but I don't think that anyone has. As far as this becoming a campaign against George I can see why that has started to happen. He has lied to tenant after tenant about things much more serious than a laundry room. He is extremely defensive about the building and seems to be just saying whatever he can say quickly to get people off of his back. I think at the meeting we will come up with a list of requests/demands for him and how he reacts to that will be important in how I deal with him from now on. There are extremely easy and inexpensive things he can do and if he is not willing to do that than I believe he deserves to have people "bash" him (figuratively not literally). There has been negativity on this board lately and a lot of it has stemmed from people insulting those that are afraid and I don't want to see that happen again.

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Subject: martial arts guy

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 18:35:26 09/03/02 Tue

I don't remember who the martial arts instructor was but it might be a good idea to teach a self defense class to people in the building. I only charge 10% for the idea(just kidding).

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[> Subject: Re: martial arts guy

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Date Posted: 04:41:54 09/04/02 Wed

Hey Kyle,
I gave you that idea....i want 10% also.

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Subject: none

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 22:45:48 09/03/02 Tue

O.K., let me get something strait. If you are on the roof checking your skylight for leaks that does not freak me out. There are no skylights on my roof. The reason why loud banging on "my" roof freaks me out is because there is a busted door up there. Also I can't figure out how anyone can get up there. Maybe I have been a little paranoid but until things calm down a bit I will remain the same way. Sorry if I have inconvenienced anyone, but I just need to get used to living in East Bushwick AKA "Williamsburg". Also remember my reason for being so alarmed is for my fiance's safety otherwise I would just go about my business and deal with the problem when it confronts me.

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Subject: Monday Night Roof Escapades

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Date Posted: 03:58:57 09/03/02 Tue

Not sure,,but maybe some of the tenants don't get it. STAY OFF THE ROOF!!!!!!!! You are seriously freaking some people out, and really just bothering me.

I have 3 skylights that are right next to the 3rd? floor roof entrance. Last night at about 12:30-1:00 2-3 people were banging around, waving flashlights, knocking things over INTO my skylight and making a lot of noise. I figured with all the noise they were probably tenants so I didn't call the police...next time I will. NO ONE!!!! NO ONE!!!! is supposed to be on any of the roofs at anytime except for the patio. Let me repeat. NO ONE!!!!! is supposed to be on any of the roofs except for the patio. No smoke breaks, no get togethers, nothing.

I am surprised that with everything that is going on that you would still be up on the roof causing such a ruckus.

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[> Subject: Re: Monday Night Roof Escapades

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Date Posted: 05:25:26 09/03/02 Tue

What makes you think it was tenants?

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[> Subject: Re: Monday Night Roof Escapades

No name
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Date Posted: 05:39:48 09/03/02 Tue

Hey Jared,

It probably WAS the police. They were here not once, but twice last night to investigate.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Monday Night Roof Escapades

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Date Posted: 07:12:32 09/03/02 Tue

If it was the police...fine. I just hope that if it was tenants that they will try to be more considerate next time they are up on the roof, even though they shouldn't be up there.

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[> Subject: Re: Monday Night Roof Escapades

J Kosinski
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Date Posted: 07:45:07 09/03/02 Tue

I would imagine that there must be some good reason why the doors that lead from the roof into the bldg are not locked. One or more of the following must be true:

1. The doors ARE locked.
2. The doors cannot be locked for some fire-code type of reason
3. The doors cannot be locked for some physical type of reason (like they don't have locks).

- does anyone know what the deal is with that? Is it ever going to be possible to lock the doors up there semi-permanently so that breakins from the roof are less likely?

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[> Subject: Re: Monday Night Roof Escapades

jeromie #23
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Date Posted: 22:01:18 09/03/02 Tue

i was on the roof last night around 11:30... with a flash light... by myself... on the second floor roof... just over the rail of the patio... for less than five minutes... LOOKING AT MY SKYLIGHTS BECAUSE I HAD A LEAK!!!!! (strangely enough it wasn't even raining anymore) i know i was there at 11:30, because i called eqequrel at 11:15 and he didn't want to come over until the morning. so i went up to see if i could find where the leak was coming from because i knew it wouldn't be leaking by the time eqequrel came to look.

i apologize to whomever "i seriously freaked out!!!" but i think we all need to calm down a take a deep breath.

i'm also sorry that i just got to look at this posting (i just got finished at work... it's like 1:45am) and i'm about to come home. i can't even read on... THERE'S TOO MUCH!!!! i can't find who wrote it, but someone said something about anger and resentment that seems to be growing among tenants... and feeling alienated by it... that's how i feel right now.

i'm all for working out a solution so we all feel safer, but i'm not going to be part of a george bashing campaign... it's not productive. after reading these postings for 15 minutes i don't know what to think... i'm just tired.

i can't be at the meeting tomorrow night, but i hope an email about what is discussed is sent out.

apt. 23

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Subject: Mugging on 8/11/02

Katy and Chris #22
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Date Posted: 20:03:00 09/02/02 Mon

To all of the tenants,
Hi- I realize that we don't know many of you because we have not been able to attend the meeting(s) but I have been reading the postings here and have noticed quite a few notes wanting to know specifics about these violent incidents. My boyfriend, Chris, was violently mugged on August 11th at 7 pm in broad daylight in front of 15 Lawton. What happened was this: Chris had gone to Food Dementia (excuse the nickname) to buy some groceries for dinner and I had remained home. While walking back he noticed two kids (around their early 20's or so) riding by on bikes. They turned onto a side street and he decided to continue home. When he turned the corner to the building the kids were standing in front talking into the buzzer. He, not wanting to unfairly judge others, went up to the door anyway. The kids stepped away. He put the key in the lock and then felt an arm around his neck. One of the kids put him in a chokehold from behind and kept saying "Don't you fucking move, don't you fucking move." They choked him so hard he actually passed out. When he came to, they were going through his pockets (while he lay on the sidewalk) and asking him "Where's the fucking money?" He didn't have any cash or credit cards on him (he had paid with his ATM card at the grocery store). They stole his cell phone and ran, leaving him on the sidewalk and the contents of his wallet surrounding him. He gathered everything up and came inside, meeting Derek along the way. He suffered injuries to his neck, his arm (very bloody and deep), and serious bruising to his knees and shins. The impact of falling to the sidewalk caused most of these injuries. While the monetary loss was minimal, the sense of security lost has been irreplacable. We have talked to the police on many occasions and have been told that this is a bad neighborhood and that we are living in (and I quote) a "warzone." They are looking into his case, but not much can be done. We have not been staying here much so that is why I am so tardy in relaying this information to you all. If any of you have questions about how this was handled by the police, buliding management, or even ourselves, (some of the details I don't feel like sharing in such a permanent form) please come by or call us at home 718-443-6980 or on my cell after 9 pm 718-877-0733, or leave us a note under our door. So sorry to hear that others have gone through similar situations.

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[> Subject: Re: Mugging on 8/11/02

Kaitlin, Apt 46
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Date Posted: 20:10:27 09/02/02 Mon

Thank you for sharing that with us. I hope you can come to the meeting on Wednesday.

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[> Subject: Re: Mugging on 8/11/02

No name
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Date Posted: 17:17:49 09/03/02 Tue

Will you guys be sticking around until the lease is up?

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Subject: Culley's Post is Dead On

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Date Posted: 12:26:44 09/03/02 Tue

Thanks Culley - I agree. We've already started a three-pronged community outreach to the police, fire department, and merchants in the area. Everyone, if you think of it and are willing, introduce yourself by name to the merchants in the area, mention the crime issues we're having and ask if they'd like to attend a community/police town hall meeting to voice their concern and hear from the precinct chief commissioner what they're doing about it. Ramone, who runs the bodega across the street (next to Puerto Rico Car Co), admits his english is not so good, but wants to come. Does anyone know spanish who would be willing to distribute a flyer with me and talk to the merchants on Broadway about the meeting? I want to do a flyer in english and spanish, get Julio next door to contribute the copies...I think most of them don't even know about it and would like to wipe out the crime along this skid row they call Broadway.

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[> Subject: Re: Culley's Post is Dead On

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Date Posted: 17:02:00 09/03/02 Tue

I speak fluent Spanish. I can help with the translations. Unfortunately I have very little time because I just started my teaching assignment. Nevertheless, I can go with you sometime this weekend if possible and spend a couple hours between lesson planning talking to the merchants. No problem.

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Subject: pretty cool

j kosinski
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Date Posted: 16:44:51 09/03/02 Tue

Wow, I am impressed by all the action taking place. My idea of acting in our defense was to carry a knife and have all able-bodied men in the bldg be ready to run outside with baseball bats at a moments notice. I guess I kick it stone-age style a little bit, but then maybe all that I just said would be a good supplement to the current plans. But these community action boards and getting in touch with the merchants of the area, I applaud that. That is some good old-fashioned American type of shit, and I think it will help alot.

I dont have time to get in touch with the area people/police/firemen, but I want to do what I can. I am on call to help in any way possible. I offer my support, my presence where needed, my programming skills, and anything else that I can do to help in any way. Just ask.

Though my ideas were different in nature from the start, they are the same in that I wanted to see us work together for our common defense, and that is happening. I am happy. Keep it up though; lets not get lazy. I feel that there is another wave of opposition coming, so lets be ready for it this time, eh? One person we surely CANT depend on is our landlord, so we have to take it into our own hands. DIY-style.

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Subject: DUHH

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Date Posted: 12:43:51 09/03/02 Tue

Community Affairs Meeting - It's on Tuesday September 17 - the second Tuesday of each month. Door prize: Keep your ticket stubs because at the end of the night the police chief will raffle off a SWAT-issue bullet-proof vest.

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Subject: Community Affairs Police Meeting Details

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Date Posted: 12:36:51 09/03/02 Tue

Here's the scoop, mark your calendar if you'd like to attend with me:
Community Affairs Meeting, 83rd Precinct, Myrtle and Bleeker, 574-1697

I'll get directions and confirm the time, which I think is 730pm. I assume they'll have someone translating in spanish but we might have to request that for our friends in the neighborhood.

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Subject: Sleep and FTabs

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Date Posted: 12:14:15 09/03/02 Tue

You guys come knock on my door next time you can't sleep, I got Ambien - the good stuff. I'll ask my friend who's a cop in Manhattan about the Ftab thing. Sounds promising...I hear people on my roof all the time too, but it stopped since the cops took that ladder down that was rigged to get from your tier to the "upper" 4th Floor tier, what was that - Friday?. I work on my computer a lot and my ceiling in the loft part of the den is only two feet above my head -- if someone's up there, I hear em, even above the music. I'll call next time, and Kyle, call me next time - I've been working late usually. We'll approach the situation from my roof door, as it affords a clear view of everything going on below while giving us good cover. And get some sleep you guys -- sorry you're having such a rough time of it.

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Subject: Fire Dept

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 11:21:20 09/03/02 Tue

I just saw the Fire Dept (four guys) outside in the hallway in front of my door. It looked like they were checking the exits. Ezequiel was with them. I don't know who called them but with the comments made by the police everytime they come here I would assume it was the police who called. If anything comes out of this I hope we atleast get safe fire exits and locked doors from the outside roof.

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Subject: security

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 10:01:30 09/03/02 Tue

I spoke with the police twice last night. We gave up on trying to sleep at night. Today I am going to figure out how this noise is ending up on my roof. If it is a tenant and they think it is funny, they better pray I don't find out who it is. I seriously doubt it is a tenant though.
I believe everyone has calmed down a bit and decided it is better to work together on this. The police told me about something called an "F tab". I am not sure this is exactly what it is called, but I am going to find out. It requires George to register the building with the local precinct. He would have to put up No Trespassing signs and the police will patrol periodically. If anyone is caught here with out a legitimate excuse. They will be arrested. The cost of this is only for the signs. This is something George should do.

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Subject: Thank you

Culley - Apt. 15
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Date Posted: 09:13:57 09/03/02 Tue

Hi. I wanted to thank everybody who has posted thoughts and information on this message board. My girlfriend Coco and I have been insanely busy and have not been able to attend meetings, and have barely been home to talk to other tenants. So this has been an invaluable resource in this time of adversity. I must admit, it is a bit daunting, the fervor of the anger, fear, and resentment that only seems to be growing among some tenants. To be honest, this is a little alienating. While I am ready to do whatever is necessary to solve current problems, I am hesitant to engage in rhetoric that borders on hysteria. I know I am not alone in this sentiment. The issues we are facing are difficult but not insurmountable. I hope we can work toward a positive, safe, and fair living situation in a clear and effective manner. My instincts tell me that it is crucial that whatever steps are taken,we proceed without alienating ourselves from our community at large, our landlord or ourselves. Again, thank you very much to all who have gathered information, contacted authorities, galvanized our community, and took it upon themselves to look out for one another. In the meantime, see you at the laundromat where I'll be washing the grease out of my chicken-wind breaker.

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Subject: $100,000/month real estate taxes?

sue apt 14
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Date Posted: 09:08:56 09/03/02 Tue

You have got to be kidding me. he told that he gets reduced taxes for converting the building into rent stablized units. Not only that I just checked the tax records and his annual taxes are about $13,000.00. I think he meant he took out a mortgage or something but still $100,000 per month is absolutely rediculus.

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Subject: my naughty brother

No name
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Date Posted: 08:03:17 09/03/02 Tue

let me first apologize for the actions of my younger brother...he came to visit me on sunday around 11pm. he could not remember my apt. number. he rang a few buzzers thinking they were mine. again, i apologize. he was not aware of the complete situation in our building and i am sure he did not mean to scare anyone. i reprimanded him for it. and again I AM SORRY. but it was definately around 11pm on sunday and not 2am so that may have been someone else. i have also recieved mystery buzzes so i understand the concern. sorry.

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[> Subject: Re: my naughty brother

J Kosinski
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Date Posted: 08:42:03 09/03/02 Tue

no problem. now that its been a few days, i cant really remember what time it was. im not worried about it. it makes me feel better to know that it could possibly have been your brother, so thanks.

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Subject: Good Bye

Liz and Will #42
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Date Posted: 07:28:51 09/03/02 Tue

Hi Everyone:
We just wanted to say good bye to everyone. We have never lived with nicer people (or in a nicer building). We could not stay. We feared leaving the building at all. I had an anxiety attack every time Will took the dog out late at night (or even after 7:00PM). I admire anyone with the courage to face that every day. We just decided that we could not put each other at risk. We moved to Astoria. The apartment isn't nearly as sweet as our loft was, but for us, the piece of mind was worth it...(it= losing security deposit, packing and moving in one day, smaller apt, etc).
We met so many great people at 15 Lawton. It was sad to "throw in the towel". We wish all of you the best of luck and please please please be safe. That jacuzzi tub is not worth dying for.

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Subject: Meeting

Ryan and Kaitlin Apt 46
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Date Posted: 07:02:17 09/03/02 Tue

A meeting will be held on Sept. 4th at 8:00pm in APT 46. This meeting is for us to narrow down our topics of concern to bring to George. We will also discuss ideas like the police guard on our block and the community meetings. We will hopefully also pick out our "diplomats" to go to George with our agreed concerns. We must remember that he is only responsible for keeping us healthy and happy in our building.

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Subject: Regarding the Roof

J Kosinski
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Date Posted: 06:24:36 09/03/02 Tue

Any doors leading from the roof into the building should be locked. One of the following must be true:

1. they ARE locked.
2. they cannot be locked because of some fire code type of reason.
3. they cannot be locked for some physical type of reason.

Does anyone know the deal with that? Because if it were up to me, I would keep those permanently locked, if at all possible.

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[> Subject: Re: Regarding the Roof

No name
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Date Posted: 06:30:44 09/03/02 Tue

I am not sure (I think Kyle would know best), but I think the door on the fourth floor roof is locked, but it can now be opened easily because it was damaged. George (or someone working for him) "fixed" the door after it was brought to his attention, despite his insisting that it was done by the wind. It is good that he did something about it the next day, but simply bending the door back to the way it was isn't really helping if it can be bent that easily. There needs to be a door there that cannot be bent and that keeps people out. That combined with motion sensors that either set off an alarm or turn on lights would make me feel better. As far as the doors on the patio, those should also lock. Does anyone know if they do?

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Subject: none

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 21:08:15 09/02/02 Mon

Is anyone awake? It is 1:08am

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[> Subject: Re: none

No name
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Date Posted: 21:23:19 09/02/02 Mon

When you say "roof" do you mean the lower section in the back of the building near the "patio" or is someone actually getting up onto the side facing Broadway?

If its the former could we be able o shine a high-powered spotlight out there from an upper window or from the fire exits?

And whoever mentioned the motion detector that was a good idea. They're fairly inexpensive and you could easily get an IR or microwave model to cover the whole deck. Hook up a few flood lights and maybe a siren and that'll keep people off the roof.

Or at least give 'em a good scare and provide us with an easy way to identify them.

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Subject: none

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 21:14:48 09/02/02 Mon

Also I want to add that the cops went on the roof via my fire exit and came back down to my floor by a door on the roof. Not the one that was broken either.

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Subject: none

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 21:04:27 09/02/02 Mon

I hear it again. Anyone else? It is really loud now. I don't want to call the cops again. Anyone on the second floor can see up here? Want to poke there head out the roof top terace door?

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Subject: Paul

No name
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Date Posted: 16:47:06 09/02/02 Mon

Where the hell is Paul tonight?

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Subject: anyone

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 19:41:41 09/02/02 Mon

It is 11:38 and I hear foot steps once again on the roof. I just called the police. Does anyone else hear this? If you have a window can you look? Don't go up there to check it out. The police are on there way. Call me at 718-919-9471

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[> Subject: Re: anyone

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 20:26:49 09/02/02 Mon

Cops just left but found no one. They to said the wind did not do that to the door up there. They also recommend a roof top alarm system. They are very popular around here. She said to just ask the landlord to get one. I have no comment on that.

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Subject: cameras

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 16:36:17 09/02/02 Mon

If and when all cameras are installed, can we have access to them via the internet. I would like to be able to see what is going on outside. I know George isn't going to sit in front of the screen watching his monitor all day.

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Subject: People on the roof

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 15:42:07 09/02/02 Mon

I don't want to sound like an old man screaming at kids to stay off his grass but no one is supposed to be on the roof. Before I didn't care about this but now I don't think it is safe to be up there. With the door bending incident, I think it is way past the point of asking tenants if it is them on the roof. If you hear something on the roof and it is after work hours (to avoid calling the police on someone fixing something up there) CALL THE COPS. This is the easiest way for a potential "bad guy" to get in the building. It HAS happened and probably WILL happen again. The door above my roof is still broken enough to get into by pulling it with your hand. Then you could walk down the fire exit to the bottom floor and take the elevator to ANY of our floors. I assure you I will call the police everytime I hear someone up there. Also if you can't make it to the meeting till late still come by and we will fill you in or discuss anything further. I don't go to sleep till 3 or 4 am usually. So don't worry about waking me up.

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Subject: The Phantom Menace

J Kosinski
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Date Posted: 10:05:11 09/02/02 Mon

Last night, around [maybe] 2am [not really sure], someone rang my doorbell twice [apt 26]. My girlfriend answered, twice, but no one replied back.

Did anyone reading this forum ring my bell last night? I dont care, I wasnt asleep at the time, I would just like to know so as to take the scooby-doo-like air of mystery away from it. If you did, just tell me, I promise that I am not at all mad about it.

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Subject: phantom buzzes

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 11:42:39 09/02/02 Mon

You need to get George to check the film from the camera outside. To see if someone was trying a bunch of diff numbers to get in the building.

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Subject: Meeting

Kaitlin and Ryan, Apt 46
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Date Posted: 22:14:15 09/01/02 Sun

I, respectfully, disagree with those that feel we do not need a meeting. I think we need to have another meeting. We need to decide exactly what we want George to do. There are other things that have not been posted on here. For example, when the cops were here the other day they commented on how unsafe our front doors are. They felt it was ridiculous and unsafe to have glass doors there. You only need to break one single pain of glass (well two, one on each door) to be able to get into the building. They felt that was unacceptable. These are the kind of things that should be put together in a list and taken to George. I also think we need to decide whether or not to go forward with the petition (which I originally wrote). I do still think it's a good idea, but I'm not going to waste my time going around with it if a majority of the people feel it is unecessary. I would also like to say that I am extremely relieved that there haven't been any muggings/incidents in the past few days, but I hope that it is not giving people a false sense of security. Maybe something has changed, but I'm not sure what that would be. I'm not saying we should necessarily assume the worst, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to only get fired up directly after something happens. I think we need to stick together to make sure nothing else happens or at least do everything we can do. I have no problem holding the meeting in my apartment. So, unless anyone has another idea, there will be a meeting for anyone that wants to come on Wednesday at 8:00 in apartment 46. I hope that many of you can make it, and please try to bring as many constructive and positive ideas/suggestions as you can. Thanks.

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[> Subject: Re: Meeting

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Date Posted: 10:26:25 09/02/02 Mon

Thanks for offering your place for the meeting. Although I have my doubts and I'm a little disappointed with the postings and energy I've felt recently in the forum, I'd like to attend and do something that would increase all of our safety.

You are right--to assume that we're safe because no one has been mugged recently is ridiculous.

And although I'll be short on free time because of my schedule, I'm willing to help collecting signatures (on weekends) from the local businesspeople. I speak Spanish and perhaps I can explain to them in detail why this is so important to us and how it can benefit them.

I'll be there on Wednesday. Greg will also be attending.

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Subject: none

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 09:26:51 09/02/02 Mon

I have been active in this whole thing from day one. Remember George ripped my letter down and woke me up to only yell at me. Me and Natalie WILL be at the meeting. I will reiterate the fact that I want to fight for safety and laundry room (which should be considered safety) till I leave. Wheather it be now or a year from now. If you feel you won't benefit from going to the meeting that is fine. Just please if anyone has an idea they want to submit they can write it down and drop it under my door. It will get addressed at the meeting. You don't even have to put your name on it. If you want to discuss anything before the meeting come by I probably will be home. Everyone here is a part of this. All ideas will be addressed. The meeting will not get out of hand. This meeting is not to argue the degree of danger here. It is to address issues that need to be taken care of. It is obvious that some people are VERY scared here. This would only explain the amount of emotion in some of these posts even if it is vulgar. I don't agree with it but people handle things differently than others. I assure this will not happen in Ryan and Kaitlin's apartment. I do want to see Brigid there. You have been active from the beginning. Your input is needed. Also please write down any police reports that have been made. Drop it off under my door if you won't attend the meeting. We accually might need a copy of police reports. It has seemed that the muggings have calmed down a bit. Maybe it is the building coming together and helping each other out. This is the most important thing, But last night is one of the first nights I havn't heard people above my roof. It is probably because it was pooring rain last night. I have and will call the cops everytime I hear this noise. Please don't let your guard down. Just be aware of your suroundings and you will probably be fine. One more thing, if you have pepper spray have it out so it is visable when walking to the building. These guys only want people that are going to be easy prey. Me and Natalie in two diff ocasions have had someone on a bike at night ride toward us and slow down till they saw the pepper spray in my and her hand. They then sped away. I think pepper spray works better if it can avoid an attack rather than spray an attacker.

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Subject: Meeting Wed. 8 pm

J Kosinski
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Date Posted: 08:26:17 09/02/02 Mon

I would also like for a meeting to take place. I would like to get more facts than I have already, and I think there are alot more things that should be common knowledge that haven't been posted on this message board, to my knowledge. Its likely that they are common knowledge, but that I myself arent aware of them. I understand that everyone else may be more aware of all of the facts than I am, as I havent gone to any of the other meetings and I dont spend that much time at the bldg.

It seems like the original excitement and fire is dying down now that there hasnt been an incident in a little while. It feels to me less likely now that something will happen, since the last week or so has been relatively quiet. Nowadays I am starting to worry more about my apt. itself when I am not there than I am about walking home, although I still keep my eyes open when walking home. Though I wouldnt blame anyone for not going, I hope that a bunch of people go. I, for one, will be there, even if it is only me, jenny, kaitlin, and ryan.

There is also the question of the petition for a police patrol on our corner. Apparently, if we can get 100 signatures, we can get a car posted permanently on our corner. 100 petitions is alot, and I dont know if we have 100 people, but we can maybe get some signatures from local business owners to augment our own. Even so, it would take EVERYONE to sign it PLUS the business owners in order to get 100. I think that local business owners would be happy to sign, as having a building full of white kids in their area can only be good for business.

So, kaitlin and ryan, ill see you on wed. at 8. Thanks for offering your apt. for the meeting.

At any rate, I hope that the original inspiration doesnt get drowned out by everyones daily business. I would be happier, and feel like my stuff and my girlfriend will be safer, if there was an extra police patrol on the block. This may be a better solution since it wouldnt cost george shit, as its obvious that he doesnt like to part with his $. I think that even a small measure of security will be helpful in this matter. Right now there really is little to stop someone who really wants to break into the building, and I dont want to wait for it to happen before something is done about it.

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Subject: Respect and responsibility

Frances #9
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Date Posted: 14:36:44 09/01/02 Sun

Guys, just a suggestion--let's try to treat each other with respect. And it's okay to disagree. We all have different ways of dealing with certain situations. I believe that our past experiences shape the way we react to danger/violence. So let's try to be cool.

In Jared's defense, I gathered that remaining calm but being proactive is one way to go. What's wrong with that? Many people tend to recycle information and he wanted facts and action. I totally agree with that. He even said he was willing to go to meetings and walk anyone home. So the threats and the b.s. is totally uncalled for (but of course this person remained anonymous).

For this reason, I commend Brigid for being the first person to include her name in the forum. This is not a chat room--whoever started this forum did so in other to keep each other abreast of the ongoing situation. So it would be nice if we behave like responsible adults and take responsibility for our posts.

And it really doesn't matter where anyone is from. I said earlier that I am a New Yorker but I'll never be ready to accept muggers targeting me and my neighbors. It's uncivilized. No one should have to live like this.

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[> Subject: Re: Respect and responsibility

Billy and Sue Apt. 14
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Date Posted: 15:08:10 09/01/02 Sun

I agree with you toally. Why are we here attacking each other with name calling and threats? Why are we acting like little children? We should be focusing on how to make this place a better place to live instead. Just to let you guys know we're up pretty late (till 5am if we're not tired and we don't sleep on the weekends) Please feel free to call us if you need anything. We'll be glad to check out the roof, go to the store/Getty, train station, etc.

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Subject: Jumping the Gun!!!

Jared #19
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Date Posted: 14:25:20 08/31/02 Sat

No offense...but CHILL OUT!!!! Granted, for those of you that have been attacked...that sucks. However, all this talk about withholding rent, lawsuits, etc. is naive and ridiculous. I am the first one that would make a scene if I felt I was being jacked in anyway. But, I don't. George has been very upfront with me, WHEN I HAVE APPROACHED HIM WITH MY CONCERNS. Nothing is going to get done if we sit here and write about it. George has always been very open to my suggestions and even though things are slow to get done, i.e. laundry, these things do take time. Remember the building is only a few months old.

On another note..we all knew what the neighborhood was like when we moved here. One thing I have found has helped me is to make an active effort to meet the locals. I have found that they are friendly and just as concerned about the "problems" as we are. There is crime everywhere, whether we live in the "hood" or on the upper west side. We need to be smart. keep your eyes open and use common sense. If something seems wrong, or you feel uncomfortable walk across the street and make a call to someone in the building or the police.

If anyone needs to go out late or feels the need for an escort...feel free to call me at 917-476-2635. Also, if you hear someone on the roof and would like someone to go check for you...please feel free to call.

Jared Brubaker
Apt. #19

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[> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

No name
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Date Posted: 15:33:10 08/31/02 Sat

We just had a lengthy disucssion with two police officers that were here to check out the roof (they found a ladder used to get onto the second floor roof deck, a door on the fourth floor roof taht had been pried open with a crowbar and various other safety violations). They do not seem to think we need to "chill out." They said that this is a very dangerous area where cops and civilians have been murdered in the last year or so. It's also a few blocks away from an extremely dangerous block which is notorious for violence. They feel very strongly that we are not safe here the way things are now. They think that way the camera is set up is a joke and that much more needs to be done to ensure our safety. It is very clear that there are people deliberately preying on the tenants of this building. They have been seen walking up and down the block on Broadway and circling the building. They have also been on the roof and in the building uninvited. If this does not concern you than you are crazy. If you have been lucky enough to avoid being a victim, as I have, than good for you, but that does not mean you are safe or any more inteligent that those that have. You are just lucky and have good timing.

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[> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

No name
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Date Posted: 17:17:54 08/31/02 Sat

Slow is a bit of an understatement. If George doesn't want his tenants to think that he is shirking his responsibilities and blatantly leaving promises unfulfilled, then he should stop using phrases like "in two weeks," "in three weeks," and "next week." After months go by, it is quite understandable to let go of the naive faith some of us placed in his promises.

In addition to wanting to know when the laundry room will be finished, I'd like to know when the grocery store, parking lots, bakery, gym, and art gallery are going to be finished. And yeah, where is he going to put all this shit? Instead of lecturing others on letting go of their naivete, perhaps a similar suggestion should be made to George. If anyone needs a reality check it is George. You don't need to be from New York to recognize that.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

No name
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Date Posted: 17:22:12 08/31/02 Sat

Anyone that believed that we would actually have a gym or art gallery (in Bushwick for God's sake) is tad bit naive.

And I don't mean to be offensive. I only believed the part about the laundry.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

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Date Posted: 17:23:57 08/31/02 Sat

No offense to you, but I doubt anyone actually believed him. The point is, he should stop fucking around.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Don't forget...

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Date Posted: 17:29:09 08/31/02 Sat

Let's not forget that George doesn't actually live here so he doesn't give a fuck about "minor" details such as safety.

I can't afford to move so I'm gonna do what I can to fuck with that idiot.

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[> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

No name
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Date Posted: 09:35:30 09/01/02 Sun

id be willing to bet that youre a big fucking pussy and you feel tough because you arent worried when other people are. i bet its one of the few times in your life that other people are scared but you are not. you arent scared because you havent seen anything. you will, i can almost guarantee it. if i didnt think that the muggers would i would smash your ugly fucking face myself, pussy.

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[> [> Subject: CENSORSHIP

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Date Posted: 09:38:15 09/01/02 Sun

We dont want to be like george but we do have the power to delete post's. Although I completely agree with the post that is full of fantasicly placed swears, I think maybe we can speak a little more civilized. As of yet we havent deleted any.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

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Date Posted: 09:53:22 09/01/02 Sun

Wow..someone is is a bad mood. I never said I wasn't concerned. I said that I thought that there was an over reaction to the situation. As far as me not being scared. I am a bit nervous, but I am also smart and will use common sense when walking around the neighborhood. As far as me being a pussy, my apt.# is 19, you are always welcome to come by and check. And again, at least I have the cajones to put my name down.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

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Date Posted: 14:05:30 09/01/02 Sun

I wonder who the fuck are you talking to loser. I can guarantee you that if one person can get out of this one unharmed, it would probably be me. You'd be surprised to know that I am a martial arts instructor loser. I'd go give you an advance payment if you give me your name.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

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Date Posted: 14:09:53 09/01/02 Sun

Hey guys can we try to just stay on a decent path of thought and not attack each other? Although it is funny to watch people attack each other online. We need to stay focused and bring up all of our points this week at our meeting. From there we can decide what we need to do. The personal attacks are kinda useless because we all want the same thing..to be safe.

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Subject: Yep

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Date Posted: 12:49:41 09/01/02 Sun

Sorry, didn't mean to imply anyone was naive or foolish in moving here. Everyone's got a right to their safety and a decent building no matter where you are. I get a little over-protective sometimes, it's the big brother in me )

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Subject: My Hot Wired Apartment

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Date Posted: 08:29:02 09/01/02 Sun

Big shock, the electrician George promised for today is still not here, and no word of him....I have a power cord running from the hallway to my refrigerator and computer, taking showers in the dark - I guess that's not too hard, but the shaving...yikes! Definitely taking bucks of the rent for this man, this is bullshit if I have to be without electricity all weekend.

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Subject: If you think we don't have problems here...

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Date Posted: 08:44:56 09/01/02 Sun

One more thing, for those who think some of us are overreacting, that's fine, you may not be friends with the victims or haven't been affected yourself. I myself have had no problem in the neighborhood but I've seen too much in the past few weeks to ignore it. It sucks that I have to worry about my sister visiting my apartment; I've been a New Yorker for 7 years, and I knew this wasn't Williamsburg when I got here, but it's quite clear that some people were misled into thinking this was going to be like Bedford Avenue. There are minor gripes and whining and then there's violence; let's not confuse the two.

I draw the line with violence; Our building and its tenants have clearly been targeted by a violent crime ring and hope you'll agree it's time to escalate the situation by communicating our concerns to the proper authorities -- BEFORE something terrible happens to someone here. And I think the people who want out of their lease for safety reasons have a right to leave.

You don't have to come to any meetings, you don't have to get involved, no biggie, you can even benefit from the changes we'll hopefully have made in the building without lifting a finger, but when it comes to this board, please keep the tone constructive or keep it to yourself.

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[> Subject: Re: If you think we don't have problems here...

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Date Posted: 08:51:23 09/01/02 Sun

i agree; at first i thought this was all paranoid bullshit from kids who were living outside of the dorms in the 'big scary ghett0' for the first time, but now i realize that this is actually a real and serious issue, not a collection of random occurrences.

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[> Subject: Re: If you think we don't have problems here...

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Date Posted: 09:12:05 09/01/02 Sun

Whomever you are...I love the fact that most of you can't put your name with your message...Maybe you didn't read the rest of the posts on this page. Constructive? My God...most of the people on here are whining, swearing, complaining, etc.

If you would have actually read my responses you would see that I am more than willing to attend the meetings and am very interested in the safety of myself and any others in our building. I too have friends and family that will be visiting from time to time, and I the last thing I would want is for one of them to be injured. Do I know any of the people that have been injured? No. However, I feel terrible that it has happened.

I am up for finding a solution. Are you?

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Subject: Party

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Date Posted: 22:10:30 08/31/02 Sat

I'd still like to know what happened to the party George was to put on tomorrow. Who found out that it was being postponed, and under what circumstances did you receive this information?

What was the excuse given by George?

Do you know when he'll be at the building again?

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[> Subject: Re: Party

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Date Posted: 22:36:16 08/31/02 Sat

Originally the party was scheduled for Sept. 1st. George called me to change the notice to the 15th. He felt that no one would be here considering it was Labor Day weekend. Also, in case you were wondering...George did not take down the Party notice on the bulletin board. He called and asked me to put up another one because someone in the building had taken it down.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Party

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Date Posted: 22:48:30 08/31/02 Sat

Thanks for the information.

Did he happen to say anything about the present situation at his building? I don't meant to put you on the spot, but apparently he only answers his phone for a select few.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Party

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Date Posted: 05:50:11 09/01/02 Sun

Are you related to him or something??? He calls you to ask for favors?? Why am i getting the feeling your on his payroll or something?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Party

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Date Posted: 09:02:44 09/01/02 Sun

He calls because I actually have the balls to go to him in person if I have a problem...not write on some board what a "fucking" asshole he is. If you are going to accuse someone at least have the courage to put your name to it.

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Subject: Guard on our Corner

J Kosinski
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Date Posted: 08:18:14 09/01/02 Sun

A cop told me that if we get 100 signatures on a petition, we can get a police guard posted on our corner. i dont know how many people live in the bldg, but i would guess > 100?

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[> Subject: Re: Guard on our Corner

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Date Posted: 08:22:48 09/01/02 Sun

We can supplement the 100 signatures with people from the block and the bodega across the street.

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Subject: I am coming home now

J Kosinski
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Date Posted: 22:21:24 08/31/02 Sat

I am on my way home now. i will be on foot. If you hear fighting and struggling in front of the building, please come to my aid in whatever way you feel is best, whether it be calling the cops or swinging a bat.

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